Odds on Trump's Impeachment

txexetoo's Avatar
I love hearing things like immigration problem. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants that have stolen the lands from the natives of America. One of our national symbols states "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And we have the nerve to say immigrant problem. What would all of the amp guys do without the asain immigrants anyway. Originally Posted by PileinBangkoks

Two things, no one is said we have an immigrant problem. We have an illegal immigrant problem. That's all that he's trying to rectify. That and keeping terrorist out. We see how well that's worked for the Europeans with blood running down the street.

Secondly, there is no such thing as a Native American. Are there American Indians who were probably here first yes. but they were immigrants as well any elementary school child knows that.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I don't know, impeachment could happen if Trump gets too crazy or continues to have conflicts of interest with his business. His tax returns are never going to be made public.
He'd be answering questions about those through the rest of his one 4-year term.
The Republicans still have Pence.
Indians, term used when Colombus thought he had made landfall in India, not the proper name for the first peoples. Yes they did immigrate over the bearing land bridge i concede to that, but a country founded in religious freedoms, and the backs of immigrants is now trying to ban countries based on ideology.

Yes the Mexican cartels are major issues, as well as Islamic zealots that have perverted the Quoran to keet thier views. Should we ban Catholics because a the major religion in Mexico is Catholicism?
There fore no Italians because the Pope is based in Rome and they are the cause of cartel actions.

Same logic.
pyramider's Avatar
A swing and a miss ...
I love hearing things like immigration problem. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants that have stolen the lands from the natives of America. One of our national symbols states "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And we have the nerve to say immigrant problem. What would all of the amp guys do without the asain immigrants anyway. Originally Posted by PileinBangkoks
That was from about 200 years ago. Things change. I think the basic idea behind immigration of old was if it helps the host country. Back then we were gearing up for our industrial revolution and we could've used their help because we had a shortage of people. We have been maxed out on immigrants both legal and illegal for at least 10 years. Nowadays it is literally ruining allot of the American way of life we enjoyed up till about 15 - 20 years ago.

Look around. It use to be a man could enjoy a good middle class living as a carpenter or electrician. The entire construction industry in Texas is literally 98% people from across the border. That good opportunity for us before is a thing of the past now.

Look around again. Our general public school system is suffering tremendously because of this. Nowadays if the baby boomer parents want their kids to have anything close to what they had in school they are being forced to put their kids in private schools. Only the well off can afford that. I am sure allot of the public school teachers that entered the field starting about 15 years or so ago have by know thrown up their hands and said screw it, this sucks and it is not fun and have either gone into the private school sector or have changed careers altogether. It is a real crisis for sure.

Not trying to be a hater. Some of my best friends at work over the years and some of the highest character people I have had the pleasure of being around have been of a different color. I was born and have lived my whole life on the west side of the metroplex except for when away in college and I know first hand what is was like then compared to now. That is why I am 100% behind some of the things Trump says he will do.

I hope Trump can get out of his own way and do a great job and not be impeached.

No doubt the garbage-spewing Free Press will feel Trump's campaign rally in Melbourne this afternoon will be all they need in order to print Impeachment Proceedings to Begin Soon!!! in the Sunday papers.

All in all, this has been pretty entertaining watching to watch. Nancy Pelosi looks like a Donkey on the Edge these days. And, gawd, I cannot wait to see Chuck Schumer Cry for the Cameras at least one more time....
Scribe's Avatar
You all think he's going to be impeached before an assassination attempt?
Super Sonic's Avatar
Well, I can already say he is the most unprofessional President we have had that I can remember. Rude, thin-skinned, belligerent and combative with anyone and everyone at every turn. My mother distinctly remembers Nixon and said Tricky Dick couldn't hold a candle to the current Dick in charge.

I absolutely hated both options for President for this term. So much so, I voted for the Big Johnson. At least he wouldn't be getting into Twitter fights like a petulant 13 year old girl as Trump is prone to do on a daily basis.

God help us all.
Last Ride's Avatar
What about Ethic violations?

The cost of secret service is already projected to be a new record.

So much for saving the tax payers money.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Democrats have no incentive to impeach him. Pence is worse than Trump and more competent. As long as Trump is there, there will be turmoil caused by his raging out of control ego and general lack of competence. Pence could get along with 'republicans in Congress and get a lot more (bad things) done. The Republicans in congress are already sick of his incompetence, but they can't get rid of him because all his racist and xenophobic supporters outnumber traditional conservative Republicans. So he won't be impeached, though he might well resign at some point. He's got to hate the job.
Bojipie's Avatar
Far tooo many people get their entire political education from the news and media.

Trump will not be impeached. In fact 2018 may nearly decimate the Democrats existance.

Trump will serve two terms and will be followed by Mike Pence for another two terms.

Democrats and Liberals are acting out in a way that will damage their party and their philosphy for many years.
  • grean
  • 02-19-2017, 08:07 AM
Democrats have no incentive to impeach him. Pence is worse than Trump and more competent. As long as Trump is there, there will be turmoil caused by his raging out of control ego and general lack of competence. Pence could get along with 'republicans in Congress and get a lot more (bad things) done. The Republicans in congress are already sick of his incompetence, but they can't get rid of him because all his racist and xenophobic supporters outnumber traditional conservative Republicans. So he won't be impeached, though he might well resign at some point. He's got to hate the job. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
There you go making sense again, sir......


I doubt he quits.... unless forced to quit.
  • grean
  • 02-19-2017, 08:13 AM
Far tooo many people get their entire political education from the news and media.

Trump will not be impeached. In fact 2018 may nearly decimate the Democrats existance.

Trump will serve two terms and will be followed by Mike Pence for another two terms.

Democrats and Liberals are acting out in a way that will damage their party and their philosphy for many years. Originally Posted by Bojipie
Conservative legislators areally beginning to take a lot of heat because of Trump and some may lose their seats in 2018. He has put Republicans in a rought spot.
TheWanderer's Avatar
We're only 1 month into his presidency and the entertainment factor is far beyond what I expected. I watch his actions and laugh my ass off. His press conference on Thursday was priceless, still ranting about winning the election. Then yesterday's rally. Rally? I guess it was a Pep-rally, kind of a "feel-good" gathering. I see the people in the background with signs that said "Blacks for Trump." You can't make that up.
Meanwhile about 20 times that many people protested around the country against him.
His ego simply will not allow him to let it go and move on.
I think we could still be here a year from now, maybe longer.
You all think he's going to be impeached before an assassination attempt? Originally Posted by Scribe
Donald Trump is a Circus Entertainer/Freak Show, not a president

White House is in Turmoil
National Security Advisor has been fired
Trump's NEW pick for national security adviser turns down offer
Russia and North Korea are taking bold steps
Donald Trump and the Kremlin are in bed together
U.S. Secret Service director stepping down
Donald Trump is at war with all Media
There have been 45 executive orders or presidential memoranda signed
Donald Trump has found out that Mexico is NOT paying for that WALL
and will cost USA tax payers over 15 billion.
Court Refuses to Reinstate Travel Ban, Dealing Trump another Legal Loss, are the Mexicans next?
Secret Service investigating object thrown at President Trump’s motorcade
What has Donald Trump done for the USA American citizens? NOTHING