What has Eccie become???

bambino's Avatar
... I actually feel that the fellow monitouring the Pittsburgh
forum here does a good job... I LIKE the fact that he gives a
Warning FIRST - before 'anding out points for being off-topic.
Just me-own 2c-piece, mates.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah, I generally agree with that. It’s good to have a local mod and knows the local scene. The Dr has been around for a long time. Never met him at any of the socials tho.
Frankly, the moderation could use work imo, particularly the constant ’back on topic’ warnings. Real conversation has natural ebbs and flows, many times to tangential points. I see no reason to not allow threads to follow the same paths that they would in everyday face to face dialogue. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Every time I've gotten points was during of the natural ebb and flow of conversation. Pointing out blatant hypocrisy usually leads to infractions too, which is hilarious. It's shouldn't be considered "off topic" to point out someone playing both sides of the fence when it suits their agenda.

Points should be given for personal insults, or obviously, for attempting to out someone. That's it. These ticky-tack "thread hijack" penalties are lame. The natural ebb and flow of conversation allows for tangents.
bambino's Avatar
Some “threads” have no topic that can truly be identified. They’re pretty nebulous. So how can you be off topic when there isn’t one. Most threads reach their shelf life in 3 pages. After that, who cares.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Points should be given for personal insults, or obviously, for attempting to out someone. That's it. These ticky-tack "thread hijack" penalties are lame. The natural ebb and flow of conversation allows for tangents. Originally Posted by tommy156
Absolutely. That just happened here as well.