PA Supreme Court tells republicucks to get fucked.

bambino's Avatar
Hey TP, just an FYI, I RTMed your post before you deleted it.

All the best

But hey, the Pa Supreme Court can do what they want. The Pa legislature will remain RED.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Democrats will lose, at the very least, 60 seats in the House and will lose the Senate 52-48 Republicans.

Then let's see what Joey's agenda becomes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey TP, just an FYI, I RTMed your post before you deleted it.

All the best

But hey, the Pa Supreme Court can do what they want. The Pa legislature will remain RED. Originally Posted by bambino

he didn't delete it.

That just never gets old for you, does it? lol Keep making those hard-hitting points though.

Hey, you friends with this guy? You all look alike to me.

Staff Edit, Forbidden Material. dj8 Originally Posted by TechPapi

the mods came, they saw, they edited it
bambino's Avatar
Sure looks like it.

However… the real dpstery isn’t in that post but from the retorts from the coal mine.

How does an “autistic” child look?

Trump shouldn’t sell T-shirts like that. I wonder if it comes in a 4x. Asking for a colleague. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, it was his post. You’ve RTMed posts like that. Clearly against site rules. Several site rules. But the Libtard Pa Court won’t matter. The Dem Commies won’t be able to cheat in Pa in 2022
TechPapi's Avatar
An Autistic one at that. Double bad. Oh wait triple bad, forbidden topoc on the shirt!!!!!! The OP scored a hat trick!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

Well, to be fair, you could probably only get an autistic kid to wear stupid shit like that.
TechPapi's Avatar
Hey TP, just an FYI, I RTMed your post before you deleted it.

All the best

But hey, the Pa Supreme Court can do what they want. The Pa legislature will remain RED. Originally Posted by bambino

Thanks for the attention. And here I thought you were mildly retarded. Good to know you can read and comprehend! Good stuff!
  • Tiny
  • 02-02-2022, 06:28 PM
Democrats will lose, at the very least, 60 seats in the House and will lose the Senate 52-48 Republicans. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I respectfully disagree about the House Hedonist. TechPapi highlights why:

And there it is: PA's Dem-majority Supreme Court to take over congressional redistricting from pro-Trump lower court judge. Originally Posted by TechPapi
New York, Illinois, New Jersey and California are coming up with some very odd shaped Congressional districts to try to shut out Republicans.

I wish I could post the map in the following that shows the shape of Jerry Nadler's new district, it's absolutely bizarre. It sounds like the New York politicians succeeded in doing something that the Democratic Pennsylvania Supreme Court will attempt to imitate -- see excerpt from article below.

New York’s Democratic Jerrymander
Democrats draw a map that gives them an edge in 85% of House seats.

Gerrymandering is an old enough practice that it was named for a Founding Father, Elbridge Gerry, but henceforth in New York it should be spelled jerrymander. See nearby the district that Democrats in Albany have staked out for Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler. Your first instinct might be to grab the cartographer and do a field sobriety test.

But Democrats didn’t draw loopy lines by accident. They did it with partisan malice aforethought. New York is losing a House seat, so it will have 26 districts next year. Today Republicans hold eight. Under the lines Democrats are proposing, the GOP would have the advantage in only four seats, or 15%. New York is a blue state, but not that blue: President Trump won 38% of the vote in 2020.

But Democrats didn’t draw loopy lines by accident. They did it with partisan malice aforethought. New York is losing a House seat, so it will have 26 districts next year. Today Republicans hold eight. Under the lines Democrats are proposing, the GOP would have the advantage in only four seats, or 15%. New York is a blue state, but not that blue: President Trump won 38% of the vote in 2020.

What a pose....New York’s maps were supposed to be drawn by an independent commission, a good-government reform that voters approved in 2014, with hopes of taking politics out of an inherently political process. But the commission deadlocked and offered two competing plans.

Nonetheless, the map that Democratic commissioners backed, according to one redistricting analyst, left as many as nine House seats competitive for the GOP. Nine of 26 is 35%, which is in the ballpark of Mr. Trump’s vote share. Albany could have accepted that plan.

