Thoughts on drunk clients....

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Ladies, rest assured, you will never have to worry about me showing up drunk. I don't drink.

This is really a Catch-22 situation. What can you really do if he refuses to leave? You really can't call the cops w/out risking getting yourself arrested or at least highlighted. The best you can do is hope the hotel has security that won't call the cops and handle the situation on their own. Tough call.
My thoughts are this. He wasn't unhappy with the visit,but more unhappy with himself at the visit. Once he sobbered up he must of had a fleeting memory of something that truely was now embarrassing. So in order to redeem himslf from his personal insecurities he decided he would through the monkey on your back ( no pun intended). Instead of appologizing to you in the email for his inhebriated state like a real man should, he instead down grades your performance and hospitality. What you are dealing with here is the classic overpaid undercutting asswipe. If he calls you again double the donation he can afford it
Had an appointment with a client in Pensacola last night who had been drinking. When I first opened the door ... I continued with the visit even though he was talking very loud ...
What should I have done in this situation ... if I ask him to leave he's going to write some bad comments about me. I feel like it was a no win situation.

Your thoughts.... Originally Posted by Lacylynn
Let's face it, unless you can screen for personality/drinking habits, etc. or get to know somebody before you see them, you are rolling the dice every time you open the door. You've probably put on the happy face through some not so great appointments before and you'll do it again. Sounds like you handled it like a pro - don't give his follow up comments another thought - and then come to Connecticut and take your mind off these things!!!
I think it's just cheeky to turn up drunk, I have chucked out many drunk guys in London...I don't have a problem when both parties are drinking and we get a bit tipsy together though
I specifically state in my ad that no matter how many references you have, if you show up intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, I will not see you.
I think it's just cheeky to turn up drunk, I have chucked out many drunk guys in London...I don't have a problem when both parties are drinking and we get a bit tipsy together though Originally Posted by Valerie
I agree, Valarie.

Although I've never had a client show up drunk, I had one that had already downed a couple of drinks before I got there. By the time I had one and was working on the second, he had tossed three more. Before he could ask the bartender for another drink, I subtly gave him the signal that it was time to leave. I was a little ticked that I didn't get to finish my Mimosa, though.

I also had a client that let his drinking screw up our friendship. I saw him every time I went to his town, and it was great. He brought me to him for a weekend. We both know that it probably would've been great if he hadn't drank so much. Serious alcoholic, and I had NO idea beforehand. We were hanging out with his friends, and even though he didn't out me/show extreme disrespect, he became a bit... "runny" with his mouth. I have not seen him since. He knows why. He thinks I hate him. I don't. It's just not the same.
I can imagine that the problem you ladies might have would be knowing WHEN a client was drunk, as opposed to just acting like an idiot. The OP suggested her first clue was the client "talking loud" and not knowing what time of day it was. While this could be caused by alcohol, it could also be caused by idiocy.

Tough situation. I still say the OP handled it well.
  • Laz
  • 06-13-2012, 04:26 PM
You were in a no good choice situation. He was at your room and you were alone. Drunks can be passive or aggressive and unless you know the person well you can't be certain which he is. The best you could hope for is probably what happened. No serious problem occurred and you got paid. In that situation his dissatisfaction is irrelevant and self inflicted. Do not worry about it.
well you should of thrown him out on his ass - the loud obnoxious drunks - can be violent - and never ever is satisfied with anything - be it women, food, what hes doing ...nothing !! they are a pain in the ass and most of the time they dont remember how they acted the next day.
I have several people i know that are the nicest guys you want to meet when they are sober ..but when they get too much too drink there is no words to describe them other than obnoxoius louts - they can ruin a mood in a heart beat !
Sorry you had to experience this kind of guy LL
  • anita
  • 06-14-2012, 01:01 PM
If he made it to your room, then back to his home, then remember seeing you he must have not be that drunk. You did everything to make him comfortable, so don't worry about a thing. He should be saying he is sorry for being so loud, before telling you he had a bad time.
Lacylynn - like others have mentioned - you were gracious and he is probably embarrassed about his actions and lashing out in a passive/aggressive way.


I had a guy show up drunk and decided to still see him. I will never do that again.

We sat around and talked for quite a bit and I kept on saying that we need to move to the bedroom. He said he was not in a rush - I told him that he booked 90 minutes and it is very near the end - he said not to worry and that he would pay me.

Fast forward to three hours into the session and as I was walking out of the bathroom - I saw that he downed 3/4 of a bottle of gin. At this point, I am trying to get him to leave. I called my safecall and he never answered the phone and never showed up (the first and LAST time I used him as a safecall).

Four hours later he ask how much it was. I told him $500. He said "he didn't stick his d*ck in me, so I shouldn't charge so much". Then he started to tell me all his financial woes. He got the money out of the bathroom (my rule to put it there) and kept on saying how much since we didn't do anything. He took the money out of the envelope and said we should be honest and tried handing me the money. He was getting very loud, his nostrils were flaring and I was getting really scared, so I told him to not pay me and just leave.

Thank goodness his driver called and somehow got the phone to ask him to come up and help me get him out ASAP. Then I paid the driver to "forget" my address.

Funny enough, the drunk called me a couple of days later wanting to see me again. I asked him what he remembered and confessed to not remembering much. I told him to delete my number and never call me again.

I have never had that happen since. There have been times that I've gotten tipsy WITH my client (sharing a bottle of wine or a few drinks), but nothing like this guy.
Lacylynn - like others have mentioned - you were gracious and he is probably embarrassed about his actions and lashing out in a passive/aggressive way.


... He said "he didn't stick his d*ck in me, so I shouldn't charge so much". Then he started to tell me all his financial woes.... Originally Posted by gigi_gypsy
Guys like this are why God invented knuckles.
Live and learn that what life's about ....

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts. I agree with the providers the client should have been ask to leave...although he was very loud I'm not sure it would have went down very well.

... he not only shows up drunk but now has the nerve to write a totally false review on another review site about our visit. I really try to be the best provider I can be I'm not a clock watcher many clients have gone over and I never say anything about time. I just want a mutually satisfying experience ....and that's hard to get with someone who doesn't remember if it's morning or evening.

Thanks again everyone... lesson learned.
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LacyLynn, tell him to get lost and give me a call. I'd LOVE to see you again!

Honestly, when I look for a provider I look at the showcase, the reviews, and I look through her posts. If there is a negative review, I try to see if the provider posted anything in response to it.

One of the providers that posted here hit it dead have a great reputation here and we would all hate to see you in a situation that didn't end well. Tell him to get lost!
Had an appointment with a client in Pensacola last night who had been drinking. When I first opened the door he was laughing and talking very loud...saying "Good Morning" Im thinking Good Morning, its 6pm?? At first I just thought it was his personality but after getting a little closer could smell the alcohol on his breath. He is a P411 member with 30 ok's... I continued with the visit even though he was talking very loud
I was trying to talk softly in hopes he would do the same so other hotel guest don't hear him.

He was laughing and cutting up most of the time so seem to enjoy the visit.... to my shock this morning I get an email saying how he was unhappy with the visit. I couldn't believe it.... did he even remember the visit??

What should I have done in this situation ... if I ask him to leave he's going to write some bad comments about me. I feel like it was a no win situation.

Your thoughts.... Originally Posted by Lacylynn
I've learned just because a P411 client has 'OKAYS' what is okay to some providers is NOT okay with me, for example. I would have asked him to leave. And I also would have mentioned it to the owner about it. I had a client for example who had many okays, but then he failed to show up and failed to CALL for the appointment he had with me. I told her about it and she said she was going to speak to him about wasting my time.