Just curious, what's the problem with Dallas?

What makes Dallas a place to avoid? Originally Posted by Sandra Dee
Well, recent events indicate that we may have zombie hobbiests among us. Some view that as interesting, but others view it as a turn-off.
Sammyboy2's Avatar
Having just moved from just outside the Tulsa area and having seen Sandra Dee and spending a good bit of time in Dallas for work on and off the last 10 years or so I would think you would do fine. Especially if you posted ahead and guys here got a chance to see your reviews? And those two fine twins!!!!!
Every guy is different, as is every city. But I do not see a real valid reason in seeing a lady who is visiting. First of all, she's trying to maximize her earnings, which COULD mean lots of bookings. That's a turn off for me.

Second, what if I love her? Well, she's gone after a day or two so I can;t establish a relationship/raphor with her. Why would I put myself through that?

And then finally, there is the plethora of ladies here, not to mention the constant turnover with new ones showing up all the time.

Not every guy feels the way I do. I'm just offering another potential reason for you to consider.
Dallas (it's mentality) has had an inferiority complex for decades. Always smaller than Houston (and now San Antonio!), could never get itself acknowledged as a "world class" city (Thanks Jerry, that stinko Super Bowl experience helped a lot!!!) and had to embrace a ridiculous show called "Dallas" to feel it had "something" special to offer. Dallas politics too often boil over to racially charged remarks or accusations of racism and we're better at dreaming than following thru (how about them Calatrava Bridges or the wonderful Central-Park-of-Texas a/k/a Trinity River project!). Attitude? Collective heads up the proverbial ass? Yup, Dallas is certainly No. 1 in that, but the one thing we aren't is short on beautiful Providers.

If you're talking to Providers from OK re what's important you must be impressed with the one-toothed banjo-playin' hillbilly boy in Deliverance because any observation re Dallas Providers that doesn't begin and end with words like knockout, phenomenal or world-class shows a lack of insight and appreciation into a truly blessed hunting ground for Hobbyists. Hopefully the local Providers feel somewhat the same way about the Hobbyists and there won't be any need for outside Providers to visit. Not saying you wouldn't find many men willing to sample the wares from such exotic locations as OK City or Missouri but when you're as spoiled as the men around here the bar is set pretty damn high which might explain why Providers from elsewhere get nervous when considering a trip to Big D.
Red Tex's Avatar
Competition here is fierce. The guys are very used to premium service for rates lower than most places, so I could imagine that traveling ladies might have a bit of a tough time here if they're charging much more than the average rate ($$ - $$.5 or so). I have no idea what that guy meant about "attitudes." I imagine you'll find all sorts of attitudes everywhere, even here, but I would think it's probably more his personal choices than a widespread attitude problem.
As a hobbiest, we are blessed in DFW. The competition keeps prices $50-$100 lower than they could be. We expect premium service. If we don't get it she gets blasted and if she is blasted most of us move on to the next girl.

I would not think the average provider would ever visit Dallas.

JaimeJo told me that in KC she was booked and had ZERO NCNS. In Dallas I imagine the number of men NCNS is huge.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Just speculating here, but the plethora of providers here might present another big downside for traveling ladies besides the lower prices and higher expectations. Since there are so many great providers here that are well established, we've already got tons of choices, and it's quite easy to have a long list of "want to sees" even before a visiting provider shows up. Factor in that even a top notch visitor could be seen as less reliable (local resources are within easier reach, and the style and credibility of local reviewers more familiar) and it's harder to justify seeing a non-local. Just look at some earlier responses for a couple examples of guys seeing no reason to book with a girl from elsewhere.

Given all of that, I could quite easily see getting a smaller percentage of calls from nice, well behaved gents. On the flip side, the scum of the bunch are going to have a harder time with the established local ladies due to a similar familiarity factor with local references, and could see travelers as easier targets, making up a large percentage of bad calls

Again, all speculation, but I can imagine Dallas guys getting a bad rap because the tons of ladies out here keep the good guys busy and make the "jackass factor" look bigger than it really is.

All that said, I do have an appreciation for visiting providers. Haven't seen that many of 'em (yep, my list is already pretty long), but I've never had an out of town lady NCNS me, give me "just another 5 minutes" for half an hour (or longer!), cancel at the last minute, or be completely unprepared. The BCD skills haven't always measured up, but I've had many more TCB problems with locals.
Thanks for helping me figure out a couple of things.

