tea party a movement or nuts

"Not trying to start shit here, but how come when someone with a conservative view point states something we are asked/force to provide supportive documentation"

I view it as a teaching assignment . Somebody's gotta do it.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
yes crew as always kidding but you brought your link skills somewhere forgot where but you did just keeping you on top of things my smart one.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Not trying to start shit here, but how come when someone with a conservative view point states something we are asked/force to provide supportive documentation, yet there have been many liberal viewpoints stated and when supportive documentation is asked for it causes a load of shit. Originally Posted by dirty dog

DD, can you provide some links to the posts you are referring for verification? Just kidding.

I can only speak for myself, but I do not get upset when someone ask for verification of what I have written. I try my absolute best to leave rhetoric out of my political views. I try to type with truth and not opinion. I try to state when I am expressing an opinion. I think I have provided plenty of links if someone questions the validity of what I write. I have debated with a lot of opposing views that have supplied backup links when asked, and those that do not.
dirty dog's Avatar
Papa, my post was not really directed towards regular posters. Besides, I did not really consider you a liberal LOL.
Bartman1963's Avatar
I think Newt Gingrich had it right the other day when he said the tea parties would "be a militant wing of the Republican party".
I tend to agree with this writer, who believes that the tea partier's are already the militant wing of the republican party.

Links provided for your amusement, Dirty...

as to the first link, "uh huh he heh heh he said 'bloviate."
dirty dog's Avatar
Thank you sir, LOL
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I think the TEA party is a far right wing of the Republican party which is a no bainer but I think the underlining issue is racist and I am not trying to play the race card here are my reasons:
TEA party at first were really controlled about govt spending in taxes: but anyone including the most diehard conservative will tell you that spending was enormous under Bush- it was tremendous of Reagan as well- Taxes increased under Bush- so why all the sudden Obama is getting the heat for it?
**Obama has yet to raise a single penny in taxes on anyone making over 250k which would mean unless 99% of the people who show up at TEA party rallies are super rich then why are they complaining?
** Obama mentioned in his late State of the Union address that he wil start a spending freeze- isn't this something that the TEA party would support?
** The Reform Bill for Wall Street is very Bipartisian it should be a Bill that the Tea party likes.
I don't know if it's the media or if it's the fact that the TEA party doesn't have a leader that can get their point across, but holding rallies small or massive where all you are doing is posting nasty signs and other signs that are anti-govt with no solutions does not fix the problem.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
also was watching Bill maher the other day and he mentioned something that he challenged the TEA party on and I verified Maher's point and he was accurate: Bill maher mentioned that if the TEA party was serious about the govt reducing spending then we should look where the govt spends the most money- the department that gets the most money to spend is Defense- you guys can google it if you like: The United States spends more on military and defense then the next 15 countries combined. Ok some will say that this is the reason why are a Superpower, yes I agree to the point, but remember Reagan started the massive military spending because at the time we needed it and also because the Soviets were doing the same and they were the only ones that could match us militarily- the soviets spending on defense eventually would fail as the USSR collasped. Our enemy today is Al-Quada- who has no air force/no submarines or battleships, they have no ballistic missles- so why are we not cutting back on defense??? Any presidnet especially a Democrat would get ridiculed by the far right if he ever cut military spending? Do we really need more billion stealth fighters or weapons that can fore lasers from space? I am not saying we should just disbanden the defense department but let's face it Iran and Iraq went to war for 8 years both sides lost over 100,000 troops and neither side was able to defeat the over- we took Iraq out in less than 1 month- that should show you how advanced our military might is.
So would any Tea party supporter be in favor in cutting back military spending?
"the department that gets the most money to spend is Defense-" Don't tell me you got fooled by the old dicretionary vs non-discretionary trick. You should be able to understand it - just Google it.

...and no, the TEA party is not about racism. Whether or not Obama has raised taxes yet, anybody can see the punchline. The Tea Party started with an on-air rant by Rick Santelli, who was pissed about ARRA...which was spending money we had no funding for. Since then, the debt limit has gone up from $8 trillion to $14 trillion (in a little over a year!!!). Obama has set up his blue ribbon commission to figure out how to pay for it all.

What do you think the commission will come up with?...timed shortly after the mid-term elections. Santelli knows. You should know. My dog should know....Taxes . And maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a European style VAT, that Obama put a trial balloon up on just last week.

So lets review: Not racist. Worried about ridiculous spending. Know the punchline will be 'we need more taxes'.

ps....its very hard for people to take you seriously, if you just keep calling people racists.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
"the department that gets the most money to spend is Defense-" Don't tell me you got fooled by the old dicretionary vs non-discretionary trick. You should be able to understand it - just Google it.

