Drew Brees apologizes for respecting the flag.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Drew was a class act n great QB until he showed the country he was another ignorant racist redneck with no fkn clue. Hope he survives next season Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Brees is a good philanthropic man. He is just a rich athlete who is out of tough with reality. You can't just say things now without it being twisted and turned for the news to fit their narrative during these chaotic times. His words were taking way out of context.

The liberal news ran with it and tried to make him appear to be a racist. He's a good guy who has done a lot of charitable things for black people in his community that he did not have to do... I know what he meant, but he just said what he said at a really bad time. I don't hold that against him. He just made a mistake. He owned it. His beliefs are his, but sometimes you keep that to yourself. He should have done so during these times, but I'm sure the fuck not going to vilify the man for being honest about his opinion.

You don't call a good man an "ignorant racist redneck" because his views are different than your views. I am not a Purdue, Chargers or Saints fan but I know a kind hearted person when I see one. He's one.
WTF cares about an athletes political decisions. Breeze is 102 yrs old in football years he needs to hang it up
bambino's Avatar
WTF cares about an athletes political decisions. Breeze is 102 yrs old in football years he needs to hang it up Originally Posted by 915Trucker
Brees was ranked the 4rth best QB by the NFL last year. Why would he retire?
bambino's Avatar
Drew was a class act n great QB until he showed the country he was another ignorant racist redneck with no fkn clue. Hope he survives next season Originally Posted by Tsmokies
He said he doesn’t agree with people disrespecting the flag. But our country still isn’t perfect. How the fuck does that make him a redneck? He’s given more of his money to charities in NO than the whole Saints roster combined. It’s you that is ignorant.
  • oeb11
  • 06-05-2020, 08:16 AM
I have no problem with Brees comment - I agree with him about people who disrespect the flag. While the SC may have decided it is free speech to burn the flag for political purposes - I find that abhorrent.

Stating that does not make brees a "Racist" - which is what the LSM< has done - If he was a "Racist" would he be captain and long-term QB for the Saints, and a respected fixture in a town where he helped rebuild after Katrina, and ha donated millions to charity.

When respect for the American flag is consider a "Racist Sin" - I stand in opposition to the "Race-Baiters" who hate America and the Constitution and Rule fo Law upon which it is founded.

you want socialism - move to Venezuela and love U Your Maduro! Who is- BTW - an equal opportunity thief, robber, and oppressor for the benefit of "Maduro"!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Brees was ranked the 4rth best QB by the NFL last year. Why would he retire? Originally Posted by bambino

Obviously because he is White and spoke his truth which the left encourages you to do as long as it is "their" truth.

What Brees should have said to be politically correct, but probably still wouldn't have gotten away with because it would be "off script" is, "I will knell for justice and equality anytime you want, any place you want, as long as the national anthem isn't playing and the American flag isn't being presented". And if you don't like my opinion, you can go fuck yourself. OK, maybe leave that last part unsaid.

And when they do start playing and the Black wide receiver of the Saints that told Brees to "shut the fuck up" asks why Brees isn't throwing to him? I would suggest the words "shut the fuck up"!
Hopefully drew finally got the memo...its not about the flag. It's about social injustice. It's not rocket science people unless you're a really really ignorant racist redneck that still has no clue
Hopefully drew finally got the memo...its not about the flag. It's about social injustice. It's not rocket science people unless you're a really really ignorant racist redneck that still has no clue Originally Posted by Tsmokies
If it’s not about America and the flag why only protest when the moment is about the flag and anthem?

I’d say it’s morphed into some claim of mistreatment only by more moderates in the name of softening things for mass consumption, but’s that’s not what underlies it

And besides what the hell is social justice but no justice at all?

They should boycott football to be true blue

I heard that in penance drew promised to tag four buildings over night
Hopefully drew finally got the memo...its not about the flag. It's about social injustice. It's not rocket science people unless you're a really really ignorant racist redneck that still has no clue Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It's not about Social Injustice either. It's about Blacks wanting whitey to understand them and accept their shortcomings. They want Whitey to make the changes. That's one of the hidden messages of the BLM movement. Still Black America will Sag their pants, Disregard the law and call their women Bitches and Hoes. When Blacks collectively as a race of people clean up their act and hold themselves and each other accountable instead of blaming whitey they can't complain of Social Injustice.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
nonsense.. only a stark right-winger would believe that. considering the amount of protests, the "rebellion" has been minor. besides, what is wrong with rebellion? that is a dirty word to you on the far right, it means the Police State is losing its grip. rebellion has been the agent of most positive change in America. you are too fat, happy and rich to understand any of it. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

a protest that involves, burning, looting, and violence... what do you call that if not an insurrection?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Blacks need to clean up their own act before they start throwing blame around. A full 75% of black kids don’t have a father in the house, which has been proven over and over to be a big contributor to many of the problems in their communities. The incidents of poverty and crime goes up exponentially in single parent households. I thought Obama was going to be pragmatic and credibly pound this into black “leaders” heads, which is why he got my vote the first go around. It was a huge letdown when he didn’t and kept up the old, tired blame whitey rhetoric.
I have no problem with Brees comment - I agree with him about people who disrespect the flag. While the SC may have decided it is free speech to burn the flag for political purposes - I find that abhorrent.

Stating that does not make brees a "Racist" - which is what the LSM< has done - If he was a "Racist" would he be captain and long-term QB for the Saints, and a respected fixture in a town where he helped rebuild after Katrina, and ha donated millions to charity.

When respect for the American flag is consider a "Racist Sin" - I stand in opposition to the "Race-Baiters" who hate America and the Constitution and Rule fo Law upon which it is founded.

you want socialism - move to Venezuela and love U Your Maduro! Who is- BTW - an equal opportunity thief, robber, and oppressor for the benefit of "Maduro"! Originally Posted by oeb11

You should try Communism, they will lock people up in China who are critical of the government and disrespect the Chinese Flag. Just take a look at Hong Kong as they attempt to be free from oppression.

Unlike you and most hypocritical Conservatives, I stand with the Constitution and the first amendment. Brees’s original statement would make him a model citizen in China but would be a disgrace to the values this country was founded on.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Brees’s original statement would make him a model citizen in China but would be a disgrace to the values this country was founded on. Originally Posted by redpartyhat
those guys don't understand your statement.. I believe Brees gets it now, he seems mortified at his original posture.. and Trump is mortified Brees changed his position, so much that he attacked Brees on Twitter.

a God Damn Football Player.. can't go against Trump's position without insults hurled at him on Twitter. that guy is losing it more and more every day.
  • oeb11
  • 06-06-2020, 04:32 PM
You should try Communism, they will lock people up in China who are critical of the government and disrespect the Chinese Flag. Just take a look at Hong Kong as they attempt to be free from oppression.

Unlike you and most hypocritical Conservatives, I stand with the Constitution and the first amendment. Brees’s original statement would make him a model citizen in China but would be a disgrace to the values this country was founded on. Originally Posted by redpartyhat

Go live in china under Authoritarian rule of the CCP - since u idolize it so - Leave and take another CCP comrade Xi worshipper with U
Go live in china under Authoritarian rule of the CCP - since u idolize it so - Leave and take another CCP comrade Xi worshipper with U
Please! Originally Posted by oeb11
Leave it to a braindead Republican to tell me to move to China for defending the Constitution. Bravo idiot.

I sincerely hope you have some sort of mental issue so I can rightfully pity you. If not, you are a disgrace to the ideals of this country.