the military ramps up for global warming....

LexusLover's Avatar
Your summer home LL ? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No. Gnad got it right. "It's a scam."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-12-2014, 02:33 PM
Yes ... I see you don't have an original one. Figures.

Oh, as for another "other choice" ...

.. the DOD is following Obaminable's lead and playing to you and the other whining liberals who would rather discuss anything but current events cast upon the backdrop of five plus years of floundering in "green shit" and a failed health care policy implementation on the way to a lame-ass attempt to nationalize our medical care. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Obama's lead was reduce military spending 5.2 billion dollars ... the republicans lead was to increase military spending 1-1 billion dollars

either Obama has you thinking exactly like him or you really SUCK at math

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LLIdiot never served. Never cared. Probably doesn't vote.

Just whines, cries and jerks off in a dark, wet little room in the Montrose area.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
After the monetary system collapses, Global warming/cooling/change will be the least of the Ozombies worries. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What are YOU worried about, Dim Bulbo? Mr. Rogers?
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama's lead was reduce military spending 5.2 billion dollars ... Originally Posted by CJ7
... and the DOD started slashing to accommodate the "lead" ... in the midst of reducing forces and support for the remaining forces ... we now have money being pissed off on potential threats from "global warming"? .....

it would seem more "timely" to address the deficiencies that result in our INABILITY (alleged) to respond rapidly to attacks on Dept of State "outposts" that are left unprotected in order to "play nice" with the terrorists.

Example: "green cars" for European based civilian personnel .. a two-fer for this bunch of losers .... hype the "green theme" and supplement the unions.
LexusLover's Avatar
LLIdiot never served. Never cared. Probably doesn't vote. Just whines, cries and jerks off in a dark, wet little room in the Montrose area. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is that how you spend your leisure time ...

..... pretending to know all about people?

Keep your meds current. It will help your delusions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is that how you spend your leisure time ...

..... pretending to know all about people?

Keep your meds current. It will help your delusions. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did you serve LLIdiot?

Please elucidate us.

Didn't you admit to homosexual encounters while posting on the "previous" board?

Please elucidate us.

Have you ever posted in support of any policy presented by the Obama administration?

Please elucidate us.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't you admit to homosexual encounters while posting on the "previous" board? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What the fuck are you hallucinating about? What "previous board"?

So, if you know so much why do you have to ask? Fishing? Or just TROLLING?

That pile of shit right there, says it all about you.

If you served look me up!
a scam....really....
generations in the future.future will probably want to kill your relatives because of the mess yinz left them....
LexusLover's Avatar
a scam....really....
generations in the future.future will probably want to kill your relatives because of the mess yinz left them.... Originally Posted by stevepar
By the time any effects of any alleged global warming impacted on what is now known as the U.S.A. to justify a military response ... "my relatives" would not be sufficiently identifiable as connected with me so as to be the focus of any retaliation. In between now and then there will be much more important concerns of a more immediate nature as far as policy considerations.

Have you heard of the Trinity River (Texas) Canal Project ...

..........of the "Army Engineers"?
your opinion

whats the other choice sparky, change the color of your dress? or tell the republicans things are too tight right now..

While the Obama budget proposed reducing the core defense budget by $5.2 billion, or 1 percent below this year’s spending, the Republican majority on the House Appropriations Defense subcommittee put out a suggested bill that would add $1.1 billion to Pentagon spending. Originally Posted by CJ7

Here is your original thought, HUH?

It’s pretty scary sounding. It has to be. First, it is designed to distract us from topics that the President and Democrats do not want to talk about: ObamaCare, the IRS scandals, Benghazi, a host of foreign policy failures, still horrid jobless and workforce participation rates, and an abysmal 0.1% first quarter GDP growth rate that hearkens back to the Great Depression.

Second, fear-inducing “climate disruption” claims are needed to justify job-killing, economy-choking policies like the endless delays on the Keystone XL pipeline; still more wind, solar and ethanol mandates, tax breaks and subsidies; and regulatory compliance costs that have reached $1.9 trillion per year – nearly one-eighth of the entire US economy.

Third, scary hyperventilating serves to obscure important realities about Earth’s weather and climate, and even in the NCA report itself. Although atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have been rising steadily for decades, contrary to White House claims average planetary temperatures have not budged for 17 years.

read more, it gets better...

JCM800's Avatar
a scam....really....
generations in the future.future will probably want to kill your relatives because of the mess yinz left them.... Originally Posted by stevepar
Future generations will be living on Planet X by then.

Isn't that what NASA is for? find our new home planet?

if it's a scam who benefits....who makes the money on the scam....and this would have to be a universal scam involving players all over the world....scams generally don't work with millions of people involved.....
Future generations will be living on Planet X by then.

Isn't that what NASA is for? find our new home planet?

Originally Posted by JCM800
Not any more.... the Ruskys will give us a ride...

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.