Yet apparently Democrats only want “fair” districts when such maps work in their favor. So once the commission deadlocked, state lawmakers seized the opportunity to dump its work and redraw the map themselves to build in a bigger advantage for their party.

The rough barbell shape of Mr. Nadler’s district, connecting Jewish areas of Manhattan and Brooklyn, isn’t new. But the state Legislature’s map contorts it like a snake. Why? So that the GOP 11th District, anchored in Staten Island, can sweep north to include liberal Park Slope, Brooklyn. In 2020 Mr. Trump won the 11th District by 11 points, while Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis beat an incumbent, Democrat Max Rose, 53% to 47%. Mr. Rose is running in 2022 to retake his old seat, and the new progressive Park Slope voters could be enough to flip that margin.

The Albany plan makes similar moves upstate and on Long Island to erode Republican chances and shore up the Democratic advantage. Don’t expect to hear loud complaints from Mr. Holder and company, or for that matter from all the good-government poseurs in the media.

The congressional jerrymander could cost Republicans as many as four or five House seats, which might be the difference that helps Democrats keep their majority in 2022. Redistricting was expected to cost Democrats several seats nationwide this year, but aggressive Democratic gerrymanders in California, Illinois, New Jersey and elsewhere mean they may break even nationwide or even gain a slight edge.

There's some irony here. A Democratic president and Democratic controlled House and Senate absolutely have to get a federal law passed before they lose power so we can have fair elections, even though it will take getting rid of the filibuster to do that. House Democrats are unanimously of this opinion, and all but 2 Democratic Senators agree too. They say this has to be done or Republicans will use whatever weapons they can, the most lethal being the gerrymander, to make the USA an authoritarian state. Minorities will be disenfranchised, the Republicans are all racists.

What a sham. Compare to the Republican Party. Only six Republican Senators voted last year to overturn the presidential election results in Arizona or Pennsylvania.

OK, admittedly 141 members of the House voted the wrong way, which kind of blows a hole in my argument. But only a very small hole, like a slow leak in a tire.
bambino's Avatar
I respectfully disagree about the House Hedonist. TechPapi highlights why:

New York, Illinois, New Jersey and California are coming up with some very odd shaped Congressional districts to try to shut out Republicans.

I wish I could post the map in the following that shows the shape of Jerry Nadler's new district, it's absolutely bizarre. It sounds like the New York politicians succeeded in doing something that the Democratic Pennsylvania Supreme Court will attempt to imitate -- see excerpt from article below.

New York’s Democratic Jerrymander
Democrats draw a map that gives them an edge in 85% of House seats.

Gerrymandering is an old enough practice that it was named for a Founding Father, Elbridge Gerry, but henceforth in New York it should be spelled jerrymander. See nearby the district that Democrats in Albany have staked out for Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler. Your first instinct might be to grab the cartographer and do a field sobriety test.

But Democrats didn’t draw loopy lines by accident. They did it with partisan malice aforethought. New York is losing a House seat, so it will have 26 districts next year. Today Republicans hold eight. Under the lines Democrats are proposing, the GOP would have the advantage in only four seats, or 15%. New York is a blue state, but not that blue: President Trump won 38% of the vote in 2020.

But Democrats didn’t draw loopy lines by accident. They did it with partisan malice aforethought. New York is losing a House seat, so it will have 26 districts next year. Today Republicans hold eight. Under the lines Democrats are proposing, the GOP would have the advantage in only four seats, or 15%. New York is a blue state, but not that blue: President Trump won 38% of the vote in 2020.

What a pose....New York’s maps were supposed to be drawn by an independent commission, a good-government reform that voters approved in 2014, with hopes of taking politics out of an inherently political process. But the commission deadlocked and offered two competing plans.

Nonetheless, the map that Democratic commissioners backed, according to one redistricting analyst, left as many as nine House seats competitive for the GOP. Nine of 26 is 35%, which is in the ballpark of Mr. Trump’s vote share. Albany could have accepted that plan.

Yet apparently Democrats only want “fair” districts when such maps work in their favor. So once the commission deadlocked, state lawmakers seized the opportunity to dump its work and redraw the map themselves to build in a bigger advantage for their party.

