Cases rise sharply in Texas

According to the Beaumont enterprise 25% of Texas COVID cases are in 1 prison in SE Texas.
i question the 100k count. it's being over counted by hospitals in part because there is financial incentives and doctors are using covid as a co-factor without testing just based on general factors like reported symptoms by patients that ended up dying.

my original estimate some time back was 63-66k deaths. given the over counting I'll stick with this as more accurate. which does put it in annual flu like numbers. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I think your methodology is sound as usual.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think if we can quarantine the meat-packers, imprisoned, nursing homes residents, and the Baldies...

we can live our normal lives.. fuck the virus!
Redhot1960's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
I think your methodology is sound as usual. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Gov. Abbot explained it last night. Munchie prefers CNN et al bullshit..."Washington Post" retread.

Texas has reported 75,616 cases since the pandemic began, and in 10 of the past 15 days, the state’s seven-day average of new cases has increased.

As of Tuesday, it has reported two consecutive days of record-breaking coronavirus hospitalizations. The state has seen a 36 percent increase in new cases since Memorial Day, with a record 2,056 current hospitalizations as of early Tuesday afternoon. It was up from a high of 1,935 hospitalizations on Monday.
Texas was one of the first states to relax their stay-at-home order. Businesses started to open up in early May. According to the state’s health department, Texas has 28.14 percent of available hospital beds open, and 1,723 available intensive care unit beds.
Abbott reports ...

increased testing does not equal to "increased cases" ... just more positive tests.....and that hospitalization related to the virus are DOWN!

Munchie just can't help himself ... fear mongering AntiTrumpism suits his fancy.
  • oeb11
  • 06-12-2020, 08:06 AM
DPST's pay no attention to FACTS - just their narrative

And explode in temper tantrum name-calling when their Lies are exposed.

Such limited intellects.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
just one question, how many have been hospitalized?
HedonistForever's Avatar
just one question, how many have been hospitalized? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

That and deaths, the only two numbers that matter. Who cares how many get it and remain at home just like the flu.
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2020, 11:48 AM
i question the 100k count. it's being over counted by hospitals in part because there is financial incentives and doctors are using covid as a co-factor without testing just based on general factors like reported symptoms by patients that ended up dying.

my original estimate some time back was 63-66k deaths. given the over counting I'll stick with this as more accurate. which does put it in annual flu like numbers. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's probably undercounted. Old people died from this without ever being tested so they didn't count them.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
There you go.
Running your mouth, having no links to back up your bullshit, and either calling the governor a liar or lying about what the governor said.

You're still pretending you're something you're not. Someone who knows what he is talking about. The poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect.

"Number of Texans hospitalized with coronavirus hits all-time high as experts say cases are likely to continue increasing
For the third day in a row, Texas has reported a record number of patients hospitalized with the new coronavirus, a metric Gov. Greg Abbott has said he’s watching as businesses continue reopening and limits on their operations are loosened.

Data released Wednesday by the Texas Department of State Health Services shows 2,153 people were hospitalized with COVID-19, up from 2,056 the day before, and 1,935 Monday. Before the last few days, the previous high was May 5, when 1,888 people were hospitalized.

The figures come a little more than a month since Abbott's statewide stay-at-home order ended and he began a phased reopening of businesses. It also comes about two weeks after Memorial Day. The incubation time for the virus. And it spiked now? Go figure.The hospitalizations have increased some 42% since then."

"Texas Shatters Record For New Coronavirus Cases

Texas reported over 2,500 new coronavirus cases Wednesday—the highest reported in a single day by far since the pandemic started—as the number of Texans currently admitted to hospitals for coronavirus climbed to a new record for the third straight day, as the state, which had one of the fastest and most aggressive reopening timelines in the nation, has seen a surge in infections about two weeks after Memorial Day."

"Texas sees record number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 for third day in a row

Hospitalizations of patients infected with the novel coronavirus have hit a record high in Texas for the third day in a row.
Wednesday, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported 2,153 patients are hospitalized with COVID-19 — an increase of 97 patients from Tuesday when 2,056 were hospitalized and 218 more than the 1,935 people hospitalized on Monday.

Hospitalizations have been on an upward trend since late May, and have increased by nearly 42.5% since the 1,511 patients hospitalized on Memorial Day. Before Monday, the previous record for hospitalizations was on May 5 when 1,888 patients were hospitalized."

You talk shit about sources the same way you do everything else. You offer no proof or examples. Just your stupid-ass opinions you claim as facts.

The % of you and your ilk that believe trump's lies are shrinking. I know you don't believe polls but who gives a shit. Trump is cracking up. Watching y'all twisting to present his drivel or his interpretation of current events is pretty funny.

Once again you go down in flames. You show no proof to back your made-up story or to refute the original article.

You're just an everyday douche-bag.

Gov. Abbot explained it last night. Munchie prefers CNN et al bullshit..."Washington Post" retread.

Abbott reports ...

increased testing does not equal to "increased cases" ... just more positive tests.....and that hospitalization related to the virus are DOWN!

Munchie just can't help himself ... fear mongering AntiTrumpism suits his fancy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
  • oeb11
  • 06-12-2020, 02:31 PM
isn't Blue Meanie just joyous over the deaths.

Typical DPST - hundreds of thousands of deaths are just fine in an effort to not re-elect Trump.
I hardly ever come visit this forum because the majority of posters here have no life except to spew your opinions in the Political Forum of a hooker board.

I have found this thread to be particularly amusing though. I will now comment on a few of the posts that have appeared here since my last visit to this forum.

No! You "threw it out there" like you could read my mind.

