Droid vs iphone

I would keep it simple and go with the Windows Phone either the Samsung Focus, HTC
or the new NOKIA which might steal some of the market that the Iphone and Android
are fighting over.
After alot of reading and the suggestions here I decided to just get the iphone, pay the difference, and sell or trade mine in.
iPhone users, chime in here. We have to consider its use and security in this hobby. I have found the iPhone to be far inferior to "clean". To selectively delete call history entries. App's like Google voice integrate too well into the phone, leaving footprints and histories. Apple was unable to demonstrate to me how to easily clear the web browser histories, cookies, cache's and such. Even the iPad did this better. I couldn't find a way to prevent txt messages from flashing on the screen when received. I was able to change it from showing the actual message to only who it was from, but couldn't stop that from showing up. (Why is 'Cabela's' texting you at 11pm?)

I haven't played with the last few firmware upgrades, so maybe it has changed. All I know is my HTC 4G is screaming fast, and ultra easy to "clean". I don't think twice about handing it to my wife or anybody to do whatever they want. No fear they will stumble into to anything. I can selectively delete call records so as not to raise a flag that my history is empty (Why'd you clear your history??).

I'm interested in whether the iPhone has resolved these concerns.
guest031812's Avatar
Apple [AAPL] has won an anti-Android victory at home in the US, with HTC required to remove some of its handsets from sale because they used ideas patented within the iPhone.

I would stick with apple, The new Iphone4s is pretty awesome.. It has voice assitance w/suri to create meetings on your phone, and you can even ask it for directions or anything really.

Also the Iphone is very easy to use, has a awesome front and back 8megapixel camera.. very good screen resolution.. faster web browsing with its dual core processor, icloud service if you don't want to fill your phone's hard drive space with music.. *the icloud application makes your music float online servers, so you can still play all your itunes music from your phone without taking up all the space* I could keep going and going on all the features.. Its a great phone.

Thats my regards for a PERSONAL phone..

If you are seeking a hobby phone, I would go with a hunk of junk 10 dollar prepaid phone, I personally if I were a hobbiest would not use my iPhone or real personal phone for anything hobby related.
iPhone is the only way to go. Siri is worthless on the 4S but the new 8 megapixel camera is incredible. Longer battery life and faster than the iPhone 4. You won't regret it.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-28-2011, 11:04 AM
iPhone users, chime in here. We have to consider its use and security in this hobby. I have found the iPhone to be far inferior to "clean". To selectively delete call history entries. App's like Google voice integrate too well into the phone, leaving footprints and histories. Apple was unable to demonstrate to me how to easily clear the web browser histories, cookies, cache's and such. Even the iPad did this better. I couldn't find a way to prevent txt messages from flashing on the screen when received. I was able to change it from showing the actual message to only who it was from, but couldn't stop that from showing up. (Why is 'Cabela's' texting you at 11pm?)

I haven't played with the last few firmware upgrades, so maybe it has changed. All I know is my HTC 4G is screaming fast, and ultra easy to "clean". I don't think twice about handing it to my wife or anybody to do whatever they want. No fear they will stumble into to anything. I can selectively delete call records so as not to raise a flag that my history is empty (Why'd you clear your history??).

I'm interested in whether the iPhone has resolved these concerns. Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
Why would you use your personal/work phone to hobby with compared to getting a disposable prepaid hobby phone? Seems like playing with fire; the whole "accident waiting to happen" kind of thing.
Slotgoop's Avatar
You no longer need iTunes for the iPhone 4S, it can use wireless to sync direct to the cloud if you want to set it up that way. The camera alone is almost enough reason by itself to consider one.
You no longer need iTunes for the iPhone 4S, it can use wireless to sync direct to the cloud if you want to set it up that way. The camera alone is almost enough reason by itself to consider one. Originally Posted by Slotgoop
AFAIK, you still need iTunes if you want to transfer direct between PC and phone without having to upload to the cloud first. There's ways to do that wirelessly in some apps without using iTunes, but honestly, if you can get that up and running, you should probably be using Android
HTC has a bigger screen than IPHONE - that is a big factor
I've had Iphones for about two years(I've had three different models in that time frame) and I'm still using the Iphone4 which I still love as much as the day I got it. The only thing I don't like about my Iphone experience is that I got stuck being sodomized violently by At&t(whom I despise) on a regular basis...but maybe verizon is better?
MichaelClayton's Avatar
Yeah, AT&T sucks. I was glad to get away from them. Now with Verizon, so I will see if they are any better. FWIW Verizon was rated higher than AT&T who was rated lowest in satisfaction in TX (and probably everywhere else).
About the same price though as AT&T (maybe exactly the same about $100 a month for voice/text/data).

Siri hasn't come through for me with anything I have requested yet. I keep thinking she is going to blame me for not communicating with her properly
Verizon is good if you live in the city. But if you don't then their signal doesn't work inside. AT&T is 4 bars all the time. Just got iPhone 4s and dig it! I've heard some people hate Siri , but I'm having good experience with it . Really hated voice dial on my Motorola .Dont have android phone, but my android tablet always glitches and locks up a lot .
Why would you use your personal/work phone to hobby with compared to getting a disposable prepaid hobby phone? Seems like playing with fire; the whole "accident waiting to happen" kind of thing. Originally Posted by Carl
In my situation, a second phone is too risky. My hobby phone is Google Voice. No physical phone to be found. Exists only in my browser. Nothing to find.
guest031812's Avatar
Sprint for Iphone coverage is great