What do you do if the provider does not meet your expectations?

burkalini's Avatar
I used to pay no matter what to keep any drama away but now I research and if there is still an issue I have no qualms about ending it right away.
  • LynnT
  • 07-16-2011, 09:50 PM
Its too bad ladies scam on pictures and age so bad.. they would get just as much business if they were honest.. I know many men are just fine with an average looking lady as long as its good service, shes cool, TCB, clean incall, and clean herself. Just like there are enough men who are chubby chasers, like em older etc. Everyone has a cup of tea they like.
Still Looking's Avatar
Its too bad ladies scam on pictures and age so bad.. they would get just as much business if they were honest.. I know many men are just fine with an average looking lady as long as its good service, shes cool, TCB, clean incall, and clean herself. Just like there are enough men who are chubby chasers, like em older etc. Everyone has a cup of tea they like. Originally Posted by LynnT