masks vs. corona virus 19

Ripmany's Avatar
COVID-19 is fake there 1.8 billion cops and millitary and see them every day I see 0 coronavirus patience ever.
Seems that the late Sara Little Turnbull may have been the Thomas Edison of medical mask design.

Maybe this bit of progression makes sense, at least on some level. I mean, who among us hasn't attempted from time to time to place our mouth and nose on something that was recently in a bra cup?

(Hat tip: Barry Ritholtz, who linked this somewhere else that doesn't really have all that much to do with masks -- that is, a post on a market-related topic.)
hambeth's Avatar
I wear whatever I could find. At first I was very careful about it and wearing disposable masks and throwing them away after using just one time. Then I started to wear them several times. Then suddenly it became so hard to find those masks and now I don't even throw them away. I'm spending the quarantine time here in my real estate in Cannes and people hear don't even wear masks properly. Either they hang it to their neck, or wear it for their chins... I started to think like it's just something for preventing panic in society. Authorities offer wearing masks because they don't have any other effective precautions to take to prevent the panic among people.
Ripmany's Avatar
None don't need one. I don't even use condoms so why where a mask
Reeds's Avatar
  • Reeds
  • 07-11-2020, 09:26 AM
I haven't worried much about this, but I could start wearing masks in winter for outdoor activities.
gimme_that's Avatar

The mask are meant to protect people from you. That’s why when people choose not to wear one in public around you they are assholes. It’s all fun and games until someone close to you dies of Covid or becomes sick.

Unless you have an n95 or the one the cops, firefighters, and medical people use, your not fully protecting yourself at all. It only has a max use of 8 hours though. Last I saw a ten pack is 200 dollars if you want one delivered from Atlanta.

I won’t buy a mask if it’s shipped from China. Defeats the purpose.
If you aren't using an N95 mask and have infectious disease training on it AND mold it to your face so that air cannot come in or out from the sides/top/bottom then you are not doing a damn thing by wearing a mask. By the way, the N95 filters out 95 percent of particulates, hence the name.

Masks, like surgical masks or some home made masks only filter bacterium, not viruses which have smaller molecules. Your only defense is physical distancing (40-50 feet or more) and lots of hand washing.