Milwaukee Police Chief Loses It and Tells the Blunt TRUTH About Black Crime

I know you prefer pineapples... shove this up your ass

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
This video is proof of the idiots we have running this country. They have no idea what the shit they are even talking about. I have no fear of them taking any firearm I own. Because they are too fucking stupid. No Law Enforcement agent in his right mind would participate in a raid to confiscate guns from lawful Americans. They may one day ask you to turn a gun in, but that's voluntary. Any citizen that would do that is crazy.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
So tell me, if only black policemen patrolled black areas and they are forced to shoot a hoodrat, will the black community riot or will it just be as Jess Jackson says, "Miller Time"?
rioseco's Avatar
Nothing new here: Rio makes a dumb broad generalization, and IIFFy uses it as an excuse to post an non sequitur video attack.

Why do they feel obliged to attack the police chief like that? Originally Posted by Old-T

Nothing new here Yssup starts trouble and Old Tranny backs him up. Look you fucking retard libs, even the police chief while blowing off steam vented over "high capacity weapons"
Weapons are not the freakin issue. Did Officer Wilson kill Brown or did his weapon do it ? I didnt hear about the weapons being held over by the grand jury. Capacities are not the problem.I have a dozen high-cap weapons in my possesion and Im not harming anyone. I will never lift a hair from anyone not harming or stealing from me or an innocent victim.
Old Tranny look a little deeper into peoples words before spouting off bullshit remarks.No need to align yourself with a fool. Dont be a dumb dickhead like Assup. Just because you both agree on much it doesnt mean you must agree with him when he is wrong or stupid.
rioseco's Avatar
Again, you haven't shown, quoted or even shown the "lines to read between" that indicate a single instance of "the libs" crying "burn the guns, harass and indict the police and shelter/secure the gang bangers."

Considering how brilliantly it was even stated is evidence enough that the blurtation in question is the product of your low functioning intellect.

You unspeakably ignorant fuck. Get your shit together. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Snick, snort. burp, fart.............Im still your backwoods,trailer trash Daddy my son !

P.S. Did you and your sis ever get married ? Come on now, when you gonna make an honest woman of her boy ?
2 different groups with one goal of being great Americans.

GUARDIANS: When Police Failed In Ferguson, Two Very Different Militias Kept the Peace

Posted by Bob Owens on November 29, 2014 at 1:22 pm

A member of the “Oathkeepers” keeps watch over a store in Ferguson, Missouri, as protesters march by below.
The looting and arson in Ferguson, Missouri, was horrific, but it might have been far worse if it weren’t for two very different groups of armed citizens that sought to protect area lives and businesses, even if it meant putting their own lives at risk.

One is an organized group of more than 35,000 law enforcement officers, military veterans, and first responders who have pledged to uphold the Constitution. A number of them answered the call to protect life, liberty, and property in Ferguson.

They call themselves Oathkeepers.

Yale Law School graduate and libertarian Stewart Rhodes said by telephone from Montana that he founded the group in 2009 to protect constitutional rights, including those of protesters confronted by what he described as overly militarized police.

But Rhodes, who said he is Mexican-American, was quick to assure that Oath Keepers is not anti-government. He said those pulling rooftop security in Ferguson are current or former government employees and first responders, many who have intense military, police and EMS training.

“We thought they were going to do it right this time,” Rhodes said of government response to the grand jury decision released Monday night in the Darren Wilson case. “But when Monday rolled around and they didn’t park the National Guard at these businesses, that’s when we said we have got to do something.

“Historically, the government almost always fails to protect people,” he added.

They won’t say how many people are part of the effort or exactly where they are placed. But they seem to be mainly focused on a strip of South Florissant Road two blocks north of the police station that includes a Chinese restaurant, dentist office, bakery and the apartments.

“We were sick in our gut we couldn’t be here sooner,” said John Karriman of Joplin, Mo., a state leader of Oath Keepers who teaches police tactics. “We are here to volunteer our time and make sure everybody stays safe.”

Another leader, who would only give his first name, Sam, described himself as a weapons engineer from the St. Louis area who has done security contracting for the U.S. government. He said he was motivated to help after seeing a CNN story featuring extensive damage to Natalie’s Cakes & More,which also helped generate thousands of dollars in donations for the small business.

Sam said he contacted owner Natalie Dubose and told her he was going to secure her store and others.

“She started crying,” Sam said.

Oath Keepers boarded up a bunch of the storefronts and started night rotations on several rooftops. Sam said he vetted volunteers to ensure there weren’t any “racists” or “people with an ax to grind.” He said he picked volunteers who “have seen the elephant and are calm under fire.”

