The new definition of prostitution is commercial sex. That is the 9th edition of Black law's dictionary.
If a guy date the escort, then the sex is not commercial because the guy taken her out of commerce.
If it is not commercial, then it is not prostitution. Never said that commercial prostitution or business prostitution is legalized. I only claim noncommercial acts as legalized.
Comm. v. Danko cite the MPC and it said that sex with reward is not commercial. The frequency determines whether or not the act commercial.
Lawrence v Texas is a legal defense in social companionship situation in private. Not a defense for someone who lay down money on the table and rush into the sex act.
It depends on what the court said about it. I don't think cops going to go on dates to sting if they know the social companionship loophole. Since no arrest, then there may never be a challenge to answer the question whether or not it is covered by Lawrence v Texas.
Are you an professional escort or professional prostitute? It is possible to be a professional escort and have sex for gifts on the sideline. Gifts for sex is not commercial.
You may loose clients for being a professional escort. I don't think many men out there are interested in dating. More men are interested in jumping into the act.
If they are married, they don't want to be seen in public because their wife may see them with an escort. Most men that visit prostitutes are married not single.
Sugar babies and mistresses are legal because they don't only give sex act and they are not in the business of serving a bunch of strangers. They give companionship with sex that why the are legal. The courts classified them as noncommercial companions and exempt them from the prostitution statutes. Are police actively busting sugar babies? No.
Not everyone can afford to have a sugar baby or mistress. So I trying to create legal defenses to lower the playing field. EECIE is not going away if prostitution is legal. Men will still use it to find out if the escort is good or not before making a choice. It is like any other review. People still write reviews for legal products and services.