Awkward Session

italia's Avatar
sorry you experienced that babe

bad karma on them, things will get better for you

keep that smile on your face

and dont take it personal what some of these boys are saying, the only intention of some is just to abuse women in some way shape or form. even if it is just on grammer lol they always look for something to talk shit.

Here's the real story of the awkward session : awkward to say the least . it should be in the alerts & I respectfully ask for it to be putthere .
First I haven't responded on hereor put upmy own alert out of sheerembarrassment , trouble w wife momentarily after op tried to out me in front of wifeafter giving donation& figuring out my recourse .
I know I will take some lumps here because I slipped like a rookie especially having my so involved . Go ahead and cast judgement as you will but my fellow mongers deserve to know fair warning .
Background :
My wife & I have met both in public & bcdwith several well known & respected providers (Purrsia , Secret Encounters & more. Ihave never encountered any kind of problems whatsoever . She DID NOT KNOW OF HOBBY AT ALL . I used a story if an ad on Cl , dating sites etc , etc . Everything had always worked out fantastically . Providers were always respectful & gave us both a great time .
I hadeven been dumb enough to become comfortable as to think I could take her to a social . I consulted CK's advice on this natter & thought better of it .
Op Left story vague & left out some very important details .
Story starts at a bar around 5pmish . My wife goes to do her nails . I go & have some drinks at the bar next door . Wife is going to be 2 hours . I put up an ISO & contacted LMCC & Genika . Lmcc was busy & maybe later . Genika said could be there in 30. I waited 45 . She came in , I bought her drink , slammed them . We decided to her incall which she said was off 151. We head away . Get to her incall which was closer to Kelly afb / Kennedy HS vicinity . Her private residence . Which is why what transpired still baffles me. We go in . Everything was cool . She offered me a beer . She slipped into something comfortable. I leave $180 donation. She sat me on a chair in her BR . Started dancing & then all of a sudden literally like. 5 min into it says ," I'm sorry Babe , family is calling. I have to meet them for dinner . I have to go."She gets dressed . I was upset & she said don't be mad babe - ill make it up to you both later . Call me tonight. She then takes me back to bar . wife meets me . We go to dinner , go back to bar , and have a few drinks. This is when my wife has her first drink . I have been drinking beerthe whole time so I'm buzzing for sure . Wife is milking a drink . I start calling Lmcc & Genika again . Lmcc told me she was with another provider at the moment . I offered $500 for a ride to a spot in the hill countryand a little hang out time within her limits of course - I am respectful didntexpect FS or anything like that, just to be clear .
I also offered genika the sane amount , because neither where certain . I would offer $500 for a ride only just to be clear.of course .Genikareplied right away but kept stalling Lmcc later replied said she prob could . Ff to about 1am bunch of texts back and forth . I was growing more frustrated and feeling ignored. I said something stupid to both to the extent of :It's cool lmk sorry to bug you just gonna cruise home if I don't hear from you soon . Im feeling like a dumbass waiting around . Please let me know . Then really dumb i said something like I guess I can't get a reply even with 500 . I guess I an a dumfuk. Again I am drunk at this point . Lmcc answers back she was getting ready & i am dumb & need to humble myself . I realize I was wring when it came to her because she wasn't the one dragging on,But the otherprovider certainlywas. I apologized to her& still regret my actions with her, only .

Genika arrives with her niece . Both obviously had been drinking . We get in the car and she immediately asks for donation without much discretion . I told her I needed to stop at the bank . We drove to bank , I pulled out $600. We start heading out . She is immediately Swerving . They crank up the radio full blast singing the lovely summer classic "back that ass up", with the pax nipple hangingout of her blouse. No complaints on the nipple . My wife is getting worried ,they literally were swerving all over road . I asked if she could please pay attention to the road , which upset her very much . Next thing I know they are talking about giung to clubs and passing out business cards , and telling "niggas shit this dhit ain't free. You gotta pay for this shit . This shit isgold allIn front of my wife ". She then stops at i10 Callaghan at a store . Says I need gas . I said cool & offered if anyone needed a water oranything . She then got out followed me to the side & within eyesight of my wife asked for donation upfront. I told her I'd give it to her upon arrival She demanded it and said - ill tell your wife which changed my demeanor immediately . I fucked up and gave it to her. I went inside store , she walked behind store . I come out & she's walking back from a Cadillac suv . She gets in & immediately says she can't take us because her taillight is out . (All of a sudden ) . I get out & check it . Lights fine . I knew where this is going . She starts heading back to town toward where we came from . We had them stop at jack in the box 410/fred.& call an uber . They wait with us at jack in the box . Über arrives , my wife starts getting out and I whisper can I plead have the donation back keep some gas . She screams for what ! Fuck you motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my car in bit giving you shit . Why don't I tell her why you are here . My wife starts getting pissed , what's going on , she asks me . Im dumbfounded , and respond she won't give he the gas money I have her to give out there . My wife tells her to give back the money or we at calling the fucking cops . How much / I say $100 hoping she will do right thing . She hands my wife a $20 bill . I said give it all now she tells be to fuck off . My wife says fuck you & calls the cops. .KarmaHer passenger starts puking in her car - I grabbed her bags hoping my cash was in there . No luck , just stripper clothes & pair of dancer heels . I still have and will return upon return of my money . Fucked up shit is using outing me to my wifeas a way to burn me . So there's the real story . Let the bashing begin .
Well she made off like a bandit huh
Dick Fitzenwell's Avatar
This just got interesting.
Keep her shit. She's a loser and her friend is too. Oh and obviously both are pimped.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
11:02pm from you "I've got 250$ for you lmk"
11:14 from me "is it cool if I take my cousin with me"
5 texts from you &3 missed calls I replied "I'm putting my baby to sleep"
5 more texts and more missed calls from you.
11:46 from you I'll give you 400$
11:54from me " I already said yes"
4 more texts and 2 calls I replied to you at 12:02 " "so you just need a ride?"
You called, I answered we spoke I said alright cool, give me a minute let me get shit situated at home and I'll head out.
12 missed calls and 14 rude texts the last texts varying from "lol" "500$" "lmk" "?????" " youre gonna mske ne beg" And
Damn I can't even get an answer for 500$ guess I am the dumbass oh and fuck _____ ___ too!
I replied at 1240 with and I quote

Damn my bad for taking a fucking shower and getting the car seat and shit out from my backseat. I didn't ask or need your money. I was just going to take y'all. You right though, you are a dumbfuck. In your ear bro.
THEN I started ignoring you.
You called a few more times and sent over 10 apologetic texts,that I responded with this:
Its no sweat off my balls. Only female you should be apologizing to is your wife. She's gotta deal with you not me. Humble yourself,your ego is a cockblock and the reason you gotta pay 500$ for a ride. You're bad business. Lose my number.

I'm not even going to count how many more texts I received from you after that. I texted you day I was getting Tattooed about hitting up my boys. You replied with you hadn't because you thought I was gonna tell them or idk what the hell you said.
I told I'm not a hater or a cockblock. That's business, call them.
Which you have yet to do.
That's why I say, you're bad business.
I don't care whom you are or what you do. If you act like a bitch I will treat you like one. I like to bust balls and joke around but I don't disrespect. I don't jump for NO ONE. I don't give a fuck about your money and care even less about your social status. If you're going to tell a story,tell it right.
As for the rest of your night, I can't comment on other then her story doesnt match yours.
Lol bringing your wife on that, asked for the ghetto drama you got it now.
Bet all 3 were in on the scam. Dang, can't even trust hookers now a days.
It's like reading the comments on Hooker Uber...
HedonisticFool's Avatar
It's like a combination of HBO's "Taxi Cab Confessions" and "Hookers at the Point" merged into one shitty show...but gets cancelled mid-season
There's a lot of stupid out there...