Outcalls and concealed carry - any other providers/hobbyists do it?

Gotyour6's Avatar
I dont show it, dont tell them and dont care if they wont see me if I do.

Sorry, I carry every where.
picking hookers that might put you into a situation involving gun play heightens the overall excitement of the unknown.

Id probably worry more about being rrested for Ddub while packing. thats commiting a felony with a firearm
It has been my experience that while lots of people may carry lethal weapons, and think that they are capable of using them the simple fact is, that at the moment of truth, many just can't leave their humanity behind and use a lethal weapon. When this hapens their exposure is even greater than if they did not have one because they run the risk of having the weapon used on them.

Everyone needs to make sure that they really have the capability to use a weapon if they carry one. I think that it is much easier for most to use something like Mace or a Taser than a firearm. Just MHO!!

It has been my experience that while lots of people may carry lethal weapons, and think that they are capable of using them the simple fact is, that at the moment of truth, many just can't leave their humanity behind and use a lethal weapon. When this hapens their exposure is even greater than if they did not have one because they run the risk of having the weapon used on them.

Everyone needs to make sure that they really have the capability to use a weapon if they carry one. I think that it is much easier for most to use something like Mace or a Taser than a firearm. Just MHO!!

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn


I Couldn't Have Said It BETTER Space!!!!!

bladtinzu's Avatar
It has been my experience that while lots of people may carry lethal weapons, and think that they are capable of using them the simple fact is, that at the moment of truth, many just can't leave their humanity behind and use a lethal weapon. When this hapens their exposure is even greater than if they did not have one because they run the risk of having the weapon used on them.

Everyone needs to make sure that they really have the capability to use a weapon if they carry one. I think that it is much easier for most to use something like Mace or a Taser than a firearm. Just MHO!!

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Fully agree because for some people taking a human life is an emotional event that really messes with their heads. Then you have the "Shakey Sally's" who have the damn thing taken away from them and used on them. And finally you have ones who have used it before and it never bothered them one single bit (except the fifty million questions in order to clear your name and make it justified)..
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I think to me, it's just a trust thing. Out of sight, out of mind. Like my mace.
I carry firearms at home... at the gas station... at taco bell... I don't go anywhere without 2 of them. I try to be upfront about that fact when I schedule. I'm not hiding anything... and I'm not out to hurt anyone.

Generally I believe providers suggesting they feel uncomfortable with armed men aren't thinking the matter through. Lets face facts... you're 5'3 and 110 pounds. If a man is there to hurt you... he does not require a gun to do so. Generally I would think a concealed carry license might actually make you feel better about your chances with a new client since he has passed a state background check. Sill the moral is always...



Missy Mariposa's Avatar
While I agree with you on it being good to have the state background check trailor, I disagree with you here:

you're 5'3 and 110 pounds. If a man is there to hurt you... he does not require a gun to do so.
I think you underestimate some of us. I was jogging once, 4 guys came up next to me and one tried to pull me into their van in broad daylight (oh Vancouver). I turned around, coldcocked him, broke the guys nose and ran. We aren't all 110 and helpless

I think what I'm uncomfortable with is the fact you feel you need to bring your gun into my home more than anything. If you don't feel safe around me, it's a bit worrysome.
Some people are immune to pepper spray.

NOT many!
Two words: Julia Tutwiler

This industry will never be safe until it is made legal.
If a "client" starts whooping your ass and you shoot to kill, you going prison.
Ain't no way around it.
Two words: Julia Tutwiler

This industry will never be safe until it is made legal.
If a "client" starts whooping your ass and you shoot to kill, you going prison.
Ain't no way around it. Originally Posted by BlackMistress
I agree. A taser and pepper spray is the way to go.
Hey Missy... here's the thing... my carrying a gun has nothing to do with where I am going or who I am going to see. I am not bringing it to your home (should I ever be so lucky as to be invited) because I don't trust you. I carry it... because I always carry it.

I don't expect to shoot anyone at church... but I carry it there too. I carry it in my own home... why wouldn't I carry it to yours?

For many people carrying is a lifestyle. Its a responsibility we take very seriously. Its just a habbit. You don't leave home without your cell phone. I don't leave without my .40. ok... my two 40s... and my knives...

Also... ladies... do a quick google for "thor shield". Its not common right now... but its easy to taser proof your clothes. People looking for trouble are starting to do so. Just sayin'.
junior samples's Avatar
I have a CHL and I carry all the time including when hobbing BUT the first thing I do upon entry is make sure the provider is aware and doesn't mind then put it on the table so she feels comfortable. So far no provider has ask me to put it back in my car witch I would out of respect for her comfort. I there is a SHOOTING I want to be the SHOOTER
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 04-29-2012, 06:16 PM
Had a dinner date in Cedar Rapids, the gent was older, much into hunting, and told me some stories from during his life and his statement was, "It's better to have a gun and never need it than it is to need one and not have it."

Since then, I've done a lot of thinking about it and I've got 2 potential outside business opportunities looming and in either scenario; trust me I would need to be carrying a gun for personal protection. (No not anything L E related!)

So I've already registered with the NRA, researched the topic on the internet and the proper licensing for my area, how to pursue the CCW, which classes to take and where to take them, and have chosen the Ruger LCR .38 Special. I also plan for my kids/young adults to take the beginners gun safety class with me and as many more as they choose to do if they are interested in pursuing it further as well. Oh yes, I am planning to get the model with Crimson Trace Lasergrip.

This has become an issue with me that it is just better safe than sorry. And I've got no doubt whatsoever that I could do what I needed to do to protect myself or my household.