You're no longer a hobbyist when...

Texas Tourist's Avatar
You are no longer a hobbyist run out of money.
yuzhnoman's Avatar
+1 BTW, nice avatar TT.
I know a few guys who brought some nice new tail and introduced her to a few buddies first and then helped her make a free website and register on a board.
I think in their minds, they just wanted to get the thanks from a few guys for finding the hot new thing and from the lady for helping her biz. Maybe she'd throw him a great discount or something.

But when a guy is getting a cut of her biz, or actively says things like "see my ladies" or "contact me to see X" ... yeah, now he's Definitely a PIMP.


That is why i offer free friendly advice to ladies. Very few can't figure out how to post an ad or create a website once they realize where to find these resources. Originally Posted by lil red Robin

Hi, LRR. Can we find a room?

In my mind, anybody who plays in this little sandbox of ours is a hobbyist. It doesn't matter what part you play in all of this, nor which side of the fence you're on, you're still a hobbyist. Providers, clients, pimps, agencies, UTR's, Massage therapists, etc, are all hobbyists. Period.

So yes, imo, a pimp is still considered a hobbyist due to the intrinsic nature of their existence--they're in this hobby sandbox.

What is a PIMP?

Is it,
A Person Into Marketing P*ssy?
A Person In a Managing Position?
A Person Into Manipulating People?
A handler? A protector? A facilitator????

I think the best definition is; one who brokers the sexual favors of others for profit or gain. What this profit or gain may be can be any number of things....something as simple as financial, or sometimes something a bit more obscure -- such as returning the favor.

I also believe that there are varying degrees of pimping.
There are those who directly manage each and every aspect of the gal's life--mentally manipulating her and preying on her fears in order to fully control her horrific existence of a life ~~>to something as simple as one person passing along some information to another.

From the stereotypical street-ho' members who pass info along members who post members who simply add comments what lisa.lisa0302 said, referring a buddy, I'll bet that a very valid argument can be made that we're all doing some form of pimping to a certain degree.

So you might want to put some thought into what I've mentioned above, take a step-back, and objectively see how you and your actions fit into the pimp-equation before being so quick to pass judgment.

In some form or fashion maybe you'll find that your own moral compass isn't exactly free from deviance...

The knife cuts both ways.
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
This kind of babble would deprive the world's dictionaries, thesaurus and encyclopedias of significance. Words have meaning, defining aspects of human experience and the cosmos at large. Otherwise chaos erupts in the vacuum of meaninglessness.

One published definition of pimp is "somebody, usually a man, who finds customers for a prostitute in return for a portion of the prostitute's earnings" (from MS-Word software).

A hobby is something you do for fun. Not every provider is doing this for the fun of it, although it may have begun that way combining pleasure and profit. So get real.

That is so simple even a caveman could understand it, and did thus starting the second oldest profession, the active promotion of the professional in her 'oldest' profession, and she did it as a matter of survival, not for the fun of it. For the fun of it swingers give it away (or exchange it) for the excitement, rush, outrageous fun. Few if any 'providers' as we use the term will give it away except to a SO or on a rare occasion.

Apparently this community's arbiters have decided to adopt another definition informally, i.e. by passively ignoring the commonly held meaning as a standard for conduct among its members. In effect it is blurring the distinction between hobbyist and AGENT -- two other significant words in the community and hobby -- virtually ignoring the distinction altogether in some cases. That is the right of owners and their designated moderators.

Abstractly speaking, there are several possible modes among judges (and the mods are by necessity judges). The judge might apply the 'definition' strictly and uniformly as commonly understood (see LRR's definition); or apply it 'on a case by case basis' according to the merits of some body of case law and philosophy which employs discretion and balance; or with partiality toward their favorites and against some others.

Not to bash the dead, but their were among the mods of the previous site (now gone dark), some mods who exercised authority bluntly and with little finesse. These tended to judge 'with partiality toward their favorites and against some others.' They were known and feared and despised for arbitrarily invoking the right of judges to ban the infidel because they could; not a healthy approach in any community.

Thus far (IMNSHO) the eccie mod's have judged sparingly which has made for lively and sometimes amusing debate; a free market laissez-faire approach, compared to the strong central government approach (USSR) demanding conformity in all aspects.

It is interesting to watch the community dynamics as this community's values, boundaries and limits are being defined in reality if not in conference among the mod's. Or maybe the mods have defined and codified their shared values and principles, and the boundaries, rules and penalties within their closed group. That would promote uniform application of their authority to control, advise, punish with points or banish a member. But back to the question at hand.

What is a pimp? and the question's inferred extension, Are we all pimps?:

The first question has been defined by society at large as the dictionaries have published. Meaning changes with useage. Maybe in a generation or more the word's meaning will change, as did the meaning of "swipe."

As to the second, Are we all pimps?
Not hardly, except in your mind if you wish, SKF. But do not try to impose that ill-defined concept on the community at large. You would paint all of us with a broad brush, applying an ill conceived notion of shared deviance. As you would 'define' us, the word itself (pimp) would lose its meaning. Your premise and conclusion amount to no more than some kind of idiomatic babble.

Your post hoc fallacy does beg the question:
What kind of pimping are you really doing or attempting or dreaming about? Are you a pimp wannabe? More's the pity. HMMM . . .

I infer from the poll a basic question:
What does the word mean?

It is easy to understand the word, and why some are having so much trouble dealing with it. Some wish to pimp others without being regarded as a pimp. Why is that? Because every pimp has control (to varying degrees) over another person (hence the term slavery is used regards prostitution), and a corrupting influence over that person unless the person escapes the pimp's control.

How many hobbyists are pimps? None. We do it for the fun and pay for the privilege of the provider's companionship. When the hobbyist takes or accepts gifts for assisting the provider in the pursuit of her profession, that hobbyist has left the domain and realm of hobbyist, crossed to other side of the street and become a pimp (or AGENT if you prefer to use the term).

I suggest you reconsider your 'argument'.

dearhunter's Avatar he sits there admiring his work.....................
Its good to see that I'm not the only one who does'nt give a fuck about worthless threads and/or polls. Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner

You care or you would not enter the thread to read it, and certainly would not post a heated protest against its worth.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt . . .

But since you don't give a tinker's dam about this topic or polls in general, we can expect to not see further protests from you, not that we care . . .


Please do not vote for any incumbents in future elections.
I am cpi3000 and I approve this message.
rr, I think you're the one painting with too broad a brush. You're pretty quick to toss the "p" title out on your fellow members, and not self-examining when it comes to the qualities that you believe makes someone an agent, and not a hobbyist. If you open up the definition, which you seem inclined to do, any one of us could be considered a pimp. And that was the point of my poll.

Who among us has NEVER helped a provider get started, or accepted a discount/freebie for some service you provided a provider, or vouched for a fellow hobbyist? Glass houses, my friend.
Double post
notanewbie's Avatar
that was soo good he posted it twice.
auknowho's Avatar
that was soo good he posted it twice. Originally Posted by notanewbie
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You're no longer a hobbyist when...

You sit in the tub and your balls float to the top.
auknowho's Avatar
You're no longer a hobbyist when...

You sit in the tub and your balls float to the top. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
LMAO....too good!