Providers some times have day jobs...

gimme_that's Avatar
I don't expect many ladies would respond here....a little discretion is always good. Why not start a thread on hobbyist and their current jobs? I'm sure it would produce the same results. You might get responders who are self employed maybe.......but a potential doctor, or nurse, real estate agent........don't bank on it, especially if her face is shown.

I will say this though. Providers who have full fledged careers and hobby in the spare time in my experiences have usually made for good times. They hobby becausse the wantt to for little odds and ends more so than needing to. And the experiences are a bit different.
Still Looking's Avatar
I thought they were all college students trying to pay off their loans and only did this because they were behind in their rent while taking care of their 3 babies and will get their license back in 6 mos after the suspension is over so they dance at the club on the weekend and their close personal friend is lining up special meetings to meet upscale gentleman that will assist them in all their endeavors.

OK OK Ladies I do not think this. I think there are some beautiful intelligent independent women in this hobby. I just wanted to throw out some wives tales about you. Like the ones that we all have small penises and can't get dates and are disgusting pigs to have to pay for sex. Keep on laughing. Originally Posted by burkalini
There you have it!

A couple of providers I've seen have told me what they do (besides providing). They've also told me about their kids as well. Of course, no real names or anything like that. BTW, sometimes I feel like Bill Clinton. My philandering is really a philanthropic activity to ensure the cream rises to the top (in more ways than one). Nothing like contributing to the education fund of a bright student Originally Posted by Cpalmson
A true gentlman! (did he say cream...?)

I don't expect many ladies would respond here....a little discretion is always good. Why not start a thread on hobbyist and their current jobs? I'm sure it would produce the same results. You might get responders who are self employed maybe.......but a potential doctor, or nurse, real estate agent........don't bank on it, especially if her face is shown.

You're killing my buzz! Wasn't there a thread not that long ago, where hobbyist listed there ages?

I will say this though. Providers who have full fledged careers and hobby in the spare time in my experiences have usually made for good times. They hobby becausse the wantt to for little odds and ends more so than needing to. And the experiences are a bit different. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Ok, I think your on to something!?
I'm just now going back to school for nursing. Now that I have started providing, it will be very hard to keep my hands out of my professor's pockets who might have a freaky side with students.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I run a few other businesses.. Mainly a photographer and web builder. Also design logos/business cards a bit and interior decorate. Just started a small agency.

Ok so Im busy.. lol Originally Posted by LynnT
Designing logos and business cards.... That right there would be my dream job

Hopefully one day.
Well, I want to be a pastry chef, so I do that on the side. (birthday, wedding, shower cakes and such.) Can't wait to get a location and have a pastry shoppe! I do a little event coordinating as well from time to time.
Still Looking's Avatar
Well, I want to be a pastry chef, so I do that on the side. (birthday, wedding, shower cakes and such.) Can't wait to get a location and have a pastry shoppe! I do a little event coordinating as well from time to time. Originally Posted by xxxHolly
Hey Holly, have you ever brought a treat to a session? I'm just thinking ad or show case now....

When you see this tart she brings you a tart!
See Holly, she'll make sure you get some pie!
Holly's not a fake, and she'll bring you some cake!
With Holly, you get desert one way or the other!
Alamode is always on the menu!
If you bring the hot dog, I'll bring the buns!

The best for last... a new theme for a session with Holly:

"Shake & Bake"

What’s that old saying, "The way to a mans heart is through his stomach"

Hey Holly, have you ever brought a treat to a session? I'm just thinking ad or show case now....

When you see this tart she brings you a tart!
See Holly, she'll make sure you get some pie!
Holly's not a fake, and she'll bring you some cake!
With Holly, you get desert one way or the other!
Alamode is always on the menu!
If you bring the hot dog, I'll bring the buns!

The best for last... a new theme for a session with Holly:

"Shake & Bake"

What’s that old saying, "The way to a mans heart is through his stomach"

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Haha, nice! I have brought things to guys before, but not on a regular basis.
Still Looking's Avatar
All kidding aside, I think that would cool! Hobbyist just can't resist a treat!
London Rayne's Avatar
I am in Health Care, but not working in my field of study just yet. Externship will begin next month, in which I will have little time to play...darn!
I carry a gun...makes you wonder doesnt it lol
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lookie there.
CRamsey's Avatar
you can usually tell if they have a day job by their availability.
Actually Ramsey nurses work different shifts, so do many professions so its not really just "day" jobs. Id say the 24/7 chicks have no job. Its the ones like me who get bitched at for not being available when the guys are that try to work and do this on the side for whatever reason. I travel and when I have down time or see some freedom Ill post an ad, even when I am supposed to be on a retirement or break. Gives me something to do besides go in a bar and pick up some hot young guy and sexually abuse him then kick him out. In other words, it keeps me outta trouble.
Still Looking's Avatar
Actually Ramsey nurses work different shifts, so do many professions so its not really just "day" jobs. Id say the 24/7 chicks have no job. Its the ones like me who get bitched at for not being available when the guys are that try to work and do this on the side for whatever reason. I travel and when I have down time or see some freedom Ill post an ad, even when I am supposed to be on a retirement or break. Gives me something to do besides go in a bar and pick up some hot young guy and sexually abuse him then kick him out. In other words, it keeps me outta trouble. Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
Did you say nurses? I like nurses! Did you say GUN? Opps gotta go!
London Rayne's Avatar
Most of us do in fact carry a gun...especially single mothers.