EV charging stations powering up

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Want to solve an actual problem? Figure out eliminating landfills.
From the folks at Wikipedia:
Moron psychology Moron is a term once used in psychology and psychiatry to denote mild intellectual disability. The term was closely tied with the American eugenics movement. Once the term became popularized, it fell out of use by the psychological community, as it was used more commonly as an insult than as a psychological term. It is similar to imbecile and idiot.
It is also commonly compared to the mental acuity of a 7-12 year old. But I have need to believe than even kids could think through this mess if given time to ponder the facts versus being indoctrinated, aka programmed, to regurgitate simplistic talking points..

No Virginia, there is no one-size fits all. The universe just does not work that way. Equal and opposite reaction much? Why do people want to think that way? Maybe it's sheer laziness or see above. What problem do you think you are solving for and why would creating even greater harms justify that? Means to justify an end? Ditch the soap boxes and pontifications.

Pardon the reality of these questions:
  • How many AA batteries have you used in your entire lifetime?
  • Where exactly are they now? Yes, each and everyone of them.
  • Who ultimately disposed of them, how, where?
  • Who gathered the materials for them?
  • Who manufactured them?
  • How much did you pay for all of them over your lifetime?
  • What is the ecological impact of their existence from start to finish?
  • Are Li-Ion batteries more better? Cleaner, safer, cheaper?
  • Does anyone even recall what byproduct is generated/emitted by electric motors anymore? (ozone)
  • I am not aware of anything that consumes ozone, but am aware of almost anything green and living consuming CO2 and producing Oxygen from it.
Can electric vehicles handle certain tasks? Sure. All tasks? Come on man!
oilfieldace's Avatar
Question, what powers these charging station? Surely it’s solar and/or wind power? If not, why not? If you gonna go green at least be committed to the concept?
winn dixie's Avatar
Glad to see it. The ground work and foundations to cleaner cars is being set. Some folk don't realize we're just finally getting serious. It will take a while like any new industry to figure it all out and reach targeted goals.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s like these EV advocates never had Jr High science, specifically, The Law of Conservation of Energy. The electricity to run all these EVs needs to come from somewhere. If that somewhere isn’t nuclear, what happens (through loss, another jr high principle) is the amount of fossil fuels burnt actually goes up. Nothing is 100% efficient, including power lines from a generation plant to a charging station. If something were, we wouldn’t have to worry about energy at all. The entire world could run off energy created by perpetual motion machines.
Glad to see it. The ground work and foundations to cleaner cars is being set. Some folk don't realize we're just finally getting serious. It will take a while like any new industry to figure it all out and reach targeted goals. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Total dumbasses that don’t have clue demand something . Results always the same regular people get screwed crooked politicians and a corporations get rich and ruin millions of lives
  • Tiny
  • 07-30-2023, 11:06 AM
It’s like these EV advocates never had Jr High science, specifically, The Law of Conservation of Energy. The electricity to run all these EVs needs to come from somewhere. If that somewhere isn’t nuclear, what happens (through loss, another jr high principle) is the amount of fossil fuels burnt actually goes up. Nothing is 100% efficient, including power lines from a generation plant to a charging station. If something were, we wouldn’t have to worry about energy at all. The entire world could run off energy created by perpetual motion machines. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yes. What's the point? When most of the electricity generated is from fossil fuels, where do the EV's get you? We're going to need to see more power generation from nuclear, solar and wind, an upgrade to the grid, and massive investment in batteries and mines before this makes sense. We could be stuck with EV's and inadequate power to be able to run them. This is a concern in California now,


And it should be a concern for the entire USA, given that the President can manipulate EPA rules and regulations to mimic California at the federal level.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Total dumbasses that don’t have clue demand something . Results always the same regular people get screwed crooked politicians and a corporations get rich and ruin millions of lives Originally Posted by farmstud60
Yes they are farmstud, most of them will buy a riverboat in Odessa , Texas even though there are no navigable rivers for miles . Well the epa calls a dry stream and flows water only when it rains is a navigable waterway in their definition. But I digress , this is putting a cart before the horse scenario. No plan whatsoever just crying the sky is falling. Which of course is total 100% grade A bullshit bought only by this riverboat sheep.
... ALL THIS electricity... WHERE will it come from?

... China-built Nuclear power plants. ... That's where.

... "A-hem... Here the come... heading down the street...
Curious looks as - every regulation they Beat...

Hey Hey It's Nuclear Power... People say it's coming 'round.
And you surely better get ready - it may be comin' to your towne!"

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
You gotta crawl before walking. Tech of today will make new discoveries. Leading to new innovations. It takes time.
You gotta crawl before walking. Tech of today will make new discoveries. Leading to new innovations. It takes time. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah and in the mean time a lot of headaches that will cost the consumer a lot of money and inconvenience. Like any new vehicle there will be Recalls, TSB's and many towing companies will either not tow or charge more than for a Gas powered Automobile. Above all else Mechanics aren't competent enough yet with these vehicles. At the end of the day EV Cars won't put a dent in the quest to protect the environment the only dent will be in your wallet.
winn dixie's Avatar
It's called evolution.
We must not get stuck thinking only of today.
Yeah and in the mean time a lot of headaches that will cost the consumer a lot of money and inconvenience. Like any new vehicle there will be Recalls, TSB's and many towing companies will either not tow or charge more than for a Gas powered Automobile. Above all else Mechanics aren't competent enough yet with these vehicles. At the end of the day EV Cars won't put a dent in the quest to protect the environment the only dent will be in your wallet. Originally Posted by Levianon17

... EXCELLANT points there, mate!

... And I'M not just thinking of today.
I'm surely thinking of "tomorrow" - when American goes back
to becoming ENERGY INDEPENDENT! ...

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
You gotta crawl before walking. Tech of today will make new discoveries. Leading to new innovations. It takes time. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Only humans crawl before they walk, ever watch a calf or deer being born? Time varies with on how look after birth they stand , some immediate some 15 minutes or so. So animals are far superior to humans in that aspect. All your post and this one doesn’t deal with the ops post,

The fact of the matter is you don’t start with the finished project ,then fill n the blanks later,. They are so pushing wind and solar power , then they should power these eye sores with more eye sores. America alone has the fossil fuels to power this country for a long long time. You don’t shut that industry down until they have the capability to supply this country with a source that is as reliable as fossil fuels. It is just plane stupid to think they can.
oilfieldace's Avatar
It's called evolution.
We must not get stuck thinking only of today. Originally Posted by winn dixie
It’s called fucking up the drawworks.
ANOTHER ship carrying EV's catches fire. Modern fire suppression systems cannot stop EV battery fires.