Expense aside... What's the best date, you've had?

Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
When I was a very young man, in the seventies, my best friend and I were dispatched to West Africa to negotiate a contract. Our host arranged companionship for us for the evening. The girl was about 6 ft tall, with the longest legs I had ever seen, a perfect little bubble butt and b cups with nipples that showed through her white silk blouse. She had on a flowered native skirt and sandals, and her head was shaved.

She was a model and spoke English with a public school British accent. She was the daughter of a Fulani chief. We actually saw a billboard with her on it while we were out for the evening. We had dinner and drinks at the hotel dining room, strolled through the garden, sat on a bench under the palm trees and talked away much of the night. We went back to my room, opened the balcony doors and had sweaty, passionate sex under those warm, moist breezes for the rest of the evening. After breakfast on the balcony, our driver took her home. We corresponded for a while after I went home, but I heard her father was killed in the Nigerian coup d’état of 1975, and I never heard from her again.

She was perhaps 19 years old and her skin was as deeply black as obsidian, almost translucent. Absolutely beautiful. Reminds me of the African model Alek Wek. (Picture of Wek below.)

This little exercise has inspired me to try to find a provider with these general characteristics. I know the experience can't be duplicated, but what the heck... I can try. Thanks for the excuse to stroll down memory lane.

Originally Posted by jdean208
God, am jealous.

I love chocolaty girls as well. You've brought back fond memories of my very first girlfriend back home in Jamaica.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Check out those legs!!! OMG...
Hobbyfun's Avatar
A very nice looking lady friend called me one afternoon and asked if I would go to dinner with her, being I was hungry and alone I said sure.
She arrived at 5:30 pick me up and we went off to dinner, I have know this lady for about 4 years and we were just friends.
At dinner she order a nice bottle of wine and as we drank it she started talking about bad relationships and the one she just got out of 2 months earlier, her boyfriend did not like sex and she loved it.

As I sit they listening I could not take my eyes off her tight low cut dress she was wearing, her breast were ready to jump out at any time and I was thinking to myself her boyfriend must be gay are had something on the side. Anyway as we talk she is drinking and started asking if I thought she was pretty and ask if I thought she was sexy, and in my mind I was thinking hell yes to both and I wished I was in bed right then with her, like I said I was thinking that so I told her she was very pretty and sexy to that she gave me a smile and then giggled a little.

After we were done with dinner she asked me to drive use back because she felt a little tipsy and I said sure thinking 2 glasses of wine and your tipsy cheap drunk, but I drove us back to my house and she asked if she could come in for a little bit she didn't feel like driving just then so I help her in to my house and sit her on the couch.

We talk some more and I asked her if she would like a glass of wine, she smiled at me and ask me if I was trying to get her drunk are something and I said no. It did cross my mind, what can I say the little head had woke up and doing the thinking by now.

I told her I would go make us some coffee so off to the kitchen I went, as I was standing at the counter pouring the water in she came up behind me and put her arms around me and said thank you for listening and dinner that she needed that, and now she wanted dessert that took me by surprise and as I turned around all she had on was her panties and a smile. I must have had a strange look on my face because she stopped smiling and asked if something was wrong to witch all I could do is stand they with my mouth open shacking my head no everything is fine.

At this point I felt something on the head of my cock and when I looked down it was her hand pulling it out of my pants. The next thing I know she has her lips around it sucking like a hoover vacuum cleaner, She wasn't the best at it but she was still great, after a few minutes I take her by the hand and lead her to the bedroom were we both toke my cloths off in record time and I laid her on the bed and proceed to lick and rub the sweetest and tastes pussy I have ever had. She turns us around and starts sucking my cock again and I almost unload then but I stopped her and climbed on and was trying to be soft and gentle as this was a sweet lady just coming out of a bad relationship.

This lasted about 5 min and she stopped me and held my face and looked into my eyes and asked if I thought she was sexy and I told her she was very sexy and pretty, You have to know this lady she would not curse are say shit if she had a mouthful so she looked at me and said then FUCK me I want it hard, so here we go I get down to business and after a few minute she rolls us over and she's in charge now going up and down like somebody is pushing and pulling her up and down.

After I don't know how long we both fell over and was just laying there holding each other and I fell asleep. I was awaking a little later with her mouth around cock and we made love the second time nice and slow like you would on the second day of your honeymoon. I fell asleep again and when I woke up the next morning she was gone but she left her panties for me.

I tried to call her but she didn't answer her phone for two days, then on the third day she called me, I asked if she was OK and she apologized for that evening and said she was felling down and thought we were just going to have dinner and did not plan on anything happening and she felt bad. I thought she was mad at me so I apologized to her she said no she knew what she was doing and I asked if I could do anything for her and she said no and that she fells bad because she does not do one night stands and that she likes me as a friend, but we are two different people with different backgrounds and we both know a relationship would not work.

She meet somebody else and got married.

We remained friends for a couple of years and neither one of us has ever said a word about what happened that night and that was 30 years ago.