The rough barbell shape of Mr. Nadler’s district, connecting Jewish areas of Manhattan and Brooklyn, isn’t new. But the state Legislature’s map contorts it like a snake. Why? So that the GOP 11th District, anchored in Staten Island, can sweep north to include liberal Park Slope, Brooklyn. In 2020 Mr. Trump won the 11th District by 11 points, while Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis beat an incumbent, Democrat Max Rose, 53% to 47%. Mr. Rose is running in 2022 to retake his old seat, and the new progressive Park Slope voters could be enough to flip that margin.

The Albany plan makes similar moves upstate and on Long Island to erode Republican chances and shore up the Democratic advantage. Don’t expect to hear loud complaints from Mr. Holder and company, or for that matter from all the good-government poseurs in the media.

The congressional jerrymander could cost Republicans as many as four or five House seats, which might be the difference that helps Democrats keep their majority in 2022. Redistricting was expected to cost Democrats several seats nationwide this year, but aggressive Democratic gerrymanders in California, Illinois, New Jersey and elsewhere mean they may break even nationwide or even gain a slight edge.

There's some irony here. A Democratic president and Democratic controlled House and Senate absolutely have to get a federal law passed before they lose power so we can have fair elections, even though it will take getting rid of the filibuster to do that. House Democrats are unanimously of this opinion, and all but 2 Democratic Senators agree too. They say this has to be done or Republicans will use whatever weapons they can, the most lethal being the gerrymander, to make the USA an authoritarian state. Minorities will be disenfranchised, the Republicans are all racists.

What a sham. Compare to the Republican Party. Only six Republican Senators voted last year to overturn the presidential election results in Arizona or Pennsylvania.

OK, admittedly 141 members of the House voted the wrong way, which kind of blows a hole in my argument. But only a very small hole, like a slow leak in a tire. Originally Posted by Tiny
If you say so. The upcoming Red Wave will sweep away RINOs too.
  • Tiny
  • 02-02-2022, 06:40 PM
If you say so. Originally Posted by bambino
Damn fucking right I do. Trump wounded American Democracy and now some of the Democrats are looking to finish it off. Get rid of the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, make Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia states, and rule America for 100 years.

Thankfully good Senators like Joe Manchin, Krysten Sinema, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Ben Sasse will hold firm and protect our Democracy.
bambino's Avatar
Damn fucking right I do. Trump wounded American Democracy and now some of the Democrats are looking to finish it off. Get rid of the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, make Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia states, and rule America for 100 years.

Thankfully good Senators like Joe Manchin, Krysten Sinema, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Ben Sasse will hold firm and protect our Democracy. Originally Posted by Tiny
If you say so.

Burr and Toomey are retiring. Good riddance. Murkoski is DOA. Romney will not be re elected next time. Manchin and Sinema have to move right or they won’t last. Romney is a disgrace. Cassidy too.
  • Tiny
  • 02-02-2022, 06:44 PM
If you say so. Originally Posted by bambino
Damn fucking right I do. Trump wounded American Democracy and now some of the Democrats are looking to finish it off. Get rid of the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, make Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia states, and rule America for 100 years.

Thankfully good Senators like Joe Manchin, Krysten Sinema, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Ben Sasse will hold firm and protect our Democracy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Damn fucking right I do. Trump wounded American Democracy and now some of the Democrats are looking to finish it off. Get rid of the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, make Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia states, and rule America for 100 years.

Thankfully good Senators like Joe Manchin, Krysten Sinema, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Ben Sasse will hold firm and protect our Democracy. Originally Posted by Tiny

Trump didn't wound democracy. he wounded the Globalists. the last president that did that got shot.
bambino's Avatar
Trump didn't wound democracy. he wounded the Globalists. the last president that did that got shot. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Tiny just doesn’t get it. No Q phone for him.
bambino's Avatar
Trump didn't wound democracy. he wounded the Globalists. the last president that did that got shot. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Actually two got shot. JFK and Reagan. Tiny obviously isn’t a history major.
winn dixie's Avatar
Tiny just doesn’t get it. No Q phone for him. Originally Posted by bambino
No soup?