What good does a mask do? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There's no challenge in reading a blank slate Subaru Driver.

I have seen you previously post something along the lines of "masks only work at keeping thing in and not for keeping them out," so obviously you know what good a mask will do. Why you seem to think it's a good thing that people in your area aren't wearing them, you must either be blindly following President Twitterhead (which of course you do) or you don't give a damn about whether you and the people around you could care less about potentially infecting your fellow human beings.

In either case, I feel very sorry for you.

i question the 100k count. it's being over counted by hospitals in part because there is financial incentives and doctors are using covid as a co-factor without testing just based on general factors like reported symptoms by patients that ended up dying.

my original estimate some time back was 63-66k deaths. given the over counting I'll stick with this as more accurate. which does put it in annual flu like numbers. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This one is mind boggling.

FYI -- hospitals make the majority of their money from elective surgeries. Not from treating infectious diseases.

Think about this for a while before you respond in you typical fashion. Surgeries involve (at least) your regular Dr, your hospital room, your floor nurse, the surgery room, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the surgical team, the ICU (possibly) and the recovery room. Treating an infectious disease involves your Dr., your hospital room and your floor nurse. Do the math. Of course that is assuming the numbers involved aren't too big for you.

Elective surgeries have basically not been allowed over the past few months. So I am going to question your methodology as being unsound (as usual).

As far as your death numbers, from what source did you pull these figures? Merely grabbing figures our of thin air and posting them on a hooker board does not automatically make them factual. We are back to this suspect methodology again.

I believe the number of deaths could have been even lower than your stated figures if we had effective leadership in the country. But sadly, we do not.

I think your methodology is sound as usual. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I just finished addressing this post as being totally ridiculous.

DPST's pay no attention to FACTS - just their narrative

And explode in temper tantrum name-calling when their Lies are exposed.

Such limited intellects. Originally Posted by oeb11
This one is freaking hilarious. You just finish saying how the other side resorts to name calling when their dubious opinions are exposed (I won't call them lies because I do think you guys actually believe all the misinformation [and total crap] that you post). And then you proceed to call the other side names. Very good job here Oebbie.

Nearly 80,000 posts between the 4 of you and not a single clue.

Go ahead and fire off with your typical meaningless responses.
I will probably check them out again in a few days time. Whenever the next time is that I need a good laugh.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Don't you get tired of being a douche-bag?
Your asshole in chief has given up on dealing with the virus.
It's suppose to magically disappear.
I pointed out it's not disappearing and that cases and hospitalizations are increasing. I didn't even mention the deaths in this thread.
And you're supposedly in the medical field.
All you can do is project your hatred and stupidity. You don't even know what the fuck is happening.

You can't deal with facts so you cower behind your trump bullshit.
We're being set up for huge spikes in cases, hospital stays, and yes asshole, deaths.
It's obvious from your increase in stupid posts that you aren't working. And if you had any real skills to contribute to the public health care crisis you would be working. But no, you got laid off so now you pass on misinformation.
What a loser.

You aren't even the smartest stupid guy on here.
You lie about people wanting deaths because you know all these extra deaths come from trump's incompetence. And people like you who enable your leader.

Me pointing out facts to you doesn't mean I hope shit happens.
It means we can see it coming. Pull your head out of your ass and you might see it too.
Maybe lexasliar can get you a job at 7-11.
isn't Blue Meanie just joyous over the deaths.

Typical DPST - hundreds of thousands of deaths are just fine in an effort to not re-elect Trump. Originally Posted by oeb11
Redhot1960's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
I hardly ever come visit this forum because the majority of posters here have no life except to spew your opinions in the Political Forum of a hooker board.

I have found this thread to be particularly amusing though. I will now comment on a few of the posts that have appeared here since my last visit to this forum.

There's no challenge in reading a blank slate Subaru Driver.

I have seen you previously post something along the lines of "masks only work at keeping thing in and not for keeping them out," so obviously you know what good a mask will do. Why you seem to think it's a good thing that people in your area aren't wearing them, you must either be blindly following President Twitterhead (which of course you do) or you don't give a damn about whether you and the people around you could care less about potentially infecting your fellow human beings.

In either case, I feel very sorry for you.

This one is mind boggling.

FYI -- hospitals make the majority of their money from elective surgeries. Not from treating infectious diseases.

Think about this for a while before you respond in you typical fashion. Surgeries involve (at least) your regular Dr, your hospital room, your floor nurse, the surgery room, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the surgical team, the ICU (possibly) and the recovery room. Treating an infectious disease involves your Dr., your hospital room and your floor nurse. Do the math. Of course that is assuming the numbers involved aren't too big for you.

Elective surgeries have basically not been allowed over the past few months. So I am going to question your methodology as being unsound (as usual).

As far as your death numbers, from what source did you pull these figures? Merely grabbing figures our of thin air and posting them on a hooker board does not automatically make them factual. We are back to this suspect methodology again.

I believe the number of deaths could have been even lower than your stated figures if we had effective leadership in the country. But sadly, we do not.

I just finished addressing this post as being totally ridiculous.

This one is freaking hilarious. You just finish saying how the other side resorts to name calling when their dubious opinions are exposed (I won't call them lies because I do think you guys actually believe all the misinformation [and total crap] that you post). And then you proceed to call the other side names. Very good job here Oebbie.

Nearly 80,000 posts between the 4 of you and not a single clue.

Go ahead and fire off with your typical meaningless responses.
I will probably check them out again in a few days time. Whenever the next time is that I need a good laugh. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Thank you valued poster.
Soooo glad you stopped by.