More than 300 newspapers push back at the Twitler regime — claim they are not the enemy of the people.

LexusLover's Avatar
Trump will make a statement , then after the media reports it he will reverse what he said and call it fake news. Originally Posted by bamscram
Probably not, if they would report what he actually said.

Rather than what they wished he had said.
bamscram's Avatar
Probably not, if they would report what he actually said.

Rather than what they wished he had said. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hard to deny even for you trumsters when it is a clip on tape.

Oh right they doctored it. Now go find me something on Obama..
Hotrod511's Avatar
/\/\/\ TDS
bamscram's Avatar
I suffer from TDS Originally Posted by Hotrod511
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
If you have to make the statement then you probably are. Just finished Donna Braziles book about the 2016 election. She cites several times that the media just flat out made things up and we're not talking Fox news.
These news outlets have become accustomed to making fake news and anti-western civilization stories for years without reprisal and they aren't too happy that the president and the people are starting to realize these news sources are garbage. Originally Posted by Bill Duwall

Add to that, if they are supposedly there as a check and balance against abuse of power. WHERE THE HELL were they, during Obama's reign? OH YEA< kissing up to him...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Add to that, if they are supposedly there as a check and balance against abuse of power. WHERE THE HELL were they, during Obama's reign? OH YEA< kissing up to him... Originally Posted by garhkal
I think your memory needs a little refresher.

Are you saying that the media never criticized Obama and only kissed up to him?

And how did he abuse power? By signing executive orders???? Playing golf???? Calling for gun controls in the wake of mass murder after mass murder???

Seems like those were among the major complaints around here.

Especially during the last SIX years of his tenure with a Congress which admittedly was dedicated solely to his downfall?

With every passing day, the horrors of the Obama administration become more horrific as told by those willing to revise the past to excuse the present.

Talk about Trump, not Obama. He's president. Not Obama. Or Clinton. Or LINCOLN!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Probably not, if they would report what he actually said.

Rather than what they wished he had said. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you kidding?

He's been blasting out more of his anti-free press rhetoric all day.

Pick a tweet. Pick a video. Pick anything. He's there playing his textbook fascist game day in and day out. And it's working with a lot of folks.

Better yet, pick a clip of Twitler discussing the importance of a free press to our democracy.

Our nation is on very dangerous ground with this president. He's shown no sign of letting up. In fact, every day we see more indication that he wants to move our nation to dictatorship -- whether it be the press, the opposition parties, Congress, the courts and his own closest advisors and family members.

If anybody's reporting what they wished he'd said, it's you LL.
The "media" is getting pushed back on for years of biased reporting and the crybabies can't take it. My local paper claimed to "proudly join the push back against President Trump", then lacked the courage to even publish their editorial. Only available online. Seems they never publish the fact that over 70% of the country has no confidence in the media to report fairly. The NY Daily News just had to cut half their staff. People are getting tired of the Anti-Trump BS day after day after day.......
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The "media" is getting pushed back on for years of biased reporting and the crybabies can't take it. My local paper claimed to "proudly join the push back against President Trump", then lacked the courage to even publish their editorial. Only available online. Seems they never publish the fact that over 70% of the country has no confidence in the media to report fairly. The NY Daily News just had to cut half their staff. People are getting tired of the Anti-Trump BS day after day after day....... Originally Posted by Lantern2814

and that includes truth by omission type of reporting. (they report the truth, but leave out/omit important details)
what are these editorials supposed to do, win back the fake media's reputation for fairness? since trump has only charged the blind fake media with the otherwise easily discerned offenses

with half the country having recognized for a long time the rampant partisanship of the oafs Trump exposes, the editorial blitz can only dig the divide wider

some introspection on their part would much better serve the country, and maybe begin to change the lack of respect in which they are held

seems all they have done is bind together, the good, the bad and the indifferent, and bow their necks in stubborn blindness and lack of discernment
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So basically all our institutions are corrupt, evil and biased against "the people" and whatever we see or hear is wrong?

That seems to be the overarching message of the regime.

Not the first time the world has been subjected to that kind of propaganda campaign.
bamscram's Avatar
I suffer from TDS Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I B Hankering's Avatar
So basically all our institutions are corrupt, evil and biased against "the people" and whatever we see or hear is wrong?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's what Cuomo said.
what are these editorials supposed to do, win back the fake media's reputation for fairness? since trump has only charged the blind fake media with the otherwise easily discerned offenses

with half the country having recognized for a long time the rampant partisanship of the oafs Trump exposes, the editorial blitz can only dig the divide wider

some introspection on their part would much better serve the country, and maybe begin to change the lack of respect in which they are held

seems all they have done is bind together, the good, the bad and the indifferent, and bow their necks in stubborn blindness and lack of discernment Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

And that many seemed to print exactly the same words, makes you wonder if they were all operating off the same script?