...and no, the TEA party is not about racism. Whether or not Obama has raised taxes yet, anybody can see the punchline. The Tea Party started with an on-air rant by Rick Santelli, who was pissed about ARRA...which was spending money we had no funding for. Since then, the debt limit has gone up from $8 trillion to $14 trillion (in a little over a year!!!). Obama has set up his blue ribbon commission to figure out how to pay for it all.

What do you think the commission will come up with?...timed shortly after the mid-term elections. Santelli knows. You should know. My dog should know....Taxes . And maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a European style VAT, that Obama put a trial balloon up on just last week.

So lets review: Not racist. Worried about ridiculous spending. Know the punchline will be 'we need more taxes'.

ps....its very hard for people to take you seriously, if you just keep calling people racists. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
I think a better phrase is that no one is going to take the TEA party serious when 99% of them are white and the fact that taxes, spending and everything else they have a gripe with has been going on the last 9 years going into the Bush term. Also, plenty of TEA party activist are supporters of the Birthers and there were many signs at TEA party ralies stating Obama was an illegal immigrant- Arizona wants to send a Bill that would require proof that you were born in this country to run for office. Call it what you want by like i said a million times, funny how all these rallies happened soon after Obama gets in office as if Bush was some type of conservative president- Bush actually spent like a liberal- so where were the huge rallies under the Bush administration? McCain was actually born in Panama did the Birthers challenge him?
Do you think it's a coincidence that Arizona signed an Immigration Bill into law that is nothing more than Racial profile? Keep in mind Arizona in the next 10 year is projected to have a hispanic majority- hmmmmm.
If you don't think that I am being realistic or playing the race card to state that their are a lot of "White" Americans who believe that this cuntry is headed in a different way being the fact that an African American is President and I think in 20 years the white race is going to be a minority- trust me they are alarmed by this and are trying to prevent it from happening call it what you want but i know the truth.
dirty dog's Avatar
They may be the minority in number but the true measure of a majority or minority culture is the power that they have based on the control of money, business and politics.
Bartman1963's Avatar
I for one do not believe that the Tea Parties have thought out their arguments very well.

They argue that taxes have already have increased. For the great majority of Americans, they have not. Will they increase? Probably. They always do. Dem or Rep doesn't really matter.

They argue that America is headed toward Socialism. Well good grief, that started a while back didn't it? Why bitch about it now? Has there been a dramatic acceleration of the process? Not really. What we have seen is a President step in and do what a great many economists agreed he should, namely ARRA. Then there was the healthcare debate. Contentious and nasty. What we got was hardly socialism nearly as much as Medicare was.

Even the Socialists don't think Obama is one of theirs. They refuse to even call him a Liberal.

I think the problem with the tea parties is the absolute hate that their fears have brought out. The carrying of guns to Presidential speaking events. The Obama (a black man) as Hitler signs. The spitting on black representatives.

Done by a minority? Of course, but their actions reflect poorly on their politics.

Tea partiers are afraid. Who has been responsible for whipping up the fear? The Conservative Media. It's undeniable. And lastly, people such as Sarah Palin. She's out there every day, bloviating (lol, love that word) and preaching to her believers.

I hope for Americans to get along. But I do believe that this is going to end violently. I hope every day that the secret service can do it's job, but anyone who's read much history knows that fear leads to anger, anger to hate and hate to violence. Like Timothy McVeigh.

We should all try to tone it down a bit and realize we have to remain in this together.
dirty dog's Avatar
Bart I can see your point, but I am not so sure that the thing that got them going was the election of Obama, rather it was the wakeup call of the country almost reliving 1929 or worse. You ask why should they complain now before taxes go up, well shouldn't you let your elected leaders know you disagree before they vote on a bill, once they have voted its really too late. I mean should be be angry about a VAT tax when then mention it or after I start paying for it. Everything that he has proposed to do have an increased tax element, Climate change bill, health care, VAT, sin taxes such as on cigerrets and they wan to put on Potato Chips and Soda pop. When should they begin there right to oppose these increases. I do agree with you that they are disorganized by they are a grassroots organization that was started by people without a lot of experience in the arena, were mistakes made sure, do they have an element that needs to be exiled, absolutely. You know I speak to a lot of people, many many many of them conservative and they are not listening to Palin, the only people giving her any real power is the media and you liberals LOL. If you guys would stop she would go away. BY the way other than the fact I would love to bend her over a table, I dont have much for what she has to say and in fact usually change the channel.

