Coke and Pepsi withdraw from ALEC

I fail to see how people deciding to boycott a company or charity based on their very public decisions is Soviet or infringes on the first amendment. Just like how people called for boycotts of the sponsors of that American Muslim reality show or Rush's "slut" rant.

If the common citizen cannot make their voice heard via boycott, protest, letter writing campaign, etc., that sounds more Soviet to me.

Komen has every right to distribute their charitable funds how they see fit and citizens have every right to protest or support the decision. Originally Posted by Diomidis
THIS! The First Amendment refers to censorship by the government, corporations and special interest groups restrict speech frequently.

Additionally, S.G. Komen temporarily withdrew funding from PP because PP was a target of an investigation in Florida. For JD to suggest it was because of a link between abortions and cancer is either disingenuous or misinformed.

Any peer reviewed papers indicating this alleged link?