Great Jobs Report

themystic's Avatar
Back to the remarkable growth in manufacturing jobs in December 2018 ...

... before the DNC turned into a Liberal Showcase and Protectorate for Muslims and other foreigners .... it relied heavily on the "manufacturing jobs holders" to finance their campaigns and turn out the vote for their candidates. Now the DNC doesn't want them to have jobs ..... and ridicules them for being .... DEPLORABLES IN A BASKET!!!!!!!!!!! The DNC's solution for winning ... one day ... run off the working class and replace them with illegal aliens who they want to "legalize" so they can get Medicaid and other government benefits to bribe them for their loyalty in future elections. "The Solution"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why cant he get a wall built? Lol. Your "alternative facts" are laughable. Why don't you try using actual stats to back up your false claims
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The economy is doing well although the stock market fell in 2018 for the first time since 2008. It was doing very well on November 6th when Republicans got beaten at the polls. Obviously there is more on the minds of voters than the economy. I remember many Trump supporters on this forum saying the Republicans would not lose control of the House because the economy was doing so well. Trump can focus on the economy all he wants and it won't lead to his re-election.
themystic's Avatar
Trump is simply riding Obamas coattails on the success

Hes also riding Bush coattails on fucking it up with his so called "tax cut". We are headed for a repeat of 2008

It will take another Democrat to save us. Business as usual
LexusLover's Avatar
Why cant he get a wall built? Originally Posted by themystic
He is!

themystic's Avatar
He is!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
that's not a wall. those are prison bars
I B Hankering's Avatar
Back to the remarkable growth in manufacturing jobs in December 2018 ...

... before the DNC turned into a Liberal Showcase and Protectorate for Muslims and other foreigners .... it relied heavily on the "manufacturing jobs holders" to finance their campaigns and turn out the vote for their candidates. Now the DNC doesn't want them to have jobs ..... and ridicules them for being .... DEPLORABLES IN A BASKET!!!!!!!!!!! The DNC's solution for winning ... one day ... run off the working class and replace them with illegal aliens who they want to "legalize" so they can get Medicaid and other government benefits to bribe them for their loyalty in future elections. "The Solution"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Trump's economic report makes the dim-retard crowd want to cry and gnash their teeth and change the subject.

lets play the "magic wand" speech by our former drag queen president for the masses to enjoy eh?

BAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAA!!!~!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
themystic's Avatar
Trump riding Obamas coattails. Trump is a one termer
Can you say "Obama economy" that trump hasn't fk up too much....yet. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
You're such a jokester...
Trump riding Obamas coattails. Trump is a one termer Originally Posted by themystic
What you talkin' bout Wills
that's not a wall. those are prison bars Originally Posted by themystic
Maybe you should send cakes with files...
themystic's Avatar
Maybe you should send cakes with files... Originally Posted by bb1961
it would be easier to just walk around it
Wakeup's Avatar
Back on topic...
themystic's Avatar
Great job American businessman. This was the 87th consecutive month for job growth. Let see 87 months divided by 12 months is 7 years and 3 months of job growth. Thanks for keeping the trend that President Obama started. Keep America Great!
Black unemployment at historic lows. Hispanic unemployment at historic lows. Female unemployment at historic lows. All under Trump. Trump's approval rating STILL in the high 40% range despite all the garbage from the left. Dems as usual want to tank the economy because a good economy is bad for them.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Black unemployment at historic lows. Hispanic unemployment at historic lows. Female unemployment at historic lows. All under Trump. Trump's approval rating STILL in the high 40% range despite all the garbage from the left. Dems as usual want to tank the economy because a good economy is bad for them. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Yes, and same ones who poo poo the economy are the same ones who give all the credit to Obama for how great it is.