Democrat elders don’t want Biden to debate Trump!

rexdutchman's Avatar
Joey wants his pudding ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
More barley-boy-bullshit.
I don't give a shit what you think links your bullshit to this thread.
And even if you had a link, which you don't, it wouldn't directly apply to this.

Come on. Prove me wrong.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The proof is obvious to nearly anyone who is not suffering from mental and emotional distress as you are little girl.
with the blithering idiot tom freidman fronting and covering for biden

and printing "reasons" biden should not debate trump

all to build a foundation and rationale for not debating

so partisans and idiots can all agree, "yeah that's right, the tax returns"

when biden cant last 10 minutes in a debate and they all know it
What’s the point in debating a known liar who NEVER relies on or is limited by actual facts

That makes about as much sense as debating the IDIOT crew on this forum.
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 07:34 AM
Typical LibDem - racist and wants to have no debate on issues - because they know that reparations for OBLM, rioting and looting is not "violence per hannah Jones- open bordrs and welfare for everyone
gun confiscation so a disarmed population cannot resist Marxism
and on and ON -

ayanna Pressley and co. don't fly with Middle America -

'systemic Racism" is a DPST propaganda point to force guilty feeling liberal whites to subjugate themselves to licking OBLM boots.

Segregation - after all the protests in the 60's, the civil rights activist murders and tortures - and OBLM wants a segreagated piece of the US for their own. Kick out the whites - or better yet - just put 'em in the ovens of AOC and Squad until U get no whitey no Mo'

That is the platforms of eh modern radical marxist DPST party.

Racism is now a DPST propaganda point.!!!

Thank You - 1b1 and J . for exposing who U are - marxist revolutionaries.

Come on down with your molotov cocktails - u might meet an unexpected reception.
What’s the point in debating a known liar who NEVER relies on or is limited by actual facts

That makes about as much sense as debating the IDIOT crew on this forum. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah right, Joe Biden is all about facts.He makes up stories about events in his life that never happened. The truth is he's afraid of Trump just like the rest of you ignorant self righteous liberals, dumb on.
why does a blackman want a guy who is one of the more racially insensitive blather mouths in the history of American politics?

Obama as a black was man articulate and clean - biden was amazed at that- inference was clear, its very hard to find an articulate and clean black guy

in the 70's when busing school kids around was a hot topic, he was against busing

in the 90's he was afraid for his kids because of predators (unruly black ones you know)

I could go on but there you are

not just blacks but Vietnamese and Indians and others

you cant go to a 7-11 without running into those people
why does a blackman want a guy who is one of the more racially insensitive blather mouths in the history of American politics?
. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Great question. Let’s see. If I had to choose between a racially insensitive blathermouth or an actual racist blathermouth, whom should I choose?

I’ll really have to give that some thought
HedonistForever's Avatar
What’s the point in debating a known liar who NEVER relies on or is limited by actual facts

That makes about as much sense as debating the IDIOT crew on this forum. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

And yet here you are, debating. Does that make you an idiot?
HedonistForever's Avatar

Great question. Let’s see. If I had to choose between a racially insensitive blathermouth or an actual racist blathermouth, whom should I choose?

I’ll really have to give that some thought Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Sounds like you are debating to me.

So even though it makes no sense to vote for Biden, you will anyway because he isn't Trump. So why if my voting for Trump makes no sense ( to you ) how is your reasoning any different than mine? My reasoning makes perfect sense, Trump isn't the empty vessel Biden is. You know Biden is a racist but you don't care because he isn't Trump. I accept your reasoning because it is exactly like mine. I'm voting for the other guy regardless of how my choice is perceived by you and yours by me.

It all makes perfect sense.

Great question. Let’s see. If I had to choose between a racially insensitive blathermouth or an actual racist blathermouth, whom should I choose?

I’ll really have to give that some thought Originally Posted by 1blackman1
every real world practical thing trump has done throughout his adult life puts the lie to your implication about trump

its ok (although its very dangerous to the republic in my considered opinion) to vote for biden, its just not right to emotionally think/feel things that are untrue, or at least haven't been born out by action, which is what such should be based upon
I just hope Biden don't laugh to much in the face of the liar in chief. Won't really be a debate. Trump will turn really really orange and lose his mind...again

Maybe trump can talk about how he tried to defund the military so he could build a wall that Mexico paid for

Great question. Let’s see. If I had to choose between a racially insensitive blathermouth or an actual racist blathermouth, whom should I choose?

I’ll really have to give that some thought Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You meet all the criteria of a racial insensitive blather mouth. You should run for city council.
Ripmany's Avatar
Biden is God not everyone know about him.