In what age range do you prefer your provider to be?

Why does the poll stop at 40? There are a number of over 40 providers who are absolutely wonderful.

There are Junesetx, Fancyinheels, 1ThickBlond (my latest WONDERFUL find thanks to Rezo's post on the old board). There are more, but you get my point.

Many of my providers have been 40+, I tend to look for ladies in that age range since I am 50+ myself.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-18-2010, 06:34 AM
I'll take a 18-20yo Spinner with a Manager... Originally Posted by Elephant
Same here, except w/o the manager.
coolnewfriend's Avatar
The providers I've seen that are my age or slightly older have been more consistently good at what they do as far as attitude and that sort of thing than the younger ones. Some of the younger ones have been awesome and some have not been. Maybe it's a wrong assumption/generalization, but I don't have dozens and dozens of hobby experiences to look at. However, from what other people wrote in this thread, it sound like other people seem to think this. Maybe that influenced what I thought about it too. I don't know.

I think there's something to be said about having some sort of match or similarity in age. This kind of plays into having an overall connection I guess, and making a connection is what's important.

I feel like I've been able to connect with some younger providers better than I imagine a much older man would be able to.

For example, recently, one younger provider randomly mentioned something to me about one or more guys saying something like they felt it was almost wrong or they felt guilty for seeing her. I am a younger client and have yet to experience that sort of thing.

I will not pay to see women in some of the older age ranges. Though I might be open to letting them pay me..

Lincolnpark's Avatar
25 -40 perfect age !!!!
Elephant's Avatar
Same here, except w/o the manager. Originally Posted by bbkid
What about a fellow Hobbyist who "Consults" with her about the Biz & takes a small cut?.......
boardman's Avatar
All of the above.
I like maturity regardless of age. I get a lot out of the posts on this board and base my decisions accordingly.
What about a fellow Hobbyist who "Consults" with her about the Biz & takes a small cut?....... Originally Posted by Elephant
Ok, so for those of you guys who do have a range, does that mean even if the girl seems like someone you would like to see, you still won't do it just bc she doesn't fit your range? Just curious bc for example I am now 24, so for those gents who picked the 25 and up range, does that mean just bc I(or any other girl) is only one year off that automatically means I am disqualified?

I'm just curious, bc I have always wondered about this.
No, not at all. Well I can only speak for myself of course. My preferences are just a general preference. I've been with ladies from 18-50 and enjoyed my time with those throughout that whole range.

Heck. Just one look at your avatar and I'm ready to give you a call
Geritol's Avatar
No, not at all. Well I can only speak for myself of course. My preferences are just a general preference. I've been with ladies from 18-50 and enjoyed my time with those throughout that whole range.

Heck. Just one look at your avatar and I'm ready to give you a call Originally Posted by island_beau
Ditto that !

Please check you PM Victoria

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
When I was 16 I had a 22 y/o gf. People said I must like older women. No. I liked 22 year old women. Still do. Always have. Always will. It's a nose thing, I love their puppybreath.
TallTexan2009's Avatar
Over 30! Oh, and with all the drama squeezed out!
Tall Bill's Avatar
It varies a great deal depending on the lady. But, as a "mature" guy, I would have voted for 40+ for the great looking top notch 40 something women. Nor would I pass up Victoria, who obviously has outstanding assets. The defining thing is the lady's attitude much more than age.
topcat19542001's Avatar
I've had amazing sessions in every category. But if I *had* to pick, I'd go with the 25 - 30 age range. They've still got their youth and energy and yet they know their way around a bedroom.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-18-2010, 09:11 AM
What about a fellow Hobbyist who "Consults" with her about the Biz & takes a small cut?....... Originally Posted by Elephant