Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

Medics, Firefighters, Police and ER staff, are the first responders. If their numbers dwindle the death toll will rise.
Who said anything about their numbers dwindling and Medics, Firefighters and Police in particular are not really on the front line of this from a treatment/reporting standpoint.

It's individuals using either their physicians or an ER for diagnostics and then the Hospital/Medical system for ongoing treatment.

Being a firefighter I see why you are trying to laud groups that aren't really in the mix. Again this is not responding to an emergency situation like 9/11 where true first responders were crucial.

But keep patting yourself on the back regarding who is really on the front line here.

Who are you to give medical advice you lying pile of dog shit?

Go fuck yourself! Originally Posted by Jaxson66
And Meltdown #2 right on queue.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 10:09 AM
j666-Who’s we, you and Fox and fags?

j666 - Who the fuck are you to give medical advice you lying pile of dog shit? This Entry x2

j666- Go fuck yourself ! This entry is x2

J666- using the term "fag" for a supposed liberal embracing diversity - a group that is part of the DPST party Plantation politics - is pathetic - even for a Trumphater with TDS.

That is shameful - to use the term as one of denigration.

Gay folks can and do think for themselves - unlike U - and deserve better as human beings than to be treated as such.

Your meltdown is pathetic - and Shameful.

I am eminently qualified to give the advice - i have the expertise.

You simply parrot the NYT and Wapo and cnn. You have nothing of your own or expertise in the matter at hand.

Get some professional help - lok at the world other than through the DPST lenses and lies.

Life can be much better, j666
We have another candidate for “the most asinine thread posted this year” award.
Who the fuck are you to give medical advice you lying pile of dog shit?

Go fuck yourself ! Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The post of a real intellect...
He's just making and astute observation of you
Jaxson66's Avatar
Who said anything about their numbers dwindling and Medics, Firefighters and Police in particular are not really on the front line of this from a treatment/reporting standpoint.. Originally Posted by eccielover
You are truly one ignorant trump lover.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I am eminently qualified to give the advice - i have the expertise.

You simply parrot the NYT and Wapo and cnn. You have nothing of your own or expertise in the matter at hand.

Get some professional help - lok at the world other than through the DPST lenses and lies.

Life can be much better, j666

The only thing your eminently qualified for is sucking the ass of the fat lying bastard. Now go fuck yourself.
All hail the great leader, we’re #1 Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Trump is an ass, but he didn't spread it.
Name another leader who would have stopped this? Biden? Bernie? Obama?

Name any politician in the last 20 years who wanted to stop the production of medicine and medical equipment in China or any other foreign country. There are NONE.

Nobody has a clue what to do and America will never tolerate the totalitarian measures taken by China.

What is happening now is the inevitable result of globalism and off-shoring so much of our medical manufacturing.

Trump DID close the border with China in January and was called a racist. Fuck all the lefties and their 20/20 hindsight.
Jaxson66's Avatar
We have another candidate for “the most asinine thread posted this year” award. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jaxson66's Avatar
The post of a real intellect...
He's just making and astute observation of you Originally Posted by bb1961
You don’t know me trump lover, you’re only here to support the other trump piss boys in their attacks because it’s required to be a trump suckass.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 11:21 AM
Such hatred and anger - Get some help - j666!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Such hatred and anger - Get some help - j666! Originally Posted by oeb11
Who the fuck are you to give me medical advice, go fuck yourself.
Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

The United States reached two grim milestones on Thursday: Fatalities from covid-19 topped 1,000, and it became the country with the most confirmed cases of coronavirus, surpassing China with more than 82,000. (Keep in mind, there is reason to doubt that China’s tally is accurate, absent a free media or independent verification from an international organization.)

We are only at the beginning of the deadly pandemic that President Trump once promised would “completely disappear.” Trump once promised that 15 initial cases would go down to zero but, of course, that was either a deliberate untruth or ignorance magnified by denial. (The apex in New York City won’t be here for about three weeks, according to the state’s governor.)
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

Despite at least two months warning, Trump’s disastrous missteps and willful blindness have stripped away our defenses and set us back in mitigation efforts. The New York Times recounts, “A series of missteps and lost opportunities dogged the nation’s response. Among them: a failure to take the pandemic seriously even as it engulfed China, a deeply flawed effort to provide broad testing for the virus that left the country blind to the extent of the crisis, and a dire shortage of masks and protective gear to protect doctors and nurses on the front lines, as well as ventilators to keep the critically ill alive.”

This fiasco would have been unlikely under President Clinton or President Pence for one simple reason, they would have listened to the professionals and heeded their advice. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
We have more cases and fewer deaths than China, Italy or Spain - who's the dickhead here?
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Gouged prices, middlemen and medical supply chaos: Why governors are so upset with Trump

Inside RWJBarnabas Health, New Jersey’s biggest health-care network, hospital leaders are so desperate for medical supplies to combat the coronavirus pandemic that they’re paying 50 times the usual price.

Confusion and want are so massive that they’ve been willing to work with sellers they don’t know, even paying upfront for the equipment they need. The threat of fraud is everywhere: A recent delivery of 500,000 surgical masks from a Chinese supplier turned out to be medically useless. They appeared designed for a nail salon.

“We’re burning through cash, but there’s no other option,” the network’s chief medical and quality officer, John Bonamo, told The Washington Post. “The rules as we know them don’t exist anymore.”

Masks that used to cost pennies now cost several dollars. Companies outside the traditional supply chain offer wildly varying levels of price and quality. Health authorities say they have few other choices to meet their needs in a ‘dog-eat-dog’ battle.
Jaxson66's Avatar
We have more cases and fewer deaths than China, Italy or Spain - who's the dickhead here? Originally Posted by friendly fred
The fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office, that’s who.
You don’t know me trump lover, you’re only here to support the other trump piss boys in their attacks because it’s required to be a trump suckass. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
All anyone has to do is read your posts.
You're nothing but a vile mouth individual who is spewing nonsensical unsubstantiated hate.
If you can't see that then you have more problems than just uncontrollable hate.