Trickle Down - How's That Working For You

daty/o's Avatar
CJ7, you're wasting your time. Your opponents are either at the top of the food chain or born followers. The problem with "trickle-down" is that it never does, never has and never will.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, CBJ7 is an intellectual giant.

The born followers are the Obamazombies. What a bunch of idiots.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-15-2012, 11:21 AM
Yes, CBJ7 is an intellectual giant.

The born followers are the Obamazombies. What a bunch of idiots. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


when you have nothing else throw out a pussy boy insult

In this case, Ducbrains, parsing words STILL doesn't make the theory of Trickle Down Economics a viable macro OR micro economic theory because we have Reagan's failed S&L Bubble and now Bush's Housing bubble to prove the rich who get the tax breaks and deregulation will simply gamble the money away and make the taxpayers cover their gambling losses to avert economic collapse.

Whenever anyone uses the term "trickle down" economics it means they don't know what supply side econ is. Simple as that. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
In concept, "Supply Side" economics and "Trickle Down" economics are IDENTICAL.

Ducbrains can argue macro and micro all he wants but the example given by CJ7 is a perfect one showing why Supply Side Economics do not work to ease the backward slide of the middle class. It is also a grand example of how the greedy find alternative ways to create "wealth" that benefit few others.

Of course, you who want to remain stupid will not take the time to follow the links.
lower taxes to lower production costs to lower prices to increase sales to benefit customers and deregulate

the best question is hows that been working out for the last 11 years Originally Posted by CJ7
Ha Ha, deregulate, that worked for Enron too didn't it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-15-2012, 11:33 AM
Ha Ha, deregulate, that worked for Enron too didn't it. Originally Posted by acp5762
wheres shotgun dick and kenny boy when you really need them?
Enron was such a big Bush contributor that they remained the number one all-time donor to Bush for almost three full years after their bankruptcy. Only three years after their demise did one of the credit card companies catch and pass their number one spot on the "all-time" Bush donor list.

Surely no one is missing CJ7's sarcasm are they?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Enron??? Oh the company that bilked the public under Clinton and was prosecuted under Bush. That Enron. They donated money to Clinton too.
wheres shotgun dick and kenny boy when you really need them? Originally Posted by CJ7
Well one of them passed a bullet through his head, Deregulation almost will always lead to fraud.
I have to agree with BigLouse for once.

Obama's trickle down policies aren't working.
[QUOTE=joe bloe;3194473]The term "trickle down" was made popular by Will Rogers. Will Rogers was a big defender of FDR and the New Deal. Rogers used the term to ridicule conservatives who were against FDR's unconstitutional expansion of the government and Keynesian economic policies.

Roosevelt was born in Kenya also? Fkn amazing my history teacher lied to me...
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Joe_blow, statements like that show you don't know the difference between micro and macro economics and don't get the first thing about the U.S. being a sovereign with a fiat monetary system much less being the reserve currency of the world. Bottom-line is that WE CAN'T GO BROKE unless we just don't have the political will to pay our obligations at least not for the forseeable future.

We are in this mess because of the terrible economic downturn and the best way to get out of it is grow the economy which could happen better if the Republicans didn't block just about everything they thought might succeed (because Nixon Reagan, & Bush 41 did similar) for their own hoped for political advantage. If you go into austerity during recession or recovery, you throw the economy back into recession (look up aggregate spending).

Republicans were for:
- deficit spending
- national healthcare
- stimulus spending
- infrastructure spending in a recession for jobs
Before they were against it! This Republican party has abandoned all it's convictions and connection to economic reality for short term political advantage. If Obama wins there will be a civil war in the party and that and demographics will most likely destroy it as we know it. Good riddance, though I'll regret the existence of a loyal opposition (though they are not too loyal now).

It sounds like you would like a country run on libertarian principles, but name one modern industrial country, much less even any successful country by any measure run on those principles. You can't, they are all run on those socialist/democratic principles and ideas you say cause a mess. Maybe Sudan is a libertarian example...want to move there? Be like Sudan?
joe bloe's Avatar
The term "trickle down" was made popular by Will Rogers. Will Rogers was a big defender of FDR and the New Deal. Rogers used the term to ridicule conservatives who were against FDR's unconstitutional expansion of the government and Keynesian economic policies.

Roosevelt was born in Kenya also? Fkn amazing my history teacher lied to me... Originally Posted by joe bloe
Since you are incredibly stupid, I can't be 100% sure you're kidding.

Of course, I was talking about the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes, FDR's favorite economist.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I have to agree with BigLouse for once.

Obama's trickle down policies aren't working. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Obama didn't implement trickle down or supply-side except in compromises with the House Republicans to get bills passed. The Stimulus was 36% tax cuts to get Republican support and they still didn't get but three votes in the Senate. Catch a clue please.

Supply side, trickle down and the rich being "the job creators" are all republican right wing mantras since Reagan.
I B Hankering's Avatar

and now Slick Willie's Housing bubble to prove the rich who get the tax breaks and deregulation will simply gamble the money away and make the taxpayers cover their gambling losses to avert economic collapse.

Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Fixed that for you! Your Kool-Aid dementia is seriously advanced, Little Blind Boy, you keep forgetting the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 which initiated the housing bubble was signed by Slick Willie: