What Is Considered A Big Load? (Ejaculation)

  • LynnT
  • 05-20-2011, 11:48 PM
All I know is I was with a client recently that shot out a f-ing Gallon! No joke! Shot like a rocket too! I was soaked and drowning!

Been there, done that, and saw that... and um ..though I saw it all.

I have also been with a gent that doesnt at all, he still has O's but no squirting.
DMC21's Avatar
  • DMC21
  • 05-21-2011, 04:17 AM
All I know is I was with a client recently that shot out a f-ing Gallon! No joke! Shot like a rocket too! I was soaked and drowning! Originally Posted by LynnPL
He might be taking what I'm taking, LOL
DMC21's Avatar
  • DMC21
  • 05-21-2011, 05:57 AM
I got a few personal messages from members asking for a link to O-Factor's site so I figured I would just post it in here in case anyone was interested. www.buyofactor.com

Just don't buy it all up cause I will need more soon
TexTushHog's Avatar
The average volume of semen produced at ejaculation is 2 to 5ml. Volumes consistently less than 1.5ml (hypospermia) or more than 5.5ml (hyperspermia) are probably abnormal. Lower volumes may occur after very frequent ejaculation and higher volumes are seen after prolonged abstinence.


The volume and content of the ejaculate depend on the length of time between ejaculations. The average volume of semen is 2.75 ml, ranging from 2-6 ml, the higher volumes following periods of abstinence.

Fillerup's Avatar
I wanna know what supplement you took to increase your LOAD!!!!
DMC21's Avatar
  • DMC21
  • 05-22-2011, 07:34 PM
I wanna know what supplement you took to increase your LOAD!!!! Originally Posted by Fillerup
previously posted but here it is:
I got a few personal messages from members asking for a link to O-Factor's site so I figured I would just post it in here in case anyone was interested. www.buyofactor.com

Just don't buy it all up cause I will need more soon Originally Posted by DMC21
larry696's Avatar
drink lots of water and wait a few days in between, your loads will get bigger
no need for supplements
DMC21's Avatar
  • DMC21
  • 05-23-2011, 08:16 PM
drink lots of water and wait a few days in between, your loads will get bigger
no need for supplements Originally Posted by larry696

Drinking water definitely does help. To each their own but the supplement really seemed to help me out.
Just curious why you would want huge loads. Ain't that more to clean up unless you find one that has a fetish and needs the extra protein
Are we still entertaining this ThreAD for whatever bullshit supplement this guy is peddling?? Do you really want to shoot a bigger load??....Really??
Naomi4u's Avatar
Are we still entertaining this ThreAD for whatever bullshit supplement this guy is peddling?? Do you really want to shoot a bigger load??....Really?? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Toooooooo funny! My thoughts exactly.
shorty's Avatar
I'm still looking for the perfect provider that will allow CIM and Swallow. Have only found half of the requirement but not the other.
Are we still entertaining this ThreAD for whatever bullshit supplement this guy is peddling?? Do you really want to shoot a bigger load??....Really?? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

Damn Ed you been busy posting or I just been slacken. Back to topic on hand. My 1st load is always my biggest. It actually goes down from there. I hope that makes me normal?
I'm still looking for the perfect provider that will allow CIM and Swallow. Have only found half of the requirement but not the other. Originally Posted by shorty

Keep looking Shorty she is out there
shorty's Avatar
Rabbitt. . . Or just ask her a question with a load in her mouth.LOL