Top Air Force General: US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At "Dangerously Low" Levels

oilfieldace's Avatar
Maybe we can buy back a lot of the munitions that Ukraine has been selling on the black market.

I’m sure “The Big Guy” could get Hunter to broker the deal……….for 10% of course.
  • Vulva
  • 07-18-2023, 12:32 PM
I'm actually embarrassed for you.
Your numbers are made up. 5 times lolling
No mention of all the variables either. Noo I ain't educating folks on shit no more.
Hint .... projections of inventory needed with Ukraine needs(cry loudly for your budget)
Hint.... election coming up and libs and military fill their orders then which results in shortages for citizens on purpose.
Hint.... The military is always in need. They're always wanting increased budgets Originally Posted by winn dixie
No need to be embarrassed for me. I am embarrassed for the USA.
USA engaged in a Proxy war and Putin is kicking Americas ass and I love it! USA thought this was going to be over in 30 days
USA is low on munitions. Russia has 5 munitions plants that run 24x7. Your leader is in for a world of hurting. I want troops on the ground and I want troops coming home in body bags. Yes. Body Bags. You can then blame Trump.

War machine is going to chug along making Defense Contractors and Zelensky very rich. You silly fucks are going to pay for it and you own it as you voted for it.

You silly fucks do not get it do you?
Trump is the only one calling for negotiation and talks.
Biden and the war machine want nothing to do with talks.

winn dixie's Avatar
LMAO,, NO PROOF , NO SUBSTANCE JUST OPINION Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I can't make a thirsty horse drink. I can only lead him to the trough.
It's a multi point p r stunt.
Folks aren't seeing the whole picture.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I reiterate, LMAO. parrot the same ole debunked B S 24/7/365. Comical. A thirsty horse will darn sure drink if you lead it to water. Not to schooled on animals either, Not surprising.

The saying is you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. It doesn’t mention whether the horse is thirsty or not. If the horse is thirsty it will damn sure drink. How do you think they get horses to drink in a movie ? Ride up and wait for the horse to get thirsty?
oilfieldace's Avatar
Once again opinions are not facts