How many fingers do you like?

BBW Katrina's Avatar
Hygeine is one issue. Roughness. Digging around. Trying to fit just one more finger in there. Fingernails. If a guy takes it nice and slow, gently inserting 1 finger, 2 max it can be a pleasurable act. Sensuality is they key. A lot like daty. Dont tear the kitty up. Pet the kitty. Be nice to the kitty. Make the kitty purrrrrrrrr. Dont dig for gold or act like you havent eaten for days. Save the deep spulunking for your dick. Im not totally against fingers, but you should ask first, be nice, take it slow and be passionate.
awl4knot's Avatar
Okay, now we are getting somewhere.

Hygiene is a big issue as is hand and nail maintenance. When I prepare for a session I trim and file my nails and then buff them so they have a clean, healthy look. I also usually shower before a session and make sure to wash my hands thoroughly

Roughness is also an issue, but if you follow the mantra "soft foreplay - hard sex" it should never happen. I usually use a finger as part of DATY, which is a "soft" activity until maybe the end, so I try to be gentle.

But as a counterpoint, in my session earlier this week, as part of the second act, I inserted my finger from the rear (her ass was facing me) and when I hit the G-spot she went nuts, and told me to pump it and push it in harder, screaming that I was "on point". I then had the brilliant idea to spank her cheeks, and that put her in an even bigger frenzy, with the ultimate outcome of a great, squirting O. But I never would have been that forceful unless told to do so.

Again, the point of this is that if you pay attention, and do the "right" things to start, many good things will follow.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
A good finger fucking is how I get my hardest Os....Yes a mans hands must be clean and nails trimmed. Then I show him just how to find my GSpot, having him slowly insert one wet finger, gently stroking me. As my kitty starts to purr I tell him to add more..all the while my magic wand is purring away on my clit taking turns with his sweet tongue......Makes me the one doing the bucking and moaning every time.............One sure way to make this girl purr.............Yum.
pyramider's Avatar
I just like it rubbed on the outside and maybe inserted half way. Any more than that, is uncomfortable and messes up my orgasm. Every woman is different, and let us not forget I have a handicapped kitty lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Can you get a blue handicapped placard for having a handicapped kitty?
Maybe one finger. Providing the guy has first washed his hands and scrubbed his finger nails.
awl4knot's Avatar

It doesn't sound you like it even when done after proper hygiene.
DallasRain's Avatar
I PREFER a hot wet

But two fingers will be perfect! I have a tight tight kitty!!
happybanana's Avatar
"Dont dig for gold or act like you havent eaten for days. Save the deep spulunking for your dick.:"

That line made me laugh coffee thru my nose! That goes in the book for all time!,,,,
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Lol. I was trying to be as helpful to awl4not as I could be!! He had a very valid point. Im glad I could make you smile though Sorry about the coffee part.....ouch!
ICU 812's Avatar
So . . .on the negative side . . .is it a matter of technique or technique plus attitude . . .or what?
Creamy Kitti's Avatar
SAYS tongue!!!!!!!!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Tongue for what?
"Dont dig for gold or act like you havent eaten for days. Save the deep spulunking for your dick.:"

LMAO. That was too good! You just need to take your time, don't get rushed and you can find the spot. As for the haven't eaten in days part. I always thought it was more like an ice cream cone. The faster it melts, the faster you lick it, roll your tounge on it and when needed. Suck that little thing in your mouth and keep on lickin.


After all, it is not hamburger.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Oh have my ice cream churning away. I think you definitely have the jist of things Searcher!! Oohh la la
A passionate kiss and a light touch is all I need to create a puddle!