Thank you Massachusetts!

I won’t go into all that you wrote discreetgent but the fact is under G.W. we were protected and there was not a repeat of September 11, 2001. Under Obama, there have been multiple lapses already and breaking of case law that goes back to the beginning of this country as well as other open issues.

Yes, there is enough mud to be slung if one is into doing that. I think it is highly dangerous to have POTUS doing what the current one is doing because he has not acted in the best interest of this country.

Does 12+ Trillion in national debt scare you because it should and I am very worried about it.

He may be your president discreetgent but he is not mine and never will be because I did not vote for the guy. In my view, he is an unqualified community organizer from Chicago who has a dubious birth right to be POTUS and that says it all as far as I am concerned.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-19-2010, 10:23 PM
"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials."
Good Ole Newt

I am a Libertarian.... so probably not the most objective person, here!
I contribute a fairly great amount of my earned money to a government who is not so interested in taking care of it's citizens, as they are of themselves!

The sooner more people figure out that we are the government's rulers.... the better!

There is SO much BULLSHIT being tossed around Wasington DC in the name of healthcare reform!! They are absolutely shameless!! If the government , wisely & honestly & without corruption , spent the money they already steal from the populace...... there would be more than enough to insure every person in the Western Hemisphere!!

Trust Me.... changes are necessary!!! But , more Government Control is NOT the answer!!

Tonight was one tiny victory..... which , in itself , changes NOTHING!!

Wurd! I hear ‘ya MrGiz and the truth hurts but it needs to be heard by a great many.
discreetgent's Avatar
He may be your president discreetgent but he is not mine and never will be because I did not vote for the guy.[/SIZE][/FONT] Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
What utter arrogance and bullshit! I did not vote for GWB, I thought his administration was wrongheaded in nearly every move it made; I think Dick Cheney was the biggest disaster to ever hit our national government but GWB was still my President! We get to vote on who our leaders are, someone has to win, someone has to lose, but when the votes are counted we have one President for the country.

The idea that 41 votes in the Senate from states that comprise about 10% of our population +1 can stop a bill is a mind-blowing exercise in non-democracy; but those are the Senate rules and we abide by them. Brown won and that now changes the dynamic, I don't like what it will mean but hey those are the rules we play under no matter which party is in office.

A silver lining perhaps is that good legislation typically gets passed when both parties are needed (happened under both Reagan - yeah I voted for him once - and Clinton)
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-19-2010, 10:30 PM
Real reform is more along the line of the Model T and the first moving assembly line, not big brother and government mandates. Socialism works great until you run out of other peoples money.
Sisyphus's Avatar
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I won’t go into all that you wrote discreetgent but the fact is under G.W. we were protected and there was not a repeat of September 11, 2001. Under Obama, there have been multiple lapses already.... Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
I'm delighted to stay out of the rest but this is complete & utter nonsense...

Bush had a donkey with explosives in his shoes.... Obama had a donkey with explosives in his underwear. Both failed because the actor was stupid & was subsequently subdued by private citizens on the flight. Government did NOTHING to prevent the attempt or thwart the attempt in either instance. All government managed to accomplish in both cases was to look foolish in the aftermath.

Bush had a sniper in DC. Obama had one in TX. Both killed a lot of people. Both were ultimately stopped through the actions of private citizens. Government did NOTHING to prevent the attempt nor thwart the attempt. All government managed to accomplish in both cases was to look foolish in the aftermath.

By your own line of reasoning.... no one has killed thousands of Americans through a single act of terrorism between Inauguration Day 2009 & the present. They did on G.W.'s watch. Ergo, advantage Obama.

I wouldn't make that assertion because it's faulty reasoning. The world is much more complicated than that. But, under this foolishness I could if I wanted to.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-19-2010, 10:50 PM
Yeah - Yeah..... Let's all just stay caught up in all the Dems vs. Repubs.... Clinton vs. Bush vs. Obama.... My Idiot was better than Your Idiot BULLSHIT.... and let's see how much gets solved!!

Geeeeeeez....... we are doomed!

Yeah - Yeah..... Let's all just stay caught up in all the Dems vs. Repubs.... Clinton vs. Bush vs. Obama.... My Idiot was better than Your Idiot BULLSHIT.... and let's see how much gets solved!!

Geeeeeeez....... we are doomed!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz

The past is over and done with. Could we please talk about health care.
Discreetgent and Sisyphus:

You two are entitled to your opinions and given your views I can understand why you don’t like mine BUT the BS is yours to deal with. You two appear to be taking yourselves way too seriously just like a certain Socialistic, Leninist Marxist community organizer that is masquerading as The POTUS is doing and who is obviously your main man. Sorry I killed your sacred cow.

By the way, I voted for Allen Keyes who, in my opinion, was far more qualified and stately than anyone who ran in the last TWO Presidential elections but that is me…
Sisyphus's Avatar
You two appear to be taking yourselves way too seriously just like a certain Socialistic, Leninist Marxist community organizer that is masquerading as POTUS is doing and who is obviously your main man. Sorry I killed your sacred cow.[/SIZE][/FONT] Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Huh???? I have no main man. I'm the guy who just said it's ALL crap. That's as close as I get to having a sacred cow.

It's a whole new ECCIE world but... if you care about such things... ask around. I take nothing seriously. Least of all myself....

By the way, I voted for Allen Keyes who, in my opinion, was far more qualified and stately than anyone who ran in the last TWO elections for President but that is me… Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Aaaahhhh.... as I'm from MD, that explains a lot. ALAN Keyes is one of those wonderful people who initially strike you as brilliant. Then, they keep talking & you finally realize that the guy is a nut. Gotta love a guy who pays himself a salary from his own campaign fund whilst running for office! Those be some brass balls!!

Never try to teach a pig to sing, Sis. It's a waste of your time AND it annoys the pig...
Now Sydney you and I have always agreed to not talk about politics. I swear I burned sage before leaving you the last time I was in Houston.

I'll be the first to admit that I need to learn more of the issues at hand. I do know that I would rather see more of a market driven health care system than so much government involved. Why is so much secrecy with the plan that they want to get passed. Yes I want to see affordable health care. God knows I need it to be affordable. Yes I do want some type of reform but I don't think I like what they are forcing on us. Originally Posted by Ansley
Ditto Ansley,, I feel the same. I have been without healthcare since last Spring when my SO lost his job. We now have our own business, but I am uninsurable as a private business owner because of previous medical conditions. Reform would be nice, in the sense that healthcare is affordable, but I don't think that is what is in the current for this healthcare bill.
I like Mr Brown and his energy on taking this crap/healthcare head on.. Another NO in the Senate!
Too funny Sisyphus, just too darn funny.
discreetgent's Avatar

The past is over and done with. Could we please talk about health care. Originally Posted by Ansley
Sorry lovely lady but I would look at who started this thread, they never stay on topic
discreetgent's Avatar
Discreetgent and Sisyphus:

You two appear to be taking yourselves way too seriously just like a certain Socialistic, Leninist Marxist community organizer that is masquerading as The POTUS is doing and who is obviously your main man. Sorry I killed your sacred cow.[/SIZE][/FONT] Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Well, you certainly think highly of yourself if nothing else