Aneros- Hands free orgasm?

doh: Originally Posted by skyleigh
I'm unclear why you would waste your time replying to something that does not interest you! In fact your response is just down right bad mannered and mean spirited. If you can't add something to the conversation at least don't try to offend which is what you are doing. I'm surprised the mods would tolerate such a mean spirited response! You need to take your bad attitude elsewhere.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
LOL whatever I've been eating ass for TEN YEARS and have yet to have any E coli-related problems...

Obviously I use discernment about where I stick my tongue. But you'd be amazed at just how well our noses are programmed when it comes to detecting whether something is shitty or clean... Instinct- powerful stuff- I tell ya...
pmdelites's Avatar
1. Don't waste your time or money with the magical Aneros product.

2. Smurphy does Dallas Originally Posted by birder22
smurfyDoesDallas (not "ph")
pmdelites's Avatar
I'm unclear why you would waste your time replying to something that does not interest you! In fact your response is just down right bad mannered and mean spirited. If you can't add something to the conversation at least don't try to offend which is what you are doing. I'm surprised the mods would tolerate such a mean spirited response! You need to take your bad attitude elsewhere. Originally Posted by Dale Jr.
dale, just as you posted your preference/want-to-do, skyleigh has the same opportunity to post her dislike about rimming/analingus. she even posted info about possible less-than-deliteful consequences of doing so (didnt read the articles, so wont comment on validity/accuracy of them).

i didnt think her post was "just down right bad mannered and mean spirited."

so, i suggest you take a step back and take it easy.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
dale, just as you posted your preference/want-to-do, skyleigh has the same opportunity to post her dislike about rimming/analingus. she even posted info about possible less-than-deliteful consequences of doing so (didnt read the articles, so wont comment on validity/accuracy of them).

i didnt think her post was "just down right bad mannered and mean spirited."

so, i suggest you take a step back and take it easy. Originally Posted by pmdelites
I agree. I'm not a fan of anal anything, I would like to be somewhat knowledgeable in case I ever get interested.

As far as my current interests, if Zoey or Tori Valentine do it, my interest broaden exponentially.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
"As far as my current interests, if Zoey or Tori Valentine do it, my interest broaden exponentially."

I don't know Tori but Zoey will make a believer out of you.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
As far as the Aneros toys go, I do travel with two of them: one that vibrates and one that doesn't, but it just seems like some men love them and some men feel that they're kind of "ehhh". Probably just because different people are wired different ways. I have had my fingers on a lot of prostates too and I can tell you that one size doesn't necessarily fit all. Some guys' prostates are way farther back than others. Some are very easy to reach with my fingers and some difficult. So I can't imagine that the one-size-fits-all approach of the Aneros is successful for everyone, honestly.

I think that's why I have more luck with the njoy pure wand. It's handheld, so I can adjust the depth until I'm stroking someone's sweet spot. Pretty much everyone has a crazy orgasm from that unless it's just blowing their mind so much that it freaks them out and they ask me to stop before they reach the big O. Even those guys just need some slow breathing exercises to get used to the intensity of the pleasure and usually end up loving it in the end. In my professional opinion it's definitely the crowdpleaser & most widely-loved tool in my kit.

Some guys just really love vibration though, so if that's what you're going for then the Aneros is probably the best on the market.

Maybe you need to practice kegels more so that your muscles down there are more powerful before you can achieve the prostate orgasm with it.
skyleigh's Avatar
I'm unclear why you would waste your time replying to something that does not interest you! In fact your response is just down right bad mannered and mean spirited. If you can't add something to the conversation at least don't try to offend which is what you are doing. I'm surprised the mods would tolerate such a mean spirited response! You need to take your bad attitude elsewhere. Originally Posted by Dale Jr.
Dale, my sincere and non-sarcastic apologies. I really don't have a bad attitude, but sometimes I can be outspoken with my opinion. I went to one of those sex Tupperware parties, and I purchased this because I refuse to come within inches with my body. The men that I have used it on go apeshit! It has like 20 speeds it's the perfect size and you'll probably like it. I hope that makes up for my bad attitude.
skyleigh's Avatar
I agree. I'm not a fan of anal anything, I would like to be somewhat knowledgeable in case I ever get interested.

As far as my current interests, if Zoey or Tori Valentine do it, my interest broaden exponentially. Originally Posted by PsychedelicMut

I really wasn't trying to be mean.
dale, just as you posted your preference/want-to-do, skyleigh has the same opportunity to post her dislike about rimming/analingus. she even posted info about possible less-than-deliteful consequences of doing so (didnt read the articles, so wont comment on validity/accuracy of them).

i didnt think her post was "just down right bad mannered and mean spirited."

so, i suggest you take a step back and take it easy. Originally Posted by pmdelites
You are absolutely correct. She does have the right to post her dislike about rimming/analingus SOMEWHERE ELSE! Read my post! It had nothing to do with rimming/analingus which is my point. She hijacked my thread to go in a totally different direction.
People certainly have the right to disagree with me or anyone else on here but stick to the topic. She should have just started her own thread on how she finds "rimming/analingus" so revolting. It has NOTHING to do with my thread.
Kinsey Pink's Avatar
Gosh I don't have much to say about the Aneros toys - I had a partner once who was committed to finding out how to make the aneros work for him, but it never quite did.

He had a great attitude about it and loved trying, so it wasn't a frustrating endeavor. But yeah... they just never piqued my interest because of the ambiguously pleasant (but not earth-shattering) entertainment it seemed to provide. I know Zoey likes to introduce some folks to the aneros though and many men swear by the Aneros brand.

I also endorse the nJoy pure wand for prostate stimulation (seen here in a rather unorthodox mode of use) although to be honest, Im really into just getting my fingers in there. I have found over the years that my fingers provide some of the best prostate pleasure around. That said, I have these tiny hands and sometimes I need to use the Pure Wand simply because of biology and reaching the prostate.
Thanks Zoey and Tori for your insight. Your reputation has gained you a lot of respect on the topic.
I've still been working on the Aneros and can say I did hit one milestone. While I heard the best way to achieve the hands free orgasm includes avoiding vibrations. I ended up hitting one using my vibrating Aneros.
I have been using more than one Aneros per session. I start with the smaller ones and end up with the larger. I was using the vibrating one without the vibrator turned on. It feels good and always gets me closer than with the rest. I finally decided to turn the thing on as I was getting close. It finally pushed me over the edge which was explosive and amazing. It really felt like nothing I have been through before and I WANT MORE! I have not gotten back there but continue to practice.
As far as the kegals, that's an interesting comment. The way to get the Aneros to work (from what I know) is to actually perform kegals with the toy in place. With that being said, I have been "practicing" a lot. In fact, since I have been doing this I find myself contracting those muscles all the time now.
As for the Njoy pure wand pictured in Tori's photo, I didn't realize that's what it was. I thought the Njoy was a type of vibrator not a stainless steel toy. I actually have that in the bottom of my toy bag. I just don't know how to best use it.
Advice from the pros?
Thank you again for your feedback.
crimson's Avatar
Have had it used on me a couple times during a massage session. I found that it does make me clench and feels good, but not ejaculate just from that sensation.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I really wasn't trying to be mean. Originally Posted by skyleigh


Even though I do clean my toys after use, I also ALWAYS use a condom on them. In fact, I purchase condoms in batches of 100 (Condom Depot has a great deal on a variety for a decent price) and I even put a condom on the top of my Hitachi wand when I use it ... and that includes when I use it on myself!

No one has mentioned condoms and well, though that might ... I don't know ... perhaps help with some understanding.