Fearing more arsonists, Oath Keeper volunteers have buckets of water, fire extinguishers and other nonlethal weapons on the rooftops. Some are also armed with rifles that aren’t available at Walmart and Cabela’s.

The other group of guardians in Ferguson didn’t have as far to go, and had even more reason to show resolve.

A small group of Ferguson residents from the neighborhood formed an irregular militia to keep looters and rioters away from one of the few businesses that refused to board up their windows and close up shop. They felt the shop-owner had always treated them with respect, and they intended to make sure that his business would stand.

They also triumphed.

On Tuesday night, as police and soldiers took up positions in the parking lots of virtually every strip mall and big box store around it, the forecourt of the brightly lit gas station was busy with customers.

One, a 6-foot-8-inches man named Derrick Jordan — “Stretch,” as friends call him — whisked an AR-15 assault rifle out from a pickup truck parked near the entrance.

Jordan, 37, was one of four black Ferguson residents who spent Tuesday night planted in front of the store, pistols tucked into their waistbands, waiting to ward off looters or catch shoplifters.

Jordan and the others guarding the gas station are all black. The station’s owner is white.

Ferguson has seen a stark demographic shift in recent decades, going from all white to mostly black. About two-thirds of the town’s 21,000-strong population are black. By some accounts, the Brown shooting has heightened racial tensions in the city. But not at the gas station.

“We would have been burned to the ground many times over if it weren’t for them,” said gas station owner Doug Merello, whose father first bought it in 1984.

Merello said he feels deep ties to Ferguson, and if the loyalty of some of his regular customers is any indication, the feeling is mutual.

Agitators, anarchists, race-baiters, and criminals (and we’re just talking about the staff of MSNBC) attempted to make Ferguson about race. Among certain circles, they have sadly been successful, to a certain degree.

But an untold story of Ferguson is how good people of every background came together and exercised their Second Amendment rights to protect as many of the good and decent people as they could.

These two different groups of unorganized militia—one formally trained by loosely organized, the other tightly knit if untrained—came together to defend this community when government once again failed under crisis.

When there is a failure of civility and law enforcement is overwhelmed, it is We, the People who must rise up and provide security for our communities.

These two very different groups, with very different backgrounds, must have made our Founding Fathers very proud.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Holder is a Lame-Ducker ... hopefully his replacement will be installed quickly .... Originally Posted by LexusLover

Hopefully, his replacement will be nominated and confirmed AFTER the new senate is installed in January.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It won't matter, JDIdiot. Every move the GOP/RWWs make will make more Democrats in 2016.

Your side has lost already and you don't even know it.
rioseco's Avatar
It won't matter, JDIdiot. Every move the GOP/RWWs make will make more Democrats in 2016.

Your side has lost already and you don't even know it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yeah JDB it is true. No matter what you eat it still turns out to be shit !
LexusLover's Avatar
Hopefully, his replacement will be nominated and confirmed AFTER the new senate is installed in January. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's the time-table AFTER Obaminable makes his "recess" appointment of her AFTER Holder does Obaminable's final dirty work as the Holiday break begins.

Promotions change people. Some for better. Some for worse. Time will tell.
It won't matter, JDIdiot. Every move the GOP/RWWs make will make more Democrats in 2016.

Your side has lost already and you don't even know it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah the GOP lost so badly that they increased their majority in the House and took control of the Senate.

Do you have even the slightest idea just how stupid you sound?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah the GOP lost so badly that they increased their majority in the House and took control of the Senate.

Do you have even the slightest idea just how stupid you sound? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
No, he doesn't. He's too used to sounding stupid.

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-02-2014, 03:08 PM
No, he doesn't. He's too used to BEING stupid.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fixed. Lol
Yeah the GOP lost so badly that they increased their majority in the House and took control of the Senate.

Do you have even the slightest idea just how stupid you sound? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Stupid? Stupid is thinking there's a difference between the two. They both have the same master; money. Don't kid yourself. They are laughing at us and the petty diversion we provide for them. Capitalism is their religion...
Yeah the GOP lost so badly that they increased their majority in the House and took control of the Senate.

Do you have even the slightest idea just how stupid you sound? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Stupid? Stupid is thinking there's a difference between the two. They both have the same master; money. Don't kid yourself. They are laughing at us and the petty diversion we provide for them. Up until recently, insider trading was completely legal for them. How do you think they all leave Washington much richer than when they arrived. Capitalism is their religion...
It won't matter, JDIdiot. Every move the GOP/RWWs make will make more Democrats in 2016.

Your side has lost already and you don't even know it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If you believe that, then you also believe if you stick a lump of coal up your ass in three days you'll have a diamond, lol.