I will tell what I am hearing people talk about, and that the accusation that if you disagree with the politics you are a racist. That is breeding anger and resentment far more than the fact he was elected. Many of those on this board know my wife is black and let me just say racisim is a two way street, if i had to the time to list the shit I have had to listen to for the 20 years, because I have dated interracially by choice for that long. Not from white people but from black people. I also find it offensive and a underhanded accusation when it is assumed that because I disagree with a decision made by this government that its because I dont like the Presidents color. I will tell you, I am not alone. For every person I have heard call him a nigger, I have been called Casper, Cracker, whitey or told how they going to show her what's she missing etc etc. etc. The race card is getting very old. I know I am bloviating and by the way I have used this word a lot on this and back in the ASAP days. So back to the topic.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Bart I can see your point, but I am not so sure that the thing that got them going was the election of Obama, rather it was the wakeup call of the country almost reliving 1929 or worse. You ask why should they complain now before taxes go up, well shouldn't you let your elected leaders know you disagree before they vote on a bill, once they have voted its really too late. I mean should be be angry about a VAT tax when then mention it or after I start paying for it. Everything that he has proposed to do have an increased tax element, Climate change bill, health care, VAT, sin taxes such as on cigerrets and they wan to put on Potato Chips and Soda pop. When should they begin there right to oppose these increases. I do agree with you that they are disorganized by they are a grassroots organization that was started by people without a lot of experience in the arena, were mistakes made sure, do they have an element that needs to be exiled, absolutely. You know I speak to a lot of people, many many many of them conservative and they are not listening to Palin, the only people giving her any real power is the media and you liberals LOL. If you guys would stop she would go away. BY the way other than the fact I would love to bend her over a table, I dont have much for what she has to say and in fact usually change the channel.

I will tell what I am hearing people talk about, and that the accusation that if you disagree with the politics you are a racist. That is breeding anger and resentment far more than the fact he was elected. Many of those on this board know my wife is black and let me just say racisim is a two way street, if i had to the time to list the shit I have had to listen to for the 20 years, because I have dated interracially by choice for that long. Not from white people but from black people. I also find it offensive and a underhanded accusation when it is assumed that because I disagree with a decision made by this government that its because I dont like the Presidents color. I will tell you, I am not alone. For every person I have heard call him a nigger, I have been called Casper, Cracker, whitey or told how they going to show her what's she missing etc etc. etc. The race card is getting very old. I know I am bloviating and by the way I have used this word a lot on this and back in the ASAP days. So back to the topic. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Your reasoning has been mentioned in every race debate that I have heard and let's at first start with the true definition of racism because it's often confused with Prejudice- RACISM is the following:
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
Ok by that definition you have not been through racism- you have dealt with prejudice black people, but surely I don't think you have dealt with a Black man who didn't hire you because you were white- or I doubt very seriously you have not been denied a promotion because you were white nor have I doubted that you have shopped in a nice retail store and have someone in that store follow you around as if you were going to steal something. I wonder if you were obeying the law and had the police pull you over. Have one of your wife's relatives drive a nice car in a predominately white area if see if the relative runs a high risk of getting pulled over. Racism has a lot to do with one's race thinking that their race is the superior race and should rule over other races.
If you think in 2010 there aren't a lot of white people in this country who have a problem accepting the idea that a Black man is in office than you really need to open your eyes. Blacks are not in power or in control to actually be racist because we don't control the wealth or the power in this country.
All jokes aside DD- whether you want to believe it or not you truly know that as sad it is even in 2010- you being a white man still have an advantage over the avg Black man-yes it's wrong but it is what it is- are you telling me that there are not a significant number of white people(most are older) that truly believe that a Black man should not be in power? Now honestly how many Black people believe a White Man shouldn't be President??? I am not saying that you as a White man don't have to work hard, but it's obvious that the playing field is not even- yes it's better than it was many years ago, but we still have a veruy long way to go. I rest my case!
john_galt's Avatar
Entitlements far and away are the biggest draw on our resources and now the interest on the debt is larger than the military budget. So what happens if we cut spending on our military? If you said people die then you win a cupie doll. Not just any people; our sons and daughters, mother and fathers, brothers and sisters. Do you want to explain to people that you saved a million dollars but it cost the lives of their family members?
Back to the original point of the thread; the first TEA party was held when Bush was president back in 2007. I ask myself if I should post the source but I know that those of you who are liberal will say that since it didn't call itself a TEA party then it was not the first. They were protesting spending and Harriet Miers. We were against the spending, the proposed amnesty, and cronies (Miers) in high places. If the main stream media didn't cover it the you have to wonder why they didn't think it was important.
The first protest that called itself a TEA party was in Washington before Obama took office but after the bailout. I guess that means the TEA party is not racially motivated after all. Plus, if some of you have attended a local TEA party you have seen some of the leaders are from a minority group. We even had a group of young Afro Americans manning a both and another group planning a protest of Fred Phelps's church.