"Rich people suck" says a psychologist from study

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  • 11-07-2011, 06:52 PM
Charitable giving has nothing to do with the emotion of empathy. To me, it is more likely to evidence a hostility to government.

. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It ain't charitable giving if you can deduct it on your tax return.

They think they are buying salvation and getting a tax deduction!
I agree 100 percent. I always wonder how populated all of those huge charity events, that permiate the social pages of the News Papers, would be if there were no deductions from one's taxes.

As to the article, does this information include the Kennedys?
It ain't charitable giving if you can deduct it on your tax return.

They think they are buying salvation and getting a tax deduction! Originally Posted by WTF
anaximander's Avatar
Again if aiding the needy were truly your
intent you would not care how its done
only that it be done for the most,at the
lowest cost, as quickly as possible.

But those aren't even factors.

For whatever reason europeans suck at
charity. The US has always been first
on the scene with food meds and shelter.
We guilt the skinflint euros into
some meager contributions.

Democrat millionaires do not match
Republicans period in % of charitable giving
thats an old proven stat since the 1970s
when class warfare scum hoped to find
out otherwise. Towards the end of their
lives wealthy (R)philanthropists were more
likely to practically liquidate their estates
in charitable causes than were(d) the dims.

I have no empathy because I don't endure
fools gladly. I am darker than most black men
in the summer- sure it's dark red but it isn't white.
I have always looked like a redskin.
No I don't handle whiskey well.
But I mastered the language, and enunciate it
clearly. Even playing with dialects and accents.
White men have always been fair to me
in so far as anything of consequence anyway.

If I can find and keep a job anybody can.

As with anything it is won in the will.
I will not give up.

I best serve Israel keeping the US behind her.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Charitable giving has nothing to do with the emotion of empathy. To me, it is more likely to evidence a hostility to government.

Many progressives believe -- justifiably, I would argue -- that private charity undercuts the case for government being the entity in society that should be the social safety net. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Do you actually believe yourself? Non-liberals give more because they hate the government, whereas liberals are more empathetic because they support welfare?

Gawd, I love this place!

So, since liberals have a kinder heart, they demand the government take money from people by force to give to whoever the liberal thinks is needy. And because non-liberals give money voluntarily to charities, they are less empathetic. And if they give too much, we might not need government anymore! Oh, the Humanity!

My shrink thinks I make this shit up.

TTH, I'm convinced you're a lawyer. Only a lawyer could say something that stupid and make it sound like he believes it.

But keep it coming, that's why I'm here. God, I laughed until I nearly cried. Thanks!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2011, 07:14 AM
I agree 100 percent. I always wonder how populated all of those huge charity events, that permiate the social pages of the News Papers, would be if there were no deductions from one's taxes.

As to the article, does this information include the Kennedys? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The big events are done so their wives can dress up and feel important. They spend 10 million to raise a 1 milion.

The Kennedy's are exactly what is wrong with this country...unearned wealth is our plague
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  • 11-08-2011, 07:22 AM
My shrink thinks I make this shit up.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Your shrink believes in science, if you took the liberal/conservative test you would understand that liberals believe more on compassion and fairness. So of course they have more empathy. That is not a good or bad thing, it is an evolutionary thing. Something we know because of research.

I have suggested to book to read if you want to get a handle on this subject so you will quit crying when a scientific fact comes up again.

The Believing Brain.
anaximander's Avatar
With no basis in the RW.
Is it fair that the lioness catches
the old, sick, crippled, and lone young?

I would posit that most poverty jock sniffers
do so for an altruistic feeling that is just that:
a feeling with no basis in logic whatsoever.
Your ideas and programs cure nothing,
spread the misery, and prolong the situation.
But you sure puff your chest out proudly
crowing how evolved you are. Tff
That alone reveals how junk your science is.
There is no cultural highwater mark by which
to make such a claim. Our liberal culture
slaughters unborn children in the name of a law
that doesn't exist. The same abortion mills
reduce baby humans to medical parts and
cosmetics. Evolved into what exactly?
In our own ways we are as dark and barbaric
-even more so, we do things they would never-
as our most primitive ancestors.
We just have soap and better clothes.

You want to earnestly help the poor.
Let hunger and ostracization do their work.
That is what our species evolved to deal
with layabouts and goldbrickers.

Unearned wealth? You envious worm.
The problem in this nation isn't unearned wealth.
It's the lazy, unimaginative, envious losers.
Just because you are a nothing doesn't mean
we have to be nothings too for some warped
and twisted notion of fairness.

The only unearned wealth in this nation
is in the pockets of exec govt and unions.

You are the kind of people that would force
sandbags on Jordan. Make Jobs use microsoft.
Give the undeveloped nations running
headstarts at the Olympics.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Your shrink believes in science, if you took the liberal/conservative test you would understand that liberals believe more on compassion and fairness. So of course they have more empathy. That is not a good or bad thing, it is an evolutionary thing. Something we know because of research.

I have suggested to book to read if you want to get a handle on this subject so you will quit crying when a scientific fact comes up again.

The Believing Brain. Originally Posted by WTF
So now liberals are more advanced than non-liberals as evidenced by their willingness to be generous with someone else's money. Non-liberals are Neanderthals because they still believe in the quaint notion that personal charity, that is, charity based on personal values, is a positive character trait.

You can't make this shit up. Tell me this isn't funny as hell?

I have to laugh at how every thread turns out to be a "Liberals vs Conservatives" or Repubs vs Dems thread..

Anyway bumping this thread for more elaborate discussion on the study. =)
anaximander's Avatar
More like wannabe slaves vs freemen.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-08-2011, 10:50 AM
So now liberals are more advanced than non-liberals as evidenced by their willingness to be generous with someone else's money. Non-liberals are Neanderthals because they still believe in the quaint notion that personal charity

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I did not say that. Let me tell you again. Writing off your chairty on your tax return is not charity. But liberals by nature have more empathy. Read the studies and quit being so obtuse
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
With all due respect, could you cite to any study that was done by a non-liberal? I've read studies that used as their criterion whether or not a person voted for certain government programs as a basis for their empathy. I do not accept the idea that liberals are more highly evolved than the rest of us. Again, I very politely say that is unadulterated bullshit. With all due respect, that is.
anaximander's Avatar
Rich people give more in private as well.

Ne'er do wells want you to photograph
every flippin farthing they grudgingly
come lose of.

If helping the needy were truly your aim WTF.
You wouldn't have an issue with private
charity picking up what the govt drops.
But no. You are concerned that private
firms will outperform the govt
and make the govt look bad.
As if the govt needs help in that dept.

Most curious is you would rather
the poor and unfortunate suffer.
Rather than the govt look bad.

You are a statist.
You care not about the people.
Your choice of actions betrays your words.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think good looking people are cool and ugly people suck.

I think I'll go make a sign.