St James Gay Music

  • ea6b
  • 09-25-2020, 09:25 AM
Decided to go here this Past Wed night the music not that i pay attention to it, i did this night i couldnt understand it the lyrics or words and almost all of it was in spanish or some kind of ebonics language? Oh and besides that every 5 minutes i heard MASK UP!!! Thats enough right there to drive customers off me included
This is funny bro good story
  • ea6b
  • 04-09-2021, 09:09 AM
I think the dj is * Girlie* by the music he plays a REAL Man would know better and Play better more Manly Music i mean are you hear to entertain the girls or the customers? Whose the REAL person when it comes to keeping the clubs open and running the girls or The Men ( Customers)? I went to a few other clubs and noticed they ALL seem to play the same 20 songs a night no matter if its a Monday night or Friday night. Girls to dumb to understand if you play 1 other song you might get tipped more by playing what the customer wants to hear not you all the time. I personally think this type of non thinking by mgmt is hurting there business and in support of of types of people trying to please them when in fact these other people are usually the problem and pimp girls out. I think 2 clubs wont be around in 5 yrs Honestly. ! club just needs to sell and collect whatever money they can get now and be done with it its so mismanaged and the other club also.