9/11 Commission Admits It Never Got The Facts … But No One Wants to Hear From the People Who Know What Happened

MoonBat, I dedicated an entire thread to having a civilized discussion with you. Look where THAT got me! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, for one thread. In fact, you then even apologized for your obnoxious behavior in the earlier thread on the same topic.

But then, for no good reason, you apparently decided to revert to form and rescind your apology, since you began coming at me full-bore with insults again.

If you're going to continually say I sound "stupid," no matter what I post, and no matter how ignorant you are of the subject under discussion, why do you expect me to treat you with anything but utter contempt? You've earned it!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
COG and ExNyer, you guys are really a shining example of the craziness of this forum. You probably could be friends with each other, because you likely agree on many things. Hell, I agree with most of what you both say, but hate the way you disagree with me when you do, calling me names, etc. Obviously, I do the same thing. My bad, I apologize to you both.
Ironically, we probably dislike/hate each other for a lack of doctrinal purity on all issues, just like the idiot Muslims who kill each other because of minor differences in their interpretation of the stupid ass Qur'an.

FWIW - I think Oswald shot Kennedy, acting alone.
I think that the debris from the collapse of the Twin Towers (downed by air pirates from Saudi Arabia) created a massive sideways blast to the lower floor structure of the infamous WTC 7, which severely weakened it, setting it up for an eventual, explainable failure.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, for one thread. In fact, you then even apologized for your obnoxious behavior in the earlier thread on the same topic.

But then, for no good reason, you apparently decided to revert to form and rescind your apology, since you began coming at me full-bore with insults again.

If you're going to continually say I sound "stupid," no matter what I post, and no matter how ignorant you are of the subject under discussion, why do you expect me to treat you with anything but utter contempt? You've earned it! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Sorry, MoonBat, but when you sound stupid, I'm going to say so. If you don't want the alert that your sounding stupid, I won't bring it up. Won't change the fact, though.

LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, the commission members think the pages should be declassified. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There are a lot of "pages" in all "military" and/or "intelligence gathering" investigations that should, and do, remain classified for a sufficient period of time to protect individuals and processes from exposure.

Keeping them "locked down" should not be the basis of a "presumption" of wrong doing.
Sorry, MoonBat, but when you sound stupid, I'm going to say so. If you don't want the alert that your [sic] sounding stupid, I won't bring it up. Won't change the fact, though.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
(From the guy who incessantly accuses me of "sounding stupid," no matter what I say, or how ignorant he is of the topic under discussion.)


If you're going to constantly hurl insults of other people's intelligence, it's a good idea to make it appear as though you've mastered basic elementary school levels of stuff like usage, grammar, and spelling.

If you were to reduce your time spent on crackpot conspiracy websites, you might be able to fit a remedial English class into your schedule.

And a college-level economics class to boot!

Go back to school, you fucking dunce.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
MoonBat, I'm starting to think you don't like me.
SEE3772's Avatar
Conspiracy theorist!!!!
Tin foil hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trust known liars!!!!!!
Sorry I can't think for myself or comprehend the laws of physics
I've been trained since birth to respond to anyone who does not trust or
believe in the state!!!!....
Ron Paul, congressman Walter Jones and others like Anthony shaffer
who ran Able Danger have all said the 28 pages discuss who funded al cia da.
People like you need to....
Except the reality that psychopathic losers run shit!
Feels good once you understand!
Feels good!
I'm a winner!
I heart collectivism!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Conspiracy theorist!!!!
Tin foil hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trust known liars!!!!!!
Sorry I can't think for myself or comprehend the laws of physics
I've been trained since birth to respond to anyone who does not trust or
believe in the state!!!!....
Ron Paul, congressman Walter Jones and others like Anthony shaffer
who ran Able Danger have all said the 28 pages discuss who funded al cia da.
People like you need to....
Except the reality that psychopathic losers run shit!
Feels good once you understand!
Feels good!
I'm a winner!
I heart collectivism! Originally Posted by SEE3772
Preach it, Brother! I have SEEEEEEEN the Light! All Hail Our Glorious State!

Thank you, Brother See! Isn't life so much easier once you trust the government for everything?

SEE3772's Avatar
Preach it, Brother! I have SEEEEEEEN the Light! All Hail Our Glorious State!

Thank you, Brother See! Isn't life so much easier once you trust the government for everything?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sorry ... 'Accept reality'! I'll be called stupid again even tho I have three financial
degrees... Dam so called smartphone. Turning off my predictive.
Love my phone... Only cause for 20 years I sat behind a computer.
To bad it's not made in America... They sure can sell them here.
Sometimes the sun is a factor when typing also...
Fishing and a few IPAs... Double IPAs!
I love southwest Florida...