Does Obama want a war in the Straits of Hormuz?

Nah that's a dingy
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I think Mike is dingy.

What Obama does will be calculated to further destroy what we are as a nation. This is to further his fundamental change to a nation that will be forced to rely on the rest of the world for our survival. I think we call it a third world nation. To fully understand, Obama does not hate America, he hates what he believes America is.
America was well on its way of becoming a third world nation even before Obama took office. The moment we decided to participate in a global economy, that's the moment America started to change. But at least the profits were good, while they lasted.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Unfortunately, I don't think he does. But it would do wonders for the price of oil. That would be great from many standpoints.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, TTH. What part of "No blood for oil" don't you understand? You really want a war to increase oil prices? I hope you were joking.
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  • 07-18-2012, 04:33 AM
Of course he was joking. But unfortunately the irony went ovrr your head.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You can't tell with TTH. He's a liberal. He might have actually wanted one.
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  • 07-18-2012, 04:35 AM
America was well on its way of becoming a third world nation even before Obama took office. The moment we decided to participate in a global economy, that's the moment America started to change. But at least the profits were good, while they lasted. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Ah the stary of income iniquity!
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  • 07-18-2012, 04:38 AM
You can't tell with TTH. He's a liberal. He might have actually wanted one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LOL, no he is no hawk. He was just pointing out hoe stupid it is to think Obsma wants a war in that region. It would cost him the election on gas price increase alone.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As noble an idea as costing him the election is, I do not a support a war to do it. We will have to find another way to cost him the election.
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  • 07-18-2012, 04:47 AM
He is not going to lose without a major blunder such as this.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Obama doesnt know what he wants until he asks someone for an opinion.
Then someone will tell him what to think and he will do it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, I don't want a war. I'd just like the straights closed for a year or two. I love high oil prices. Same for natural gas, though I'm making more off oil these days, as you can well imagine with natural gas below $3/mcf. High oil prices are good for my second business, good for the PI business in the oil patch, and good for the environment. It's a no loose proposition when you're a royalty holder, a part owner of an E&P firm, and a personal injury lawyer.

Besides, closing the straights won't lead to war. It will lead to two or three weeks of shooting and it will be over and the straights will be open again. That's why Iran probably won't do it. It won't work and they'd get the shit kicked out of themselves in short order. Obama's not a pretend warrior like Shrub. He actually kills his enemies.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, how many people would die during those few weeks of shooting? And how high would gasoline prices get? Heating prices? Hell, prices of everything? You really enjoy profiting off the misery of other people, don't you?

Tell us again how concerned you are for the poor. Keep on lying,

You are probably among the lowest life forms on earth.
That's how they got Osama bin Laden, isn't it? I thought Obama was personally in charge of all this stuff. Isn't he, BL? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Of course! He personally took charge. Did the whole 9 except deploy. LOL

So, how many people would die during those few weeks of shooting? And how high would gasoline prices get? Heating prices? Hell, prices of everything? You really enjoy profiting off the misery of other people, don't you?

Tell us again how concerned you are for the poor. Keep on lying,

You are probably among the lowest life forms on earth. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
His point was not humor or sarcasm or that he is liberal. His point was, as always, to tell us how rich he is.

No, Obama doesn't want war, like someone said, he just wants to tear at America and remake it in his image.