First meeting jitters

Ms. Athena's Avatar
I get nervous prior to any session. The first time is the worst. It is even worse when we have been bantering on the board, or texting. Originally Posted by pyramider

LOL I call it foreplay..............
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Another vote here for always nervous the first time. I just love when the girl puts me at ease fight off the bat, and comes on strong. First of all I am paranoid about LEO with new girls no matter how many reviews I read about them. I am much more at ease when somebody I know has done a review on the girl. That is the case for this weekend.
I get nervous prior to any session. The first time is the worst. It is even worse when we have been bantering on the board, or texting. Originally Posted by pyramider

I am the same way. Nervous ALWAYS. And you bring up a good point Pyramider. I have had it happen with a lady that I bantered, joked and flirted so much that I built up expectations that neither of us lived up to and the session was a great disappointment.

Has that happened to anyone else? You're meeting someone new with great reviews, a stellar reputation and you PM, YIM, whatever with her a LOT before hand and have this grand vision in your mind that doesn't match reality?

Dallas I LOVE seeing you and while I am always nervous, you make me feel at ease right away. I am so glad that I got over the intimidation I felt because of your over-the-top reputation.
pyramider's Avatar
I did not say anything about disappointment. WE were both nervous, or excited, as hell. My hands were shaking, she did not need a vibrator that day. In spite of my nervousness I enjoyed our time together. She was remarkably understanding.
I get nervous prior to any session. The first time is the worst. It is even worse when we have been bantering on the board, or texting. Originally Posted by pyramider
The nervous feeling is always there with a first time meeting. It's pretty easy to overcome, though. Almost every guy that I've seen has lost all feelings of nervousness once I plant the first kiss and my hands start roaming. Once I get a reaction and feel the... muscles relax, I'm naturally inclined to follow suit.

But, I will admit that when I have been going back and forth with someone (board flirting, emails, texts, etc.) leading up to finally seeing one anther, the nervous factor goes to a whole other level. For me, getting the chance to make a connection beforehand puts the "first meeting jitters" in another category than the average requested encounter.
I did not say anything about disappointment. WE were both nervous, or excited, as hell. My hands were shaking, she did not need a vibrator that day. In spite of my nervousness I enjoyed our time together. She was remarkably understanding. Originally Posted by pyramider
Did not mean to imply you were disappointed. You just reminded me of a particular encounter that led to my disappointment. And I wondered if anyone else had experienced the "too much build up" syndrome.

I apologize if I did not word my response clearly enough.
pyramider's Avatar
No worries. I was just trying to clarify. I felt like a high school freshman having a date with a senior girl.

I understand the too much build up syndrome. We all have to combat it, hobby or real life.
1Curiousguy, I have experienced the "too much build-up" syndrome as most of us guys have.

I have stopped expecting Jennifer Anniston, Cameron Diaz or Jennifer Lopez.
When I prepare myself that way, the girls come off a lot hotter to me.
I am very assertive and outgoing that I don't get nervous meeting new people. Whether it's in the hobby, real life dates, job interview, business meeting, etc.
Regarding the hobby, I get a little nervous if I have taken a break (after a vacation or something). I feel like a virgin again at my first appt after taking a break...even if it's a short a week. :-)
heck i thought u never get over the butterfly of meeting a new girlfriend. only this time they usually say yes as long as you have ur envelope in hand.
Always nervous and reserved, doesn't matter if it's the first time or fiftieth time.
burkalini's Avatar
I always use conversation and humor to break the ice. Never really get nervous but I always anticpate a good session. Get dissapointed on occasion but I'm sure the same goes for the provider. We can't match up with everybody.