WHO are the worst scammers: Hookers or Strippers

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I say blow up EVERY SINGLE STRIP CLUB IN AMERICA ..... Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
At least I talk on subject instead of incessant rambling. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Incessant Rambroing ... ?

OK, you stripper lovers. Me and you each have $200 to spend..and ONLY $200. Can't go over that limit. You take your two bills to a strip club. I peruse through eccie in search of someone who I can hang out with for an hour.

After you pay the SC cover charge, which could range anywhere from 5 bucks to 25 bucks or so (that comes out of the $$, btw) and get you a drink or two, you've broken a 20, maybe two. Now you gotta get a stripper's attention. You tip her a few bucks while she's on stage or you call her over and buy her a drink. She may or may not provide extras. To find out, you're going to have to get a couple of lapdances. Shave off $.40. For the sake of argument, let's say she plays. If she's high end, a bill.40 might not be enough. Now you've just wasted 40 bucks and a half hour of time (not that the clock's a factor, but your viagra may be wearing down..he he). Now you gotta move on to another one. She's not as hot as the previous one, but she plays....a lot. And she's cheap. You saw her leaving the VIP 20 min ago, 10 seconds ahead of another fella (a hobbyist on this board that you don't know). She takes you back there, and after one token dance, agrees to play for a bill. After screwing around with her for a few, you get what you came for, but at what cost. The shift you go to the club on has a new manager, who's trying to show his metal and kept a close eye on you and her. You had some fun back there, but it wasn't continuous, you had to keep one eye on the headstrong floor manager, she wasn't your first choice to see, and the VIP smelled like beer, smoke, and badussy, and on top of all that she was sloppy seconds (or more) and probably wasn't as fresh as can be. All that, and you walk out with 22 bucks in your pocket. Maybe you're satisfied with your day (or night). Then again, maybe not. Not all nuts busted are great nuts. Some are very ho-hum.
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Dang... that brings back so many fond memories ...
OK, you stripper lovers. Me and you each have $200 to spend..and ONLY $200. Can't go over that limit. You take your two bills to a strip club. I peruse through eccie in search of someone who I can hang out with for an hour.
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
And how, prey tell, can you figure that out by reading a forum, any forum? Until they start making advanced android robot prostitutes, there's no way you can tell with any certainty whether your $200 is going to be money well spent, or if you & your companion simply won't click.

Some people like thrill of the chase (aka flyfishing), and some like the sure thing (aka a sack of dynamite). But, if your dynamite is a dud, you're out of your $200 and pissed off because you busted a nut but did not enjoy it very much - and you secretly hold a grudge against a guy who exaggarated in his review.

If I don't catch any fish, I am out of... what? A cover charge, a few dances and a few shots of patron? Keep in mind, strip club regulars rarely come out with an empty fish net, because they're known to waitstaff and bartenders, which is a big help if you're in Houston. Then there are strip clubs where you don't have to be a regular to be pretty much sure you won't end up with an empty net at the end of the day.

Now the real problem with fishing at strip clubs are psychos. There was this one titty bar that made me get a hobby phone. I was there for all of 30 minutes, but managed to meet the self proclaimed head waitress, and the best looking stripper. Luckily I had to leave after 30 minutes, but from what I figured, those two would drain my account if I'd just let my guard down for 2.5 seconds. Anyway, I gave them my number (don't ask why, I should know better), and 3 months later, the waitress is still calling me and texting me and asking when I am going to come to the club and see her. Mind you, I never returned her calls or texted her back. I know a psycho when I see one.
Htowner's Avatar
Why even discuss this 'pick your poison' topic?
Why does this even have to be a concern. There should not be a financial tie of any kind even though I am guility of it myself.

How about Just Say No.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Why even discuss this 'pick your poison' topic?
Why does this even have to be a concern. There should not be a financial tie of any kind even though I am guility of it myself.

How about Just Say No. Originally Posted by Htowner
How about yes.... because I know they really do like me... it has nothing to do with the amount of money I squander on them...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-25-2010, 08:12 PM
While I understand what you are saying Rambo, the OP did not have a problem with what he was paying at the strip club. He thought the scam came from the girl asking for money when he took her out to eat, after taking 8 months to get to know her for some reason.

While I feel you on the cost of the strip club being high you also get a good view of girls before you see them in real life, so for some that may be a plus. I dont do strip clubs alot but when I go I know it will be a good $ just to sit there and have an ok time. But thats the game, if you want to play the game you got to pay.

You are right your 200 goes further outside the strip club if you just go online. I think the strip club guys are kinda like the street walker guys its just a diffrent breed of hobbyist, they get something out of it, what I dont know. But if you pick up a street walker you gonna come on here all surpised that she was fucked up in some way when you meet her. Or be surprised when it turns out you arrived at a thug house, find one thats LE, will you be surprised? If it were not part of the game for these guys they would stick to only proven girls on here there are more then enough girls here proven so its a choice.
I belive that stippers are the worst scammers! Majority of strippers have pimps and are not allowed to eat. So, they scam on the customers by picking pockets, or watering down their drinks.
Man things have changed from the days I used to Dance Topless...! But then again those were the days when I knew Anna Nicole before her boob job, before she got married.. rest her sole. I guess the ladies were a bit different back then. The Houston Ordinances have really killed the quality of the strip clubs and the type of girls in them it seems just by reading all this.
simpleton's Avatar
I belive that stippers are the worst scammers! Majority of strippers have pimps and are not allowed to eat. So, they scam on the customers by picking pockets, or watering down their drinks. Originally Posted by leah love

strippers have pimps?? I had no idea.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-26-2010, 09:50 AM
If a stripper has a pimp then I would think she is also a hooker am I wrong
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Most strippers I have met are single moms trying to make a living... I'm just sayin' ...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Yep. Some have husbands or SOs, a FEW have pimps.

I suspect the numbers for the strippers are not that different from the providers we know.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I thought they were all college students stripping to pay for tuition so they get become nurses one day. Funny, in the few trips I've made to hospitals I've never seen a knockout of a nurse that you could look at and say, 'You know, I bet she was a stripper'.
Htowner's Avatar
And they all go to Rice.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I thought they were all college students stripping to pay for tuition so they get become nurses one day. Funny, in the few trips I've made to hospitals I've never seen a knockout of a nurse that you could look at and say, 'You know, I bet she was a stripper'. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I keep a couple of them on scholarship ...

The best looking nurses are in the ICU... when you wake up after emergency heart surgery... and realize you're still alive....they look like angels...
pyramider's Avatar
ICU nurses are mean and have not sense of humor. At least that is my experience.