The US Tax System Explained in Easy Terms....

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-16-2011, 07:08 PM
Since WTF doesn't have the mental capacity to see the humor and simplistic view of the analogy, I would hazard a guess that the Wizard of Oz allegory would simple make his head pop like a pimple. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I saw the humor....did you not see the humor in me asking where the fuc the rich bastard was moving to? Some country where they have socialized medicine, where that country does not spend what the entire world combined does on Defense. Is that not funny to you? It is to me. So we have different senses of humor.
  • Laz
  • 08-16-2011, 08:15 PM
Scarlet made 2 good points. The obvious first be that the upper income people do pay the largest percentage of income tax and we should not insult them for making money or they will actively look for alternatives. They may not all be able to avoid taxes completely but the second point she made is that they have alternatives. The really rich can also move if they desire to a country with low taxation. They can live wherever they want and just call it a vacation.

Corporations have been moving operations offshore for years. Proof of that is the amount of profits that companies are holding offshore so that they can avoid US corporate taxes. Even Obama's buddy at GM has done this.

Bottom line is that insulting Scarlet for making a valid point does not demonstrate her lack of intelligence. She got it right.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-16-2011, 08:28 PM
Scarlet made 2 good points. The obvious first be that the upper income people do pay the largest percentage of income tax and we should not insult them for making money or they will actively look for alternatives. They may not all be able to avoid taxes completely but the second point she made is that they have alternatives. The really rich can also move if they desire to a country with low taxation. They can live wherever they want and just call it a vacation.

Corporations have been moving operations offshore for years. Proof of that is the amount of profits that companies are holding offshore so that they can avoid US corporate taxes. Even Obama's buddy at GM has done this.

Bottom line is that insulting Scarlet for making a valid point does not demonstrate her lack of intelligence. She got it right. Originally Posted by Laz
You act as if it is ok for the very rich not to pay their fair share of taxes.

"Oh don't upset the rich or they will move their wealth!"

"Make sure and kiss their ass!"


Get the fuc outta this country if you want the benifits that this country affords you and you do not want to pay your tax bill.

Let the cheap SOB's move to Mexico and have to worry about their kids being kidnapped.

If the rich and powerful want to go to war and spend the most of all countreies combined on Defense, let them pay for it. If not, move and good riddence.

That is the point.

They are not moving anywhere....they haven't bought other nations politicians like they have ours.
You are getting better. It took you all the way to post 14 to mention George W. Bush. There might be hope.
Boltfan's Avatar
You act as if it is ok for the very rich not to pay their fair share of taxes.
Originally Posted by WTF
Damn, really? They aren't paying enough? Well fuck me runnin. And I thought it was all the dumbshit politicians ON BOTH SIDES who don't have a clue what it means to say no to a spending proposal.

Goddamn you are smart WTF.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, WTF. I ask again, WTF? If you know so much about more about the tax system than I do, please elucidate. I am a CPA, and I have a post-doctoral law degree in Taxation. I think Scarlett summarized my education and experience with the tax code pretty damn well.

Instead of just responding "If you love America, shut up and pay your taxes," why not investigate what goes into those taxes, explore possible alternatives, and demand accountability for how those taxes are spent? Of course, that doesn't support phony patriotism, but it might improve how government works.
Boltfan's Avatar
But that wouldn't work too well with his "blame the other side" arguments.
Colonel Jim's Avatar
You act as if it is ok for the very rich not to pay their fair share of taxes.
Originally Posted by WTF
And just what is fair? What percentage of the federal income tax burden should the rich bear? I know what they pay now as percentage of the taxes paid and as a percentage of the total national income they make, but that wouldn't be fair.

So, what percentages should the government be able to extract from anyone in this country?

Now, yell and scream profanities at me like you did Scarlett, who I know personally and know that she is definitely no idiot.