Feedback from a client, if you are interested

Apparently I'm still in the learning stages as I don't know what BCD means in this context. I have occasionally had issues with other providers, but those are usually the providers who do not resemble their pictures. I've only had a couple of instances of problems with their hygiene, or trying to change the donation at the last minute. No other serious issues that I recall. Originally Posted by Pangolier

BCD means 'Taking care of business' but I used it incorrectly anyway for the context of my post. My bad and my apologies.

I've gone back and edited my post to say 'TCB' which means 'Taking Care of Business.' That was the gist of your post. TCB means the lady's ability to handle things up front before the session. Personally, I don't require much. But I do require 'good.' Sounds like you do, too.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
Something I learned in this "job" is that as a companion, as a self employee this is MY business and I should treat it that way. If I want to succeed as a companion I must treat the client/ gentleman with the same respect that I ask for. Only thing I would have to comment about your post is that seems to be that you request an apt on the same day. The way you approach the lady is respectful, but keep in mind that not every lady is out there seating on a hotel waiting for "a call". In my case... I do not respond request for same day appts unless I meet you already and I have no other obligations.

Regardless, it seems that you are a very nice gentleman, thank you.

Pangolier's Avatar
Something I learned in this "job" is that as a companion, as a self employee this is MY business and I should treat it that way. If I want to succeed as a companion I must treat the client/ gentleman with the same respect that I ask for. Only thing I would have to comment about your post is that seems to be that you request an apt on the same day. The way you approach the lady is respectful, but keep in mind that not every lady is out there seating on a hotel waiting for "a call". In my case... I do not respond request for same day appts unless I meet you already and I have no other obligations.

Regardless, it seems that you are a very nice gentleman, thank you.

V Originally Posted by VeronicaTurbay

It's very rare for me to request same day appointments. I normally don't do that unless another provider cancels on me. In the case of the provider I mentioned who showed up early, I was visiting her city from out of town. I didn't know if she would be available or not, but there was almost a 12 hour gap between 8 am and 7 pm. But that's why on initial contact I always ask if the person in question has another commitment on the date and time, before communicating any further about things like screen information, etc... If they already have an obligation, then there's no point in continuing the discussion unless I'm free some other day and time.

The one whose battery died, she actually solicited me; I didn't reach out to her. She has since pressured me again, but I informed her politely that I would expect a reduced donation for essentially wasting my time on more than one occasion. She declined this, so I doubt I will be seeing her again. This provider is in her early '20s. I don't think she's very experienced in life in general, or has much regard for customer service or consistently with much of anything. Not the kind of person I would prefer to interact with, despite her looks. Plus, if she already had other guys who were willing to see her that weekend, it wouldn't make any sense for her to contact me looking for business. While speculation on my part, that might indicate previous clients don't want future transactions due to her unreliability, as it's not the first time I've had an issue with her.

Hmmmm, DC. I haven't been there since 2007 that I recall. Haven't had a reason to go back yet In February it's much warmer where I live right now
pyramider's Avatar
Thank you for making your first post a memorable one. I look forward many more just like it. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I saw nothing to interest me, a shocking lack of taint photos.