I want a White Star...see what I did there Shit Stain? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycornbabylon 5 fan!!!
what a fucking joke of a human and clown ass for a president. I hope all of you FAKE RETARDED ASS PATRIOTS join this UTTER BULLSHIT Space Force and get lost in space or swallowed up by a black hole or some other odd Space fate ...put all Trump people on the Space force with a one way ticket to Mars....good fucking riddance to you cretins
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
It's just typically of trump .... Originally Posted by Tsmokies... yea. Moving the exploration of space in an appropriate direction as opposed to continuing NASA as an education instrument of "radio America" to enlighten all the Muslim children on the importance of space exploration while the sand is blowing in their faces through the loose flap on the side of their tent staked out in the dunes of the Middle East ... like it was for the eight years of Obaminable and CLINTON! BTW .... the "Ts" in your handle .... what's that stand for?
It's just typically of trump being trump and saying something else really stupid and still not knowing how stupid he is. A lot of people are still waiting on his great cheap healthcare he promised. What did happen to the repel of Obama care lol.. GOP in control and can't do shit xcept take care of the rich and the ignorant racist rednecks eat that shit up because he is a gross old white man and their "leader" lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Maybe he can get his wall in space, and get his tax cheating pals to pay for it. Originally Posted by Yssup Ridermaybe we can build more shuttles then offer free rides in to deep space with no return for the dicksmokers and asswipes of the world
The disruption of all things electronic could be as devastating to our economy and freedom as any attack with ground troops firing bullets.
We have thousands of satellites that control all aspects of our lives.
Why is it such a joke to suggest that protecting our satellite and electronic infrastructure is not a number one priority? Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's just typically of trump being trump and saying something else really stupid and still not knowing how stupid he is. A lot of people are still waiting on his great cheap healthcare he promised. What did happen to the repel of Obama care lol.. GOP in control and can't do shit xcept take care of the rich and the ignorant racist rednecks eat that shit up because he is a gross old white man and their "leader" lol Originally Posted by TsmokiesSo how you Dindu Nuffins REALLY liking Trump, since the dumbascrap party has done so well for the minority communities and the " war on poverty " that DUMBASCRAP PRESIDENT "LYING LYNDON Johnson" enacted so long ago. What, now YOU have to pay for your own cell phone and you are pissed about it ???????