1. I mentioned I'm back on what? - Thurs or Fri and I've seen ONE client since. I've always known there was competition, I'm not trying to be naive - but I think now it's a lot more of the BP, CL "ladies" if that's what you want to call them littering the scene, forcing rates to drop. (the last time I ran this low of a rate, I was a snot nosed brand new provider. Seriously.)

2. I'm booking my ass to KC asap. As soon as I can gather the funds, I'm getting out of Dallas to go where my long legs & phat ass can be appreciated face to face and not all this yaking and yaking. (yes, yahoo IMing for hours is yaking. Here and there is fine. But I'm not on yahoo to get you off for free.) I will add Corpus to the list - or where ever the guys are working on the Oil Rigs and such.

Guys, you can sweet talk us all day. We DO want to believe we have the "best" clients....But until you show some action or some initative - well, we half expect you to NCNS. Or cancel an hour or two before.

I do think her generalizing the city is ignorant and kinda asking to stir up some chit...but I think whoever was trying to guide her in their opinion - had some sort of validity to it. They just may not have conveyed it in a very good way.
I can only speak for myself but I love DFW. We simply have the best providers anywhere in the USA. I travel for work but there is nothing like home cooking.

Probably the biggest issue visiting providers have Sandra is the pricing and the competition. Speaking for myself, I always get the best service from ladies in DFW. Visiting providers can do good in DFW as long as they are competitvely priced and offer good service.

Just my opinion
Im not sure what to say here. You said some interesting things here.

I guess I'll be another person to add their tiny opinion here.

Oklahoma providers say do not come to Texas.

Its competitive here. Lots of ladies with super low rates. However who cares, charge what you want, come with a positive attitude and good services. Its only one Sandra Dee.

Why do Dallas providers come to your town. I do not know, I usually go to Oklahoma for the casinos. Not to provide, but thanks, I'll take a peek there as far as providers.

Ah, a gentlemen telling you he was tired of the locals and their attitudes , and needed something refreshing. Oh thanks, well don't let one hobbyist throw all providers in a group. Its over 500 here. Granted seeing a new face from a new town is nice.

Instead of listening to others, post an ad, see what happens. Go for it. See things for yourself. You may like it, You may hate it. You never know until you try it.

I'm curious..a couple of months ago I wanted to make a Dallas tour...which I'd never done before. Inquired with local Oklahoma providers from both Tulsa and OKC. Every single one of them said 'don't do it...go to Kansas City if you want to tour just outside Oklahoma'. I took their advise and have fabulous regulars now in KC. But I'm curious why? Why do your providers come here to OK (which we get alot)? Why do we not want to go there? I've lived north, south, east and west of North America...and found people are people.....are people! Everywhere. Both good and bad. What makes Dallas a place to avoid? Not planning a trip, though have always wanted to ask that question. I was recently 'surfed out' on p411 from a gentleman in Texas, tired of the local attitude. He was looking for something refreshing and different. So he found me. I wonder if you gentleman made the OK girls feel a little more welcome, you might get a little more variety in a 'refreshing' attitude like he mentioned. Just thinking...
Sandra Dee Originally Posted by Sandra Dee
The Dallas ECCIE board is the most active geographically, so hobbyists are very informed. Making it more difficult (competitive) for providers. Especially those who travel and don't have impeccable reviews?
Interestingly enough, I seem to have the most trouble when it comes to going northward. I do well here in DFW, I do well all over Texas in fact (except for Austin, but that's another story for another time). I do well in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Ohio. But if I try to post an ad in Oklahoma--- FUHGEDDABOUDIT. So I guess my question should be-- What's wrong with Oklahoma? :P Seriously--- there is nothing "wrong" with DFW. You've just got to be smart and know what your niche is going to be when you're here.
DecemberLove - yeah, I won't go up to OK anymore.
Not after all the drama of years past.

And if you aren't in some kind of "innercircle" - good luck getting clients. I did ok when I went there. But I don't really have any desire to go up there again.

Too many other exciting places to go now.
Hey Ang, if you ever need a travel buddy - lemme know sweet cheeks! BTW- the OKC inner circle is more like the octagon...lol, those boyz can go a few rounds!...he he he gotta love em' bless their horny little hearts.

TNT I think you are spot on about the influx of new girls, I see the ads and sometimes I go three pages before I recognize a name.
The only traveling provider from OK I ever tried to see NSNC'd me. So what's the problem with OK providers?

BTW, Dallas is the city of douchebags, didn't you know?