Scam Thread

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... maybe you should stop trying to see girls that have no track record. Stick to well known providers .... Originally Posted by AmberMercadezRose
Amber may have the thread winning comment here.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Well let's be clear so a provider is supposed to waist gas to drive an hour away to see someone? I think not maybe you should stop trying to see girls that have no track record. Stick to well known providers. I have never and would never scam anyone that's bad karma. But hay that is what happens when you think with the little head.. Originally Posted by AmberMercadezRose
Honestly if the guy wants to see you bad enough and you two are an hour apart then he should go to her. Eliminates any "gas" deposits or otherwise. If the man does not show, blast his ass. Conversely if the woman pulls a no show then blast her ass. Follow this simple rule and a lot of this crap among "verified" providers and "established" mongers will simply stop.
I agree with the no deposit, don’t ever send money in advance period . As for time wasters you put them on blast . And if your doing an outcall a true gentleman will compensate a provider accordingly or should in my opinion . But going back to the gas thing no disrespect but if your worried about time wasters and losing out on gas that’s personal in my opinion no great provider or even good provide is in need of money much less gas money !