Gun control is racism and those who support it...racists.

The ubiquity of firearms in Chicago, LA and NYC invalidates the concept of strict gun control.

Banning the so-called "Ghost Guns" may dry up the supply of the 80% receiver parts, but the technical information for creating shop-built or craft firearms is widely distributed and well known. The tools and equipment needed are common in many auto mechanic operations . . .many farmers have the stuff as well. ACE Hardware has much of the materials.

A total ban on any and all firearms (let alone "assault weapons") is also a a horse that has left the barn. I have seen estimates that there are 450 million firearms already in private hands in the USA. Even if the authorities ever managed to take 80% of them out of circulation it would still leave 90 million floating around. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Could use real life examples like the UK and Austraila, but they don't fit your narrative.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Could use real life examples like the UK and Austraila, but they don't fit your narrative.

You can’t compare UK and Australia to the US

The differences in population, diversity and history of the three countries make it impossible to draw comparisons.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I believe the Japanese Admiral also said you can’t invade America because the population is well armed. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes, an armed American behind every blade of grass. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

speaking of that famous "quote" there is debate over whether Yamamoto ever said that. also debate over "a rifle behind every blade of grass".

Yamamoto may or may not have said ..

"I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."

but he knew it to be true. he had studied in the US in the 1920's and had been posted on assignment twice in the US as a naval attache. Yamamoto opposed both the Invasion of China, mainly because he objected to the Army's view that the Navy's prime function should be supporting the Army and attacking the US. he favored a white water Navy approach similar to Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet.

he knew Japan couldn't win a sustained conflict with the US given its obvious advantage in sheer size and resources. he was right.

even as far back as 1988 you have people trying to spin the mission to kill
Yamamoto as an assassination. lol. if they say so.

I like how OP uses southern democrat over and over, because he is so uneducated to know the parties switched in the 1960's and 70's.

The Democratic south was where the Conservative party rules and the liberal Republicans ruled the north.

Nothing like using words that changed definition 100's of years ago to talk about things happening now. Originally Posted by bf0082

ah yes, the "Dixiecrats" all joined the GOP story. that has been proven false many times in this forum. so educate us, yeah? prove your point. you'll only get one crossover, Strom Thurmond.

not exactly a mass switch is it?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I like how OP uses southern democrat over and over, because he is so uneducated to know the parties switched in the 1960's and 70's.

The Democratic south was where the Conservative party rules and the liberal Republicans ruled the north.

Nothing like using words that changed definition 100's of years ago to talk about things happening now. Originally Posted by bf0082
Okay, here's your chance to enlighten us. I've heard this drivel for years but no one can answer this, "when exactly did this switch occur and what is your proof?" If you can't answer that then you need to go home to your momma pajama boy.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Could use real life examples like the UK and Austraila, but they don't fit your narrative. Originally Posted by bf0082
Don't fit a've described the demise of your own argument. England has had a form of gun control going back to when firearms were introduced. Only certain people were allowed to wield swords and archers, the famous English longbowmen, were regulated. Why do you think the legend of Robin Hood was so entertaining. A good guy breaking the law in so many ways including the use of the long bow.
Australia: A population of about 26 million versus 350 million. A history of non reliance on firearms except in the wild and wooly. 90% white and the rest split between aborigine, Asian, and other. And 89% of the people live in the city. Talk about apples and oranges. Go home.
The discussion of how un -armed blacks were oppressed during the time of slavery and during the time of Jim /crow reinforces and validates the old NRA bumper sticker slogan:

"An armed man is a citizen. An un-armed man is a subject." Originally Posted by ICU 812
I would reword that in this way. An Armed Man may have a chance. An unarmed man is fucked.
ICU 812's Avatar
Could use real life examples like the UK and Austraila, but they don't fit your narrative. Originally Posted by bf0082

Australia and the UK are not the USA. They have a different historical underpinning to their cultures. Remember that the colonials rejected trhat culture.

To be sure; if there are no guns in the hands of the civilian population there will be very little violence from guns or crimes committed with guns. You might also have cited Japan for instance.

Please re-read the post you were responding to. My observation and prediction is that in this country there are already a huge number of firearms of all types in private hands. Removing them from those hands will be problematic. And even if most of them are taken out of circulation, the number remaining will still be in the millions.

A second point in that post was that the total elimination of so-called "Ghost Guns" will also be difficult to impossible. While the parts generally used today, the "80%" receivers that are commercially sold, may be eliminated from public commerce, the knowledge of how to make them is already widely known. Check out videos on youtube using search terms such as "Bolt Together Lower". What comes up may curl your hair if the idea of home made guns frightens you.

