Barebacker bashing

If it wasn't for bareback fucking, I don't think any of us would be here right now. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
In vitro fertilization? Just sayin'.

If 1 in 4 have herpes, how many providers have it? Do you? If you never have a lesion or an outbreak, does it matter? Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
Everything I've read states that herpes can be transmitted even if the infected person doesn't have a lesion or outbreak. So, if you don't have herpes and don't want to get it, I'd say it does matter. If you do have it and don't want to give it to someone else, it matters.

The window period for HIV is 2 to 3 months after infection. How come I wasn't infected years ago? Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
From what I've read, the odds of female-to-male transmission is about 1 in 2,500. Of course, that's only if your partner is infected. And the odds of that are maybe 1 in 100? You could certainly go your entire life barebacking and never get it. Then again, you might.
That was because he is..... uhhhhhh..... how do I say this politely..... URBAN? Is that politically correct to say. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
Urban people tend to lie more or they're predisposed to getting HIV? Curious which way you're gonna go on this one.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Shacklton, its nice to know you are aware of the real AIDS transmission stats. As far as herpes goes, yeah, if damn near all promiscuous people have it, then I would be willing to bet most of the people who post here probably have it, right?
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Urban people tend to lie more or they're predisposed to getting HIV? Curious which way you're gonna go on this one. Originally Posted by Shackleton

I am trying not to get bitched at for being "racist". Apparently, stating the obvious is racist. To point out the blacks have higher rates of sickle cell anemia is OK. Its OK to say whites have higher rates of skin cancer. But when it comes to assessing brain size, intelligence, athletic ability, criminal behavior, or spreading AIDS, do not mention race, or stupid people will get REALLY upset.
I'd certainly think the percentage is higher than the general population. I don't particularly like contemplating how much higher.
But we should not cower or be ashamed because we enjoy sex the way God intended. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
i thought sex was so we could reproduce.

if you want to bareback, go for it!

you are grown, and you know the reprocussions of your actions.
as long as you have willing participants, i could care less.
as long as you dont bring that mess this way, i could care less.
have fun.
i would say stay safe...but idk if that fits in your game of russian roulette.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
I'd certainly think the percentage is higher than the general population. I don't particularly like contemplating how much higher. Originally Posted by Shackleton

Well, its not as bad as Africa or the Carribean, but the rates of HIV among "homiez" in America are ASTRONOMICALLY higher. There are scientific reasons for it, but its politically incorrect to say the truth.

You know, this reminds me. I was driving through Austin in a Latino neighborhood. A billboard said, en Espanol, "Latinos have HIV at 3 times the rates of whites, get tested today". Is that racist? But when you consider 1 in 1000 whites have AIDS, then 3 in 1000 Latinos have in AIDS. When you spin the data that way, it isn't that big a jump.
I am trying not to get bitched at for being "racist". Apparently, stating the obvious is racist. To point out the blacks have higher rates of sickle cell anemia is OK. Its OK to say whites have higher rates of skin cancer. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
If you want to say blacks in America have a higher rate of HIV infection, I won't ague with you. But, that's not what you implied. You were replying to a post about the guy lying about being clean. You said the reason was because he is "urban." Hence, black guys lie more than white guys about being clean. Is that what you meant to say?

But when it comes to assessing brain size, intelligence, athletic ability, criminal behavior, or spreading AIDS, do not mention race, or stupid people will get REALLY upset. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
People get upset when junk science or poor reasoning is used to support racist positions. May I suggest you read The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould? It's very interesting to trace the long history of bigots using poor science to support racist beliefs.
I'd certainly think the percentage is higher than the general population. I don't particularly like contemplating how much higher. Originally Posted by Shackleton
This post was actually responding to your question about herpes.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
This book sounds interesting. But who is to say he is telling the truth? I have often noticed what I see on TV/read in books and magazines and what I see in real life are two vastly different things. I might read the book, then go to Detroit, Houston, or New Orleans and notice that the author was full of shit.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-08-2010, 12:45 PM
Mokoa- it is unpopular in public; in private it is a totally different matter. A well known TX escort who posts here scolded me about my ways, but on another board, she is well known to have done BBFS with many guys(while telling each guy he was the only client she did that with). Seriously, I think there is a lot of hypocrisy going on here. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
Read my post again. I stated...

You chose to promote a very unpopular topic here.
When I wrote "here" I was referring to this site. I was not not referring to any other place, public or private.
This book sounds interesting. But who is to say he is telling the truth? Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
Epistomology is probably a little too beyond the topic of this thread.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Thats exactly what I meant, Mokoa. Providers on this board won't admit it. Mongers on this board won't admit it(though quite a few have sent supportive messages).
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Epistomology is probably a little too beyond the topic of this thread. Originally Posted by Shackleton

I look, I listen, I learn. I have been all over the USA and have interacted with all kinds of people. Guess what? I keep seeing the same things over and over again. If I pass through an area with, uhhhhh, a lot of "homiez", I know to lock my car door, carry a gun, and do not live there no matter how cheap it is. Maybe you have an unusual understanding of people in America, and in your politically correct dreamworld, living in Detroit is no less dangerous than the ritzy-ditzy parts of Austin. In your world, Oprah's word is the unquestionable truth. YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!
You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about me and my beliefs from the statement "epistomology is probably a little too beyond the topic of this thread." I wonder what that says about you? Perhaps you thought the word "epistomology" had something to do with race? I apologize if I used too big a word for you.