Don't count out Nikki Haley yet. She maybe the only person standing for the Republicans

Cody69's Avatar
Six months ago you guys would have killed and caused a riot for her. Now that Bone Spurs Trump decided to run again, Nikki and Ronnie are no good.

Do Yonz ever read what you write, can't you guys remember what you wrote in the past year?

This is better than Comedy Central.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL! Everyone knew Trump was going to run again 3 years ago. Try’n keep up.
Cody69's Avatar
LOL! Everyone knew Trump was going to run again 3 years ago. Try’n keep up. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
No one knew, go back and read the MEGA's post. A year ago posts. She does have a snowball chance in hell, Trump hasn't won a case yet. He has many a head of him.

I guess the world is against him.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your not knowing is irrelevant. Ignorance isn’t contagious.
Cody69's Avatar
Your not knowing is irrelevant. Ignorance isn’t contagious. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Only reason Bone Spurs decided to run was GET OUT OF JAIL FREE. That is the only reason he is running. He proved he couldn't run the country. But he tells the Mega's how great he is and Mega's believe what ever he says.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
WTF? He officially announced in November of 22, and everyone with firing synapses knew long before that. Saying something over and over doesn’t make it true.
Cody69's Avatar
Right out of a Roger Corrupt Stone playbook, even if your wrong, don't admit it. Keep repeating it even though you know you are wrong. I get it, I understand you now. LOL
Nikki Haley is the last, best chance Republicans have to save their party and the country.

There can be no denying that the ONLY reason trump is running is to stay out of jail. It sure as fuck isn't for any kind of love for his country, or heaven forbid, serving the public. He loves himself and his money. End of list. Most earthlings realize this, hell even most of his voters do

He doesn't love America, or being POTUS, or even his own kids or his store-bought wife. He doesn't even know all of his kids' names, for fuck's sake.

trump loves trump, and that's it. The sad part is how many dipshits in this country will vote for that pathetic excuse for a human being.
winn dixie's Avatar
100% Spot on.

And the Haley lovers are all pretty much Democrats

That is who has been funding her campaign Originally Posted by berryberry
Again. Completely false.
She has received some from democrats butttttt...
Most candidates even trump have received contributions from members of other parties.
Haley has amassed a huge sum from small donors.
winn dixie's Avatar
Many times donors donate to both parties and or candidates.
Good business practice and
Good write offs
The spin stops here
Haley has no chance at the nomination. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... NONE. ... She has a better chance to capture the
Democrat nomination than the Republican one.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
It’s interesting that she stays in what everyone knows is an unwinnable campaign. My top picks for 2024 both had some class and bowed out. There’s gotta be a financial component involved.

I loved those fake support letters her handlers posted the other day. Sorry Nicki, the only one voting for you is democrats and they’ll all vote for the current dumpster fire in the general. Having to make up support letters, not simply digging some actual ones out of her inbox, is a clear indication that she has no support at all. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Look who’s sending her money. The same guy that’s funding Carol and the Democrats. The LinkedIn guy. The chubby commie. Tells all you all you need know.
you Haley Lovers are delusional. She is bought and paid for by the Military industrial complex. The Big war machine owns her just like they own Sleepy Joe shart pants. Originally Posted by mulletman66
... Not onley do they own her - they've ruined her career.

Saw Nikki on the telly - she was standing outside and
having the liberal media interview her.

Not sure how cold it was - but prolly didn't matter.

Nikki was wearing a turncoat. ... She wears it well.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Look who’s sending her money. The same guy that’s funding Carol and the Democrats. The LinkedIn guy. The chubby commie. Tells all you all you need know. Originally Posted by bambino
Indeed Bam

This is how you know the leftists are scared shitless knowing they will lose to President Trump. It is laughable to watch them waste their money funding her pathetic candidacy and watching leftists lie about Haley and keep trying to pretend she is some viable candidate

She is an idiot. She always has been an idiot. Only reason Trump appointed her years ago to the UN is he wanted to help get a real Republican Governor in South Carolina and he knows the UN is a useless organization so that was an easy way to move her out of the way
Cody69's Avatar
"She is an idiot. She always has been an idiot. Only reason Trump appointed her years ago to the UN is he wanted to help get a real Republican Governor in South Carolina and he knows the UN is a useless organization so that was an easy way to move her out of the way"

LMAO Right out of the Bone Spurs Trumps playbook. Once you are done with them, kick them to the side.