When you get older sometimes just thinking back can bring you pleasure like when your watching TV are out shopping are at dinner something will remind you of somebody are something that happened a long time ago and you smile.

If you look at your grandfather are your father and he is just sitting they smiling he is probably thinking about something that happened a long time ago.

As we get older the memories sometimes are better than real life to have a sexy women like that again just one more time would be great.

Don't get me wrong they are some nice ladies here, but sometimes the spark and the person just is not be the same.
Sadly, I haven't had a "best date." Nor have I had good ones.
When I was a very young man, in the seventies, my best friend and I were dispatched to West Africa to negotiate a contract. Our host arranged companionship for us for the evening. The girl was about 6 ft tall, with the longest legs I had ever seen, a perfect little bubble butt and b cups with nipples that showed through her white silk blouse. She had on a flowered native skirt and sandals, and her head was shaved.

She was a model and spoke English with a public school British accent. She was the daughter of a Fulani chief. We actually saw a billboard with her on it while we were out for the evening. We had dinner and drinks at the hotel dining room, strolled through the garden, sat on a bench under the palm trees and talked away much of the night. We went back to my room, opened the balcony doors and had sweaty, passionate sex under those warm, moist breezes for the rest of the evening. After breakfast on the balcony, our driver took her home. We corresponded for a while after I went home, but I heard her father was killed in the Nigerian coup d’état of 1975, and I never heard from her again.

She was perhaps 19 years old and her skin was as deeply black as obsidian, almost translucent. Absolutely beautiful. Reminds me of the African model Alek Wek. (Picture of Wek below.)

This little exercise has inspired me to try to find a provider with these general characteristics. I know the experience can't be duplicated, but what the heck... I can try. Thanks for the excuse to stroll down memory lane.

Originally Posted by jdean208

My suggestion for you is to check out Hanna Darling.

She sounds like what you may be looking for. Long leg, model, west African dialect, stunning...
Sadly, I haven't had a "best date." Nor have I had good ones. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Unfortunately, I find I am in agreement with CT. I have never had a time with a provider that was really memorable as they are all pretty much the same to me now. I have been told by some that I have poor taste in the providers that I have selected as a companion in times past. I guess that is true and I would tend to agree with that assesment.

The best "date"'s I have ever had were in the civilian world but that is not what the OP question references. One lead to my getting married while another lead me to having a friend that is a lot of fun being around even if she is getting the Tomahwk because I rile her so much at times!
So what was, the best date... you've had? Originally Posted by Nina A. Ross
It was a trip to California.
jdean208's Avatar
Thanks, Colette! I will contact her. If there were any sparks I'll let you know.

Rudyard K's Avatar
Sadly, I haven't had a "best date." Nor have I had good ones. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Unfortunately, I find I am in agreement with CT. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Fellas, I've got to say my thought, when I see this, is that you all must have some unique set of expectations from the date. Nothing wrong with that...we each try to take whatever we are looking for here.

But perhaps you need to be more proactive in explaining those expectations, up front, before you make your selection. I think most of the gals here would tell you whether they will be a fit...or not.

And under the theme of NOPA...several half-assed dates with lesser cost providers does not really offset (in value anyway) the cost of one date with a gal that really pushes your button correctly.

I'm a pretty simple man and don't really go into these things with a lot of expectations. As such, those expectations don't fall short very often (except that now I have found out that sex is supposed to be involved...so, some things are gonna change ladies. ...poetry, my ass!! ).

Look at Anonone's description of what he is looking for. He pretty well spells it out. I don't think I could do that, but if a lady books a date with him, and doesn't deliver the goods, then at least he has the ability to point to something that should let everyone know his expectations.

This is all supposed to be fun.
I also have to add that the best dates have left me a little confused....I'm single so it's easy for me to blur the line between client and RW feelings...I've met some great guys that I would be happy to run away into the sunset with, but that's the cruel nature of the beast, right? Originally Posted by Nicole Preston

Nicole, please don't make me agree.
virginguy's Avatar
Well, I was sitting here. Then all of a sudden, I began to think, about the best date, I've had with a gentleman.

So here it is...

A few years ago, it was Valentines Eve. I was in Houston, and got a call, from a regular client, in Dallas.

All of a sudden, I have to make a trip, to Dallas. I arrive and my client, pick me up.
Then all of a sudden, the night is gone. It is 5am, and I have to catch, a flight to Houston.
(Not to mention, I was in Houston, with a married regular.)
So I arrive on Valentines Day. A Limo is waiting on me, I arrive at the room, clothes are waiting for me.
Then, I was sweap, off my feet, and taken to the Houston, Galleria. For a complete make over.
After all the excitement, I found time, to finally eat. With Dinner at Dereks.

So what was, the best date... you've had?
Originally Posted by Nina A. Ross
Hmmm now that I think about it, I am in my mid-late 20s and I haven't gone into a date before... I remember vividly my best girl friend calling me a social outcast and she is right; I hardly socialize with people, thus, my handle name... I think if it wasn't for the hobby I would still be a virgin!!!