Some comments from a couple dinners this week

I B Hankering's Avatar
I guess I see Trump being "Evil" in a more overt, destructive way. I'm not a fan of Hillary, but I don't see her as truly dangerous in the way I see Trump. You may have a point in terms of your predictions on what she'll do with the military, but that's really just conjecture (albeit perhaps educated conjecture). What Trump has revealed about himself in terms of overt racism, mysogeny and outright ignorance of basic history and civics is unforgivable. And I think polls will prove wildly inaccurate. Polling now is not what it once was. The pooling methods are outdated. This is anyone's election (except Johnson or Stien's!). Originally Posted by Wanderingcargo
You're stupidly ignoring how hildebeest is the chief enabler for a serial sexual predator and accused rapist and how willingly she engaged in a slanderous, mysongonistic "sluts and nuts" campaign against Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's victims. You're also ignoring how hildebeest is the only candidate to have blood on her hands from the wars she has voted to support and her being the principal U.S. figure who orchestrated a coup in Libya and then laughed about Gaddafi being sodomized unto death with a bayonet. But if it makes you feel better about yourself to suggest that Trump said "mean things" in order for you to justify your support for a lying, avariciously power-hungry witch with blood on her hands, you're free to continue to live with your head in the sand.
To Old-T: thank you for started the thread and presenting some very interesting opinions.
To IIFFORDB: a NO THANKS to you for your non-contribution to an otherwise interesting conversation. Perpetuating unsubstantiated claims is, in my opinion, one of the biggest problems we have in out country today when trying to engage in political discourse. Do some basic research. Demonizing those you disagree with is shameful.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-26-2016, 08:21 PM
I had the awesome privilege to venture into East Texas this past weekend where I got to listen to the current political thought process of the Democrats that ALWAYS pull the straight Democrat ticket in every election including one where a ethnic slur was running for President, ethnic slur in that area is common language and not my words. I never start the conversation and seldom interject my own opinions in order to get the real feel of where they are at on certain positions.

I was very surprised, shocked actually, that all said they would not pull the straight ticket as there was no way in hell they were voting for Hillary because she is evil. Their words, not mine. They also said there was no way they would vote for Trump which was what I expected. Some even said they would not vote at all this election. These are people that vote in the election of the local dog catcher.

This will be a most interesting election where there will be people that have never voted out voting and people that have always voted staying home. It makes me wonder if the status of Blue or Red states will hold true as in pst elections. I am sure there will not be much change in most of the states but it will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end.

Looks like to me that there will be a lot of people sitting at home, a lot of people voting against a candidate rather than for a candidate.

It is a shame that this is what our nation has come to over the past 8 years. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I hear a lot of the same kinds of things. I certainly agree that Trump supporters seem more enthused than do Clinton supporters, and I agree this election is flipping a lot of election "norms" upside down.

The only thing I disagree with you about is that it hasn't been the last 8 years, but more like the last 16.
To Old-T: thank you for started the thread and presenting some very interesting opinions.
To IIFFORDB: a NO THANKS to you for your non-contribution to an otherwise interesting conversation. Perpetuating unsubstantiated claims is, in my opinion, one of the biggest problems we have in out country today when trying to engage in political discourse. Do some basic research. Demonizing those you disagree with is shameful. Originally Posted by Wanderingcargo
Snopes is a illiberal 0zombie playground for 0soros groupies... FUCK OFF FAG

Guest123018-4's Avatar
If you really get down to it, the process started before the war for states rights. What we are seeing is the result of a government that is out of control as it relates to following the Constitution and the will of the governed.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you really get down to it, the process started before the war for states rights. What we are seeing is the result of a government that is out of control as it relates to following the Constitution and the will of the governed. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
hmmm... I think might disagree with you on this point.

i feel that the process started after the civil war.

there were alot of people in power removed from office and many were disenfranchised and were replaced by carpetbaggers from the north seeking opportunity to rape the system. there was a fair amount of corruption between 1865 - 1877.

rise of the full time politicians took place after 1877.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The breeding ground was before the war for states rights or there never would have been a war.
This was the beginning of the trampling of the Constitution.
The end result of the war for states rights was the illegal occupation of the confederate states by the northern states, further denying the rights of the states under the Constitution.
This extended the overreach of the central government into the states' business against the 10th amendment.

I think there are a lot of interesting conversations going on around the nation over these candidates.
What I am taking away from what I am hearing is the complete lack of trust in Hillary by many people that would normally vote Democrat. I suppose after 8 years of a lying dishonest administration they have had enough.