Where do you??

Wayward's Avatar
The easiest answer is to have two phones that are identical.

If someone notices, the answer to why you have two can be anything, but I can't live with my phone being down for even a day is perfect.
Toreador_one's Avatar
On the front Yard there is a 120 lb Rock (she can only lift 100 lbs), however just in case under the rock there is a safe box, combination is 36-24-36, inside the box there are two keys one of them is a decoy (not going to tell which one, I already gave the combination to the safe box). The "good" key is for another safe box that I keep in the garage. There is nothing in that box, I keep my hobby phone in my car, she never goes in there, she has other things to try to figure out, such as what is under the big rock and what is inside the safe box in the garage, I am so smart!!!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-08-2010, 06:52 AM
I stuff mine down in my pants, close to lil' bb. She NEVER looks there.
boardman's Avatar
On the front Yard there is a 120 lb Rock (she can only lift 100 lbs), however just in case under the rock there is a safe box, combination is 36-24-36, inside the box there are two keys one of them is a decoy (not going to tell which one, I already gave the combination to the safe box). The "good" key is for another safe box that I keep in the garage. There is nothing in that box, I keep my hobby phone in my car, she never goes in there, she has other things to try to figure out, such as what is under the big rock and what is inside the safe box in the garage, I am so smart!!! Originally Posted by Toreador_one
dearhunter's Avatar
In plain site.
tracer's Avatar
DH"s advice of "in plain sight" is damn sage advice. Mine is in one of the pockets of my truck where it would appear to be stashed, but not hidden. It is very scratched, scuffed etc. which is natural since I picked it up in a parking lot a while back and haven't been able to figure out the password. For some reason I stuck it in that pocket instead of throwing it away.
dearhunter's Avatar
Give that man a cookie.

I am always fiddling with that damned phone I found...........I am going to break the code eventually.

I even offered to give it to my SO or one of her kin when I figure it out..................the response "I don't want that piece of shit".
notanewbie's Avatar
I stuff mine down in my pants, close to lil' bb. She NEVER looks there. Originally Posted by bbkid
never thought of that, good idea. (not to mention the vibrate part)
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
For all the people in relationships or married and have hobby phones, where do you leave it when its time to be with SO?? A long time ago when i had a boyfriend and i would go to his place, i found a big rock on a street close to his house and i would leave it under the rock til i left cause i didnt want any worries about him finding it.. So, just wondering where you all leave yours? Im sure in some funny places :=) Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
Hey babe dont worry, as your SO I know that you are in the hobby.
Wayward's Avatar
Give that man a cookie.

I am always fiddling with that damned phone I found...........I am going to break the code eventually.

I even offered to give it to my SO or one of her kin when I figure it out..................the response "I don't want that piece of shit". Originally Posted by dearhunter
Okay that was my morning chuckle. Having a box full of old cell phones is another strategy.
sinhouston's Avatar
Under lock and key!!!

SO's are amazing creatures. No sex, no interest, no time, no drive...UNLESS they suspect you're screwing around on them then watch out. They will find it guys, I can promise you. If they have the drive and desire, I doubt there is much we can do to stash it at home and them not find the darned things. My office is my only safe place where she can't get in...there is where it stays!!! :-)
You should have invited Tiger Woods to this thread!

Originally Posted by DarthMaul

hahaha good one..
Mojojo's Avatar
Yesss good spot right under Holly! Holly couldn't keep it in her undies I'd call her all the time I had a friend who would leave his hobby phone in a box marked bills to pay and on the phone, she never found it which leads me to conclude that SO's and GF's stay away from that sort of stuff! =\
Harley2105's Avatar
Never think the SO isn't wondering what we are up to. They are just as sneaky as we are. Trunks of cars, briefcases, third shelf behind the paint can in the garage --- I don't care where they will watch, wait and then strike!!!! I have a work phone which I never use for the hobby and my personal phone. Since I don't hobby alot I always clear all personal phone of numbers and text messages when I park my car in my garage. So mine is hidden in plain sight.
On the front Yard there is a 120 lb Rock (she can only lift 100 lbs), however just in case under the rock there is a safe box, combination is 36-24-36, inside the box there are two keys one of them is a decoy (not going to tell which one, I already gave the combination to the safe box). The "good" key is for another safe box that I keep in the garage. There is nothing in that box, I keep my hobby phone in my car, she never goes in there, she has other things to try to figure out, such as what is under the big rock and what is inside the safe box in the garage, I am so smart!!! Originally Posted by Toreador_one

36-24-36? hey! thats the combination to all my money!