How old are you Stan Dope ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I suspect Stan.Dupp is old enough to know that:

Wisconsin and America were not "Trending" Romney.

"You fucking dummy !"
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
These republicans have no respect for our countries democratic processes, and they do not respect the institutions they are suppose to be serving in. All they are about right now, is anger, hate, misinformation, and keeping people confused and at odds with each other.

I can't wait for the upcoming elections, I really can't. We will get to watch the shocked faces of the right wing nuts again, when they start losing seats.
Other than your emotional rants; what proof do you offer that the Dems will win back the House ?

What currently held Republican seats will the Democrats win to give them control of the house ?

Names please.....

These republicans have no respect for our countries democratic processes, and they do not respect the institutions they are suppose to be serving in. All they are about right now, is anger, hate, misinformation, and keeping people confused and at odds with each other.

I can't wait for the upcoming elections, I really can't. We will get to watch the shocked faces of the right wing nuts again, when they start losing seats. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
LexusLover's Avatar
I heard a "genius" of "fiscal responsibility" yesterday discussing the "importance" and "value" of raising the debt ceiling in order to reduce our deficit and get control of our budget by reducing spending.

I envisioned him sitting in front of one of those fancy, large cherry wood desks with the credenza behind it with those "banking law" books from business school days gather dust and a nice family shot in a frame as his banker is listening to this guy explaining to him how increasing his loan limit when he can't pay his existing loan on time would help his business to grow and make it more likely that he would be able to get control of his expenditures and thereby reduce his obligations to the bank.

And I then envisioned the banker telling him that he would consider increasing the debt limits of his "line of credit" after he discussed it with the board .... then watching him drive off in his one-month old Escalade that had the first payment due next month to the bank.

"Obama Won" .... errrr ................... "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"????? MOMENT?

But the poor folks .. and I mean poor folks ... are going to have to pay it all back from stoop labor.

Be Proud, BT: Your man fucked us again. But who cares, right. Each fucking gets a little easier?

He increased the debt ceiling ... so we can spend more "on the come"? The banker is talking now.
Gotyour6's Avatar
It isnt who won.

The fact is no matter what, we lose.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
probably wouldn't be singing that tune had things turned out otherwise.

Your boys put over 100,000 people out of work and tanked the economy fighting a battle they could never win.

America loses this one...and wins at the same time by putting a seditious group of blowhards in their place.
Gotyour6's Avatar
You are wrong on that.

I think both parties are right. They have a belief that they are right.

It would be the same thing as my wife and I making room in the house for something and something needs to go. We have a choice of the china cabinet or my gun safe.

We both think that one is not needed but can't agree on which one should go.
We both think the other is more important and just can't agree.

The Repubs think that you should do your own thing and work for a living and the dems want to give all of our shit away to the lazy pot smoking, cum mouthed hippy liberals.

(You didnt think i was going to be a dick Muhahahahahahah)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2013, 01:13 PM
put the china in the gun safe

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are wrong on that.

I think both parties are right. They have a belief that they are right.

It would be the same thing as my wife and I making room in the house for something and something needs to go. We have a choice of the china cabinet or my gun safe.

We both think that one is not needed but can't agree on which one should go.
We both think the other is more important and just can't agree.

The Repubs think that you should do your own thing and work for a living and the dems want to give all of our shit away to the lazy pot smoking, cum mouthed hippy liberals.

(You didnt think i was going to be a dick Muhahahahahahah) Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Actually you're wrong. I knew you were a dick when you made your first appearance in here.

You haven't done anything to prove me wrong.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 10-23-2013, 02:21 PM
These republicans have no respect for our countries democratic processes, and they do not respect the institutions they are suppose to be serving in. All they are about right now, is anger, hate, misinformation, and keeping people confused and at odds with each other.

I can't wait for the upcoming elections, I really can't. We will get to watch the shocked faces of the right wing nuts again, when they start losing seats. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
I hope you are right and those idiot Republicans get voted out of office. Give it time and they will be obsolete, anyway.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You are wrong on that.

I think both parties are right. They have a belief that they are right.

It would be the same thing as my wife and I making room in the house for something and something needs to go. We have a choice of the china cabinet or my gun safe.

We both think that one is not needed but can't agree on which one should go.
We both think the other is more important and just can't agree.

The Repubs think that you should do your own thing and work for a living and the dems want to give all of our shit away to the lazy pot smoking, cum mouthed hippy liberals.

(You didnt think i was going to be a dick Muhahahahahahah) Originally Posted by Gotyour6
No, as soon as I read "gun safe" compared with "china cabinet" in a no compromise situation, I knew you were/would be a dick.

Because I have a gun safe too. It sits in the garage, bolted to the concrete floor via four 1/2" bolts.

When you're an uncompromising prick to someone you "love", why would we expect you to be anything but that to everyone else?
rodog44's Avatar
LexiLiar and his lapdog Turdyfly only comfort seems to be that they "kicked down the road!"

The sound that Turdfly is hearing is his and LexiLiar's head clanking together! Originally Posted by bigtex
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actually you're wrong. I knew you were a dick when you made your first appearance in here.

You haven't done anything to prove me wrong. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
actually you are a dick sucker Assup. just when you thought it was safe to be an .. Assup. LOL.

No, but it'll get you into Assup's asshole!

and last but not least ... this one's for YOU heebo.

are you laughing yet Assup?

good here's a turtle helmet for ya.