Hillary Clinton Exposed

LexusLover's Avatar
Geez, that was over twenty years ago.

The more appropriate (and much more current) question would be, what is (or was) the Republican's (promised) alternative to Obamacare? Originally Posted by bigtex
When did Bush get a DWI? Or was that his wife?

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming ...

.. If Hillarious's narcissistic ego won't let her "stand down" for 2016, her "perspective" on health care will be relevant, since health care "reform" is relevant to day .... just like Romney's "perspective" on health care was relevant when he ran ... 2012?

Also relevant with respect to Hillarious will be her...

1. "availability" at 3 a.m.!
2. "ability" to find cancelled checks in her White House closet!
3. "military" experience dodging sniper fire on the tarmac
4. quitting jobs to which she was elected and appointed ..
5. blaming a "great conspiracy" for reality
6. being MIA on the war on terror, corralling the Russians, and Iran ..
7. her general incompetence .. and now
8. whether or not she knows about missing Haitian relief funds.

It's difficult to tell these days who's running in the Clinton family .... Bill?
When did Bush get a DWI? Or was that his wife? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is apparent that LLIdiot is not concerned about the Republican Party's alternative to Obamacare from 2010 and beyond but he is very concerned about Hillary's healthcare agenda 20+ years ago.

And if that's not enough on his plate this morning, the Patriarch oh the Notorious Idiot Klan, errr Clan, is now concerned about his favorite Shrub's DWI during the 1970's. So much so, that he decided to throw that discussion into the mix.

"Or was that his wife?"

Which special elixir do you have in your coffee this morning, LLIdiot?
LexusLover's Avatar
It is apparent that LLIdiot is not concerned about the Republican Party's alternative to Obamacare from 2010 and beyond ... Originally Posted by bigtex
Since YOUR MAN has already announced he will VETO any tampering ....

... why should I be "concerned" ..... Are you?

I'm not even "concerned" about YOUR WOMAN Hillarious running in 2016, which is what this thread is actually about ... and not the "Republicans" or any Republican health care plan .... but to give credit where credit is due ..

I can appreciate why you might want to discuss ANYTHING but YOUR WOMAN.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I played the entire movie posted by my good friend Iffy. (Ironically, I also consider myself friends with Old-T!)
The movie points out how power hungry and phony the Clinton team is and the way they have manufactured their storyline with the help of their Hollywood pals.
I would actually like to see Hillary run so she can continue to take a pounding, hopefully lose, and be relegated to ignominy. On the other hand, she does like money, and it might be more fun for her to win, get caught taking bribes, be impeached, and go to jail! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You can forget about her ever going to jail. As long as her Masonic fuck head husband is above ground that's never going to happen.

flghtr65's Avatar
One nasty BITCH and her DogAss husband...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mYW5nmS9ps Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Question for you IFFY. Are you going to start another calendar count down when Hillary beats Jeb in 2016?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Geez, that was over twenty years ago.

The more appropriate (and much more current) question would be, what is (or was) the Republican's (promised) alternative to Obamacare? Originally Posted by bigtex
Whether you like it or not the GOP does have a plan. Here it is courtesy of the New York Times (or at least as much as the New York Slime is going to tell you)


So now you know that it exists and parts of it have existed prior to this but only now has the GOP been able to put it all together without Harry Reid getting in the way. Speaking of which, I wonder how he paid for his healthcare....of course it was us that paid for it after the union thugs worked him over.
LexusLover's Avatar
Whether you like it or not the GOP does have a plan. Here it is courtesy of the New York Times (or at least as much as the New York Slime is going to tell you)


So now you know that it exists and parts of it have existed prior to this but only now has the GOP been able to put it all together without Harry Reid getting in the way. Speaking of which, I wonder how he paid for his healthcare....of course it was us that paid for it after the union thugs worked him over. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There seems to be some "standard" set by BigTex that there must be an "alternative" to Obamacare .... when there already IS (and WAS) an "alternative" to "Obamacare"!

Apparently the BigTex legislative tactic is pass a piece of shit and then demand the other side shit a different looking turd to replace the piece of shit.

One day someone is going to figure out this whole fiasco was a Pelosi "Save California" experiment.

Hillarious certain isn't "the solution."

Not only is she a liar (see the Williams thread as a standard) but she's deluded ("the Great Right Wing Conspiracy") .... then one can start dissecting her administrative, domestic, and foreign relations credentials.
Geez, that was over twenty years ago.

The more appropriate (and much more current) question would be, what is (or was) the Republican's (promised) alternative to Obamacare? Originally Posted by bigtex
They don't have one. They'll come with the old tort reform or let's have ability to purchase plans across state lines or some other bullshit. There default position is to be against anything Democrats propose. Other than that they're pretty clueless.
all this problem solving has gotten us into the fix we are in

im tired of laws passing and having to have "alternatives"

we have more than enough

time we started repealing some laws and enforcing the common sense ones

calvin coolidge was much more correct than fdr
a politician who's shady and lies... say it ain't so. It's hilarious seeing repubs lose their shit over hillary. It's because she scares the shit out of you and you see the writing on the wall. There are more of us than there are of you. I would like to have seen I B a dipshit's face when Obama won his second term LOL. I bet he cried.
LexusLover's Avatar
They don't have one. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
A Democrat from Arkansas. Good.

Since this thread is about Hillarious ... Did you ever find out from the "horse's mouth" why she didn't return to Arkansas to run for the Senate?
I B Hankering's Avatar
a politician who's shady and lies... say it ain't so. It's hilarious seeing repubs lose their shit over hillary. It's because she scares the shit out of you and you see the writing on the wall. There are more of us than there are of you. I would like to have seen I B a dipshit's face when Obama won his second term LOL. I bet he cried. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Engaging in this this off-topic sniping, as you are doing, is a sure sign that you have nothing of substance to offer on any topic, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
LMAO @ 26 minute mark

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TycxPsguRNE Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Well I'll be damned...I could be president...