Another example is the shop-built or craft firearms that have been crested in Afghanistan for the last two hundred years. These are largely hand-made with simple tools. Closer to home (The UK now) the terrorists in Northern Ireland were able to recreate WW-II era Sten guns in garage work shops. You might also look up "Sten Gun" on YouTube for more informtion on this.

This is not advocacy. These are just observations and predictions. I do not think that any total gun ban or confiscation effort will be successful here in the USA.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
All you need to know about gun control, and the dums ~actual~ agenda (asserting control over red populations), is that they wish to ban firearms that account for such a small fraction of gun crime that they’re statistically irrelevant. Even though more people are killed with bare fists, their crusade is against the most popular sporting rifle. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what they’re really after.
LexusLover's Avatar
All this handwringing is revealing a flaw in the systemic effort to thwart gun ownership and possession ....

.... stealing firearms is safer than buying them!
"Circle back" Spaski was asked how many crimes where committed with "ghost guns." She didn't have any numbers and referred the press person to some guy.

Which tells me few, if any, were committed with those types of guns. BTW, you order a receiver from PalmettoArmory or like outfits, its going to have a serial number on it.

The Dims are lying.
LexusLover's Avatar

The Dims are lying. Originally Posted by gnadfly
About 50 years ago I watched a load of weapons being offloaded from a Chinese freighter in the bay off a well known village adjacent to what was a Spanish port fort from the early days onto small river craft to head up river to mountain drop points for the guerillas who conducted their agricultural livelihoods and needed superior force protection from the governmentS.

In those days it was uncomfortable to be on the beach during national celebrations due to the lead rain falling from the sky.

Mexico had (and has) STRICT anti-firearm laws.

In those days the military was afraid to go into the mountains.

These loonaticks demanding "gun control" don't have a fucking clue!

How many of those killed in Chicago every month are shot with a "registered" firearm?

Do we even get a body count any more?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
About 50 years ago I watched a load of weapons being offloaded from a Chinese freighter in the bay off a well known village adjacent to what was a Spanish port fort from the early days onto small river craft to head up river to mountain drop points for the guerillas who conducted their agricultural livelihoods and needed superior force protection from the governmentS.

In those days it was uncomfortable to be on the beach during national celebrations due to the lead rain falling from the sky.

Mexico had (and has) STRICT anti-firearm laws.

In those days the military was afraid to go into the mountains.

These loonaticks demanding "gun control" don't have a fucking clue!

How many of those killed in Chicago every month are shot with a "registered" firearm?

Do we even get a body count any more? Originally Posted by LexusLover

factor out the far left run and crime ridden cities like Detroit and Chicago and the US suddenly becomes one the safest nations on the planet.

interesting that all these cities have very restrictive gun laws and huge crime problems. so the "solution" of the left is .. GUN CONTROL .. so the rest of the nation becomes the shitholes these cities are.

rexdutchman's Avatar
meanwhile the SIEGE of Portland continues, The Bill of Rights was to protect citizen from outa control guberments
Of all colors and backgrounds .....
Ida B. Wells, a black, female journalist of 100 hundreds ago, said that a Winchester should be on a place of honor on the mantel of every black family. She also said that every black man who was lynched was not armed. She should know, she wrote the definite book on lynchings in the democratic south.
The first gun control laws were designed to disarm or prevent former slaves from getting weapons. You're a southern democrat riding around in the night wearing a bed sheet. Do you want to be shot by former slave? Not really. So by the light of day, that same southern democrat would create laws to disarm his nocturnal victims.
All this talk about bump stocks, braces, and assault weapons is just window dressing for the left. Most gun murders are done with pistols and not rifles. Plain old pistols in the hands of incompetents who don't know about bump stocks or braces. You can't hold a gun in the sideways, gangster style with a brace.
The most violent cities in this country have the most restrictive gun laws and those laws are used against the law abiding trying to defend themselves. My own personal experience, as a robbery victim, is that prosecutors drop most gun charges in order to get a defendant to cop to a lesser charge.
One good thing is that Biden is now exposed for the radical that he is. And by Biden, I really mean those around him who are pulling the strings. Guns owners are not just conservatives or republicans. As Admiral Yamamoto said in 1941, "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant." Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I don't know how true that is but it sounds quite logical. Guns in the hands of a people that have been controlled, mistreated and oppressed for generations isn't very wise. Now back then that only pertained to slave owners to help protect them from free slaves that may have revenge on their minds. Today the oppressor is the Government and they advocate Gun Control for everyone because they don't want to take any chances on any of us.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is gradually occurring to more that restricting the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to posses a firearm should be the example to set for regulating voting. Issue "voting cards" based on the background check required for firearms. No ID. No firearm and No voting.