Cop killers should be considered self defense killers

Ripmany's Avatar
Just because you don't agree does mean someone Language is bad.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just because you don't agree does mean someone Language is bad. Originally Posted by Ripmany

My comment wasn't about agreeing or disagreeing, I don't have a clue what you were trying to say because your writing isn't just bad, it is un-readable.

Above you wrote "does" when you should have written "doesn't", two completely, opposite meanings. I'm just trying to understand if this is merely a typing problem and you do not self check before you post or you simply don't understand the English language because it isn't your primary language.

I would have to know what you are talking about before I could agree or disagree. Are you suggesting that everybody should just walk up and shoot the first cop they see and call it self defense, which would be the most asinine thing anybody has ever said on this site and that would be saying something or were you suggesting that you can kill a cop in self defense which you better hope you can prove